[Forensics-changes] [SCM] debian-forensics/ssdeep annotated tag, upstream/2.6, created. upstream/2.6

Christophe Monniez christophe.monniez at fccu.be
Mon Nov 8 10:51:49 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, upstream/2.6 has been created
        at  7955fc499e2bf30a438e977e99452571a9d2928a (tag)
   tagging  7b1561cf76d57693052704b3fe81bf1e24d1d2ed (commit)
  replaces  upstream/2.1
 tagged by  Christophe Monniez
        on  Mon Nov 8 11:49:46 2010 +0100

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging upstream version 2.6.

Christophe Monniez (3):
      Adding upstream version 2.4.
      Adding upstream version 2.5.
      Adding upstream version 2.6.

Michael Prokop (1):
      Adding upstream version 2.2.



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