[Forensics-changes] [libbfio] branch upstream updated (0c75f31 -> 70e4c69)
Pierre Chifflier
pollux at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Aug 21 19:16:19 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
pollux pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository libbfio.
from 0c75f31 Imported Upstream version 20130507
new 70e4c69 Imported Upstream version 20140105
The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
AUTHORS | 2 +-
ChangeLog | 38 +-
Makefile.am | 3 +
Makefile.in | 28 +-
aclocal.m4 | 2 +
common/Makefile.am | 1 +
common/Makefile.in | 26 +-
common/byte_stream.h | 2 +-
common/common.h | 25 +-
common/config.h | 30 +-
common/config.h.in | 24 +
common/config_borlandc.h | 26 +-
common/config_msc.h | 26 +-
common/{config_msc.h => config_winapi.h} | 48 +-
common/file_stream.h | 2 +-
common/memory.h | 2 +-
common/types.h | 2 +-
common/types.h.in | 2 +-
configure | 3526 +++++++++++++++++---
configure.ac | 10 +-
dpkg/changelog | 4 +-
dpkg/copyright | 6 +-
dpkg/copyright.in | 4 +-
dpkg/rules | 2 +
include/Makefile.in | 25 +-
include/libbfio.h | 8 +-
include/libbfio.h.in | 8 +-
include/libbfio/codepage.h | 2 +-
include/libbfio/definitions.h | 6 +-
include/libbfio/definitions.h.in | 2 +-
include/libbfio/error.h | 14 +-
include/libbfio/extern.h | 2 +-
include/libbfio/features.h | 8 +-
include/libbfio/features.h.in | 8 +-
include/libbfio/types.h | 2 +-
include/libbfio/types.h.in | 2 +-
libbfio.pc.in | 2 +-
libbfio.spec | 8 +-
libbfio.spec.in | 4 +-
libbfio/Makefile.am | 9 +-
libbfio/Makefile.in | 34 +-
libbfio/libbfio.c | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio.rc | 6 +-
libbfio/libbfio.rc.in | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_codepage.h | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_definitions.h | 6 +-
libbfio/libbfio_definitions.h.in | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_error.c | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_error.h | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_extern.h | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_file.c | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_file.h | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_file_pool.c | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_file_pool.h | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_file_range.c | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_file_range.h | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_handle.c | 806 ++++-
libbfio/libbfio_handle.h | 8 +-
libbfio/libbfio_libcdata.h | 6 +-
libbfio/libbfio_libcerror.h | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_libcfile.h | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_libclocale.h | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_libcpath.h | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_libcstring.h | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_libcthreads.h | 60 +
libbfio/libbfio_libuna.h | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_memory_range.c | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_memory_range.h | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_pool.c | 1110 +++---
libbfio/libbfio_pool.h | 17 +-
libbfio/libbfio_support.c | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_support.h | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_types.h | 2 +-
libbfio/libbfio_unused.h | 2 +-
libcdata/Makefile.am | 5 +-
libcdata/Makefile.in | 44 +-
libcdata/libcdata_array.c | 927 +++--
libcdata/libcdata_array.h | 25 +-
libcdata/libcdata_btree.c | 8 +-
libcdata/libcdata_btree.h | 2 +-
libcdata/libcdata_definitions.h | 6 +-
libcdata/libcdata_error.c | 2 +-
libcdata/libcdata_error.h | 2 +-
libcdata/libcdata_extern.h | 2 +-
libcdata/libcdata_libcerror.h | 2 +-
libcdata/libcdata_libcstring.h | 2 +-
libcdata/libcdata_libcthreads.h | 60 +
libcdata/libcdata_list.c | 903 ++++-
libcdata/libcdata_list.h | 26 +-
libcdata/libcdata_list_element.c | 284 +-
libcdata/libcdata_list_element.h | 9 +-
libcdata/libcdata_range_list.c | 2 +-
libcdata/libcdata_range_list.h | 2 +-
libcdata/libcdata_range_list_value.c | 2 +-
libcdata/libcdata_range_list_value.h | 2 +-
libcdata/libcdata_support.c | 2 +-
libcdata/libcdata_support.h | 2 +-
libcdata/libcdata_tree_node.c | 4 +-
libcdata/libcdata_tree_node.h | 2 +-
libcdata/libcdata_types.h | 6 +-
libcdata/libcdata_unused.h | 2 +-
libcerror/Makefile.in | 25 +-
libcerror/libcerror_definitions.h | 6 +-
libcerror/libcerror_error.c | 18 +-
libcerror/libcerror_error.h | 2 +-
libcerror/libcerror_extern.h | 2 +-
libcerror/libcerror_libcstring.h | 2 +-
libcerror/libcerror_support.c | 2 +-
libcerror/libcerror_support.h | 2 +-
libcerror/libcerror_system.c | 7 +-
libcerror/libcerror_system.h | 2 +-
libcerror/libcerror_types.h | 2 +-
libcerror/libcerror_unused.h | 2 +-
libcfile/Makefile.in | 25 +-
libcfile/libcfile_definitions.h | 6 +-
libcfile/libcfile_error.c | 2 +-
libcfile/libcfile_error.h | 2 +-
libcfile/libcfile_extern.h | 2 +-
libcfile/libcfile_file.c | 599 +---
libcfile/libcfile_file.h | 14 +-
libcfile/libcfile_libcerror.h | 2 +-
libcfile/libcfile_libclocale.h | 2 +-
libcfile/libcfile_libcnotify.h | 2 +-
libcfile/libcfile_libcstring.h | 2 +-
libcfile/libcfile_libuna.h | 2 +-
libcfile/libcfile_notify.c | 2 +-
libcfile/libcfile_notify.h | 2 +-
libcfile/libcfile_stream.c | 14 +-
libcfile/libcfile_stream.h | 9 +-
libcfile/libcfile_support.c | 18 +-
libcfile/libcfile_support.h | 2 +-
libcfile/libcfile_types.h | 2 +-
libcfile/libcfile_unused.h | 2 +-
libclocale/Makefile.in | 25 +-
libclocale/libclocale_codepage.c | 4 +-
libclocale/libclocale_codepage.h | 62 +-
libclocale/libclocale_definitions.h | 66 +-
libclocale/libclocale_extern.h | 2 +-
libclocale/libclocale_libcerror.h | 2 +-
libclocale/libclocale_libcstring.h | 2 +-
libclocale/libclocale_locale.c | 4 +-
libclocale/libclocale_locale.h | 2 +-
libclocale/libclocale_support.c | 2 +-
libclocale/libclocale_support.h | 2 +-
libclocale/libclocale_unused.h | 2 +-
libcnotify/Makefile.in | 25 +-
libcnotify/libcnotify_definitions.h | 6 +-
libcnotify/libcnotify_extern.h | 2 +-
libcnotify/libcnotify_libcerror.h | 2 +-
libcnotify/libcnotify_libcstring.h | 2 +-
libcnotify/libcnotify_print.c | 2 +-
libcnotify/libcnotify_print.h | 2 +-
libcnotify/libcnotify_stream.c | 2 +-
libcnotify/libcnotify_stream.h | 2 +-
libcnotify/libcnotify_unused.h | 2 +-
libcnotify/libcnotify_verbose.c | 2 +-
libcnotify/libcnotify_verbose.h | 2 +-
libcpath/Makefile.in | 25 +-
libcpath/libcpath_definitions.h | 6 +-
libcpath/libcpath_error.c | 2 +-
libcpath/libcpath_error.h | 2 +-
libcpath/libcpath_extern.h | 2 +-
libcpath/libcpath_libcerror.h | 2 +-
libcpath/libcpath_libclocale.h | 2 +-
libcpath/libcpath_libcsplit.h | 2 +-
libcpath/libcpath_libcstring.h | 2 +-
libcpath/libcpath_libuna.h | 2 +-
libcpath/libcpath_path.c | 190 +-
libcpath/libcpath_path.h | 2 +-
libcpath/libcpath_support.c | 2 +-
libcpath/libcpath_support.h | 2 +-
libcpath/libcpath_unused.h | 2 +-
libcsplit/Makefile.in | 25 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_definitions.h | 8 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_error.c | 2 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_error.h | 2 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_extern.h | 2 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_libcerror.h | 2 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_libcstring.h | 2 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_narrow_split_string.c | 2 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_narrow_split_string.h | 2 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_narrow_string.c | 5 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_narrow_string.h | 2 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_support.c | 2 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_support.h | 2 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_types.h | 2 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_unused.h | 2 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_wide_split_string.c | 2 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_wide_split_string.h | 2 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_wide_string.c | 5 +-
libcsplit/libcsplit_wide_string.h | 2 +-
libcstring/Makefile.in | 25 +-
libcstring/libcstring_definitions.h | 6 +-
libcstring/libcstring_extern.h | 2 +-
libcstring/libcstring_narrow_string.h | 4 +-
libcstring/libcstring_support.c | 2 +-
libcstring/libcstring_support.h | 2 +-
libcstring/libcstring_system_string.h | 2 +-
libcstring/libcstring_types.h | 2 +-
libcstring/libcstring_unused.h | 2 +-
libcstring/libcstring_wide_string.c | 2 +-
libcstring/libcstring_wide_string.h | 4 +-
libcthreads/Makefile.am | 39 +
{libcsplit => libcthreads}/Makefile.in | 153 +-
libcthreads/libcthreads_condition.c | 705 ++++
libcthreads/libcthreads_condition.h | 120 +
.../libcthreads_definitions.h | 31 +-
.../libcthreads_error.c | 30 +-
.../libcthreads_error.h | 46 +-
.../libcthreads_extern.h | 20 +-
.../libcthreads_libcerror.h | 6 +-
.../libcthreads_libcstring.h | 6 +-
libcthreads/libcthreads_lock.c | 314 ++
libcthreads/libcthreads_lock.h | 88 +
libcthreads/libcthreads_mutex.c | 500 +++
libcthreads/libcthreads_mutex.h | 98 +
libcthreads/libcthreads_queue.c | 856 +++++
libcthreads/libcthreads_queue.h | 122 +
libcthreads/libcthreads_read_write_lock.c | 605 ++++
libcthreads/libcthreads_read_write_lock.h | 124 +
libcthreads/libcthreads_repeating_thread.c | 607 ++++
libcthreads/libcthreads_repeating_thread.h | 115 +
.../libcthreads_support.c | 18 +-
.../libcthreads_support.h | 19 +-
libcthreads/libcthreads_thread.c | 373 +++
libcthreads/libcthreads_thread.h | 95 +
libcthreads/libcthreads_thread_attributes.c | 146 +
libcthreads/libcthreads_thread_attributes.h | 78 +
libcthreads/libcthreads_thread_pool.c | 1231 +++++++
libcthreads/libcthreads_thread_pool.h | 161 +
libcthreads/libcthreads_types.h | 63 +
.../libcthreads_unused.h | 16 +-
libuna/Makefile.in | 25 +-
libuna/libuna_base16_stream.c | 3 +-
libuna/libuna_base16_stream.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_base32_stream.c | 26 +-
libuna/libuna_base32_stream.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_base64_stream.c | 13 +-
libuna/libuna_base64_stream.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_byte_stream.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_byte_stream.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_10.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_10.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_13.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_13.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_14.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_14.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_15.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_15.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_16.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_16.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_2.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_2.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_3.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_3.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_4.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_4.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_5.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_5.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_6.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_6.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_7.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_7.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_8.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_8.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_9.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_iso_8859_9.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_koi8_r.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_koi8_r.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_koi8_u.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_koi8_u.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1250.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1250.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1251.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1251.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1252.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1252.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1253.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1253.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1254.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1254.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1255.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1255.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1256.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1256.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1257.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1257.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1258.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_1258.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_874.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_874.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_932.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_932.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_936.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_936.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_949.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_949.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_950.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_codepage_windows_950.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_definitions.h | 6 +-
libuna/libuna_error.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_error.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_extern.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_inline.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_libcerror.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_support.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_support.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_types.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_unicode_character.c | 18 +-
libuna/libuna_unicode_character.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_unused.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_url_stream.c | 18 +-
libuna/libuna_url_stream.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_utf16_stream.c | 6 +-
libuna/libuna_utf16_stream.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_utf16_string.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_utf16_string.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_utf32_stream.c | 6 +-
libuna/libuna_utf32_stream.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_utf32_string.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_utf32_string.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_utf7_stream.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_utf7_stream.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_utf8_stream.c | 4 +-
libuna/libuna_utf8_stream.h | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_utf8_string.c | 2 +-
libuna/libuna_utf8_string.h | 2 +-
m4/libcstring.m4 | 14 +-
m4/libcthreads.m4 | 352 ++
m4/pthread.m4 | 183 +
macosx/Introduction.rtf | 2 +-
macosx/Makefile.in | 25 +-
manuals/Makefile.in | 25 +-
manuals/libbfio.3 | 4 +-
msvscpp/Makefile.am | 7 +
msvscpp/Makefile.in | 32 +-
.../bfio_test_handle_read.vcproj} | 107 +-
.../bfio_test_handle_seek.vcproj} | 107 +-
.../bfio_test_handle_write.vcproj} | 105 +-
.../bfio_test_pool_read.vcproj} | 107 +-
.../bfio_test_pool_seek.vcproj} | 107 +-
.../bfio_test_pool_write.vcproj} | 107 +-
msvscpp/libbfio.sln | 79 +
msvscpp/libbfio_dll/libbfio_dll.vcproj | 8 +-
.../libcthreads.vcproj} | 58 +-
tests/Makefile.am | 93 +-
tests/Makefile.in | 192 +-
.../{bfio_test_read.c => bfio_test_handle_read.c} | 36 +-
.../{bfio_test_seek.c => bfio_test_handle_seek.c} | 38 +-
...{bfio_test_write.c => bfio_test_handle_write.c} | 96 +-
tests/bfio_test_libbfio.h | 2 +-
tests/bfio_test_libcerror.h | 2 +-
.../bfio_test_libcpath.h | 6 +-
tests/bfio_test_libcstring.h | 2 +-
tests/{bfio_test_read.c => bfio_test_pool_read.c} | 168 +-
tests/{bfio_test_seek.c => bfio_test_pool_seek.c} | 158 +-
.../{bfio_test_write.c => bfio_test_pool_write.c} | 168 +-
tests/{test_read.sh => test_handle_read.sh} | 46 +-
tests/{test_seek.sh => test_handle_seek.sh} | 46 +-
tests/{test_write.sh => test_handle_write.sh} | 43 +-
tests/{test_read.sh => test_pool_read.sh} | 46 +-
tests/{test_seek.sh => test_pool_seek.sh} | 46 +-
tests/{test_write.sh => test_pool_write.sh} | 43 +-
tests/test_runner.sh | 122 +
364 files changed, 15940 insertions(+), 3691 deletions(-)
copy common/{config_msc.h => config_winapi.h} (51%)
create mode 100644 libbfio/libbfio_libcthreads.h
create mode 100644 libcdata/libcdata_libcthreads.h
create mode 100644 libcthreads/Makefile.am
copy {libcsplit => libcthreads}/Makefile.in (78%)
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_condition.c
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_condition.h
copy libcsplit/libcsplit_definitions.h => libcthreads/libcthreads_definitions.h (55%)
copy libbfio/libbfio_error.c => libcthreads/libcthreads_error.c (78%)
copy libbfio/libbfio_error.h => libcthreads/libcthreads_error.h (56%)
copy libcpath/libcpath_extern.h => libcthreads/libcthreads_extern.h (65%)
copy libbfio/libbfio_libcerror.h => libcthreads/libcthreads_libcerror.h (89%)
copy libbfio/libbfio_libcstring.h => libcthreads/libcthreads_libcstring.h (90%)
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_lock.c
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_lock.h
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_mutex.c
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_mutex.h
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_queue.c
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_queue.h
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_read_write_lock.c
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_read_write_lock.h
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_repeating_thread.c
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_repeating_thread.h
copy libcpath/libcpath_support.c => libcthreads/libcthreads_support.c (69%)
copy libcerror/libcerror_support.h => libcthreads/libcthreads_support.h (72%)
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_thread.c
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_thread.h
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_thread_attributes.c
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_thread_attributes.h
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_thread_pool.c
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_thread_pool.h
create mode 100644 libcthreads/libcthreads_types.h
copy libbfio/libbfio_unused.h => libcthreads/libcthreads_unused.h (69%)
create mode 100644 m4/libcthreads.m4
create mode 100644 m4/pthread.m4
copy msvscpp/{libcnotify/libcnotify.vcproj => bfio_test_handle_read/bfio_test_handle_read.vcproj} (59%)
copy msvscpp/{libcnotify/libcnotify.vcproj => bfio_test_handle_seek/bfio_test_handle_seek.vcproj} (59%)
copy msvscpp/{libclocale/libclocale.vcproj => bfio_test_handle_write/bfio_test_handle_write.vcproj} (57%)
copy msvscpp/{libcnotify/libcnotify.vcproj => bfio_test_pool_read/bfio_test_pool_read.vcproj} (59%)
copy msvscpp/{libcnotify/libcnotify.vcproj => bfio_test_pool_seek/bfio_test_pool_seek.vcproj} (59%)
copy msvscpp/{libcnotify/libcnotify.vcproj => bfio_test_pool_write/bfio_test_pool_write.vcproj} (57%)
copy msvscpp/{libcpath/libcpath.vcproj => libcthreads/libcthreads.vcproj} (68%)
copy tests/{bfio_test_read.c => bfio_test_handle_read.c} (93%)
copy tests/{bfio_test_seek.c => bfio_test_handle_seek.c} (92%)
copy tests/{bfio_test_write.c => bfio_test_handle_write.c} (77%)
copy libbfio/libbfio_libcpath.h => tests/bfio_test_libcpath.h (89%)
rename tests/{bfio_test_read.c => bfio_test_pool_read.c} (79%)
rename tests/{bfio_test_seek.c => bfio_test_pool_seek.c} (77%)
rename tests/{bfio_test_write.c => bfio_test_pool_write.c} (66%)
copy tests/{test_read.sh => test_handle_read.sh} (58%)
copy tests/{test_seek.sh => test_handle_seek.sh} (58%)
copy tests/{test_write.sh => test_handle_write.sh} (55%)
rename tests/{test_read.sh => test_pool_read.sh} (58%)
rename tests/{test_seek.sh => test_pool_seek.sh} (58%)
rename tests/{test_write.sh => test_pool_write.sh} (56%)
create mode 100755 tests/test_runner.sh
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/forensics/libbfio.git
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