[Foo2zjs-maintainer] Foreign Operations-AIB FINANCE (UK) PLC

AIB Finance UK PLC contact at endville.com
Wed Oct 6 20:14:09 UTC 2010

Foreign operations

Verification of Your Payment.

Attn: Beneficiary  

We are having problem with the release of your entitlement of Ј5.2Million as directed to this address. This is in reference to fund release application letter dated 16th September 2010, received from

C H P Atkinson Law Office
Suite E7.3, Joseph's Well, Hanover Walk, Leeds
Yorkshire United Kingdom - LS3 1AB
Tel: +44(0)7024097783
Fax: +44(0)7024091684

However, the law firm advised that this payment be processed and pay in your favor with the account information as provided below:

#1- Ally c/o Wachovia
     1525 West W.T. Harris Blvd.
     Charlotte, North Carolina  28262
#2- Routing #: 031201467
#3- Swift Code: PNBPUS33
#4- Account #: 2000049264876
#5- Name on Account:  William Henry Hlatky
#6- Account # for William Henry Hlatky: 3020003889

In accordance with our banking regulations to verify all entitlements before payment, we deemed it necessary to make this urgent contact with you. We require that you send to us a signed letter of consent authorizing us to process and release the payment on your behalf to C H P Atkinson Law Office in the account provided. As we have certified all filed documents for this claim genuine and now we await your consent letter to proceed with the release order.

We anticipate your response at your earliest convenience


Mrs. Helen Cole
Foreign Operations Manager
Sovereign House
361 King Street, Hammersmith
London, W6 9NA
Tel:+44 702-402-7621,
    +44 780-578-8890
Fax:+44 702-408-5623

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