[Forensics-changes] [SCM] debian-forensics/rkhunter annotated tag, debian/1.4.0-1, created. debian/1.4.0-1

Julien Valroff julien at kirya.net
Sat May 26 10:38:17 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/1.4.0-1 has been created
        at  d7d037f8668913b5d5f8ead1a60c882f7a46a787 (tag)
   tagging  7cae8010457b61cb10f5f61e22a198636623f604 (commit)
  replaces  debian/1.3.8-10
 tagged by  Julien Valroff
        on  Sat May 26 12:38:13 2012 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 1.4.0-1

Julien Valroff (12):
      Apply patch from upstream to add the '--list propfiles' option. This dumps out the file names used to build the file properties database
      Fix patch
      Add commented entries for etckeeper hidden files and directories (Closes: #655055)
      Removed /etc/.initramfs and /etc/.mdadm from the example hidden directories following to the /run transition
      Update DEP-5 URI to the final location
      Also use --appendlog option for the weekly cronjob - thanks to Hannes von Haugwitz <hannes at vonhaugwitz.com> (Closes: #661873)
      Update to latest policy 3.9.3
      Format changelog
      Imported Upstream version 1.4.0
      Merge tag 'upstream/1.4.0'
      Delete patches merged upstream
      Re-add patch to fix manpage



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