[Foo2zjs-maintainer] foo2zjs moving to Debian Printing Team maintenance

Luca Capello luca at pca.it
Mon Feb 7 21:34:59 UTC 2011

Hi there!

As outlined at #594322 [1], Dider Raboud (cc:ed) from the Debian
Printing Team [2] proposed to move foo2zjs under its umbrellas, also
considering that Till Kamppeter (cc:ed), the actual Ubuntu maintainer,
is part of that team [3].

[1] <http://bugs.debian.org/594322>
[2] <http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Printing>
[3] <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=532097#28>

Now that squeeze is out I am preparing a new upload which will be, if
not completely, at least quite close to the version in Ubuntu (maveryck
has 20100728-0ubuntu1 while natty 20100728-0ubuntu2).  At the same time,
I will set the Maintainers: field to the Debian Printing Team, thus
officially moving maintenance there.  This also because the HL Color
LaserJet 1500L printer I had partially stopped working after the last
summer: there is no more color printing and even the B/W is sometime
weird (the drum is scratched).

My first reply to Didier's suggestion never reached the BTS (the error
email was hidden in my INBOX, I will re-send it and check with the BTS
admins), so given that there is no public statement from the actual
co-maintainers (Steffen and Michael cc:ed), I am asking now if there is
any reason to not move the package to the Debian Printing Team.

Please note that if no one will reply within two weeks, I will consider
that as an agreement and I will go on ;-)

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca
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