[Forensics-changes] [guymager] branch debian updated (fed5ff0 -> 0493280)
Michael Prokop
mika at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Feb 3 12:30:26 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
mika pushed a change to branch debian
in repository guymager.
from fed5ff0 Releasing debian version 0.7.1-1
adds f1f1261 Add libbfio-dev to Build-Depends
new 71aec74 Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5
new 9bdb0fc Importing new upstream version 0.7.3
new 0afcc60 Get rid of ThreadScanLibPartedSearchDirs workaround in debian/rules
new 6935fb3 Drop debian/patches/ftbfs-gcc-4.7.diff - applied upstream
new 61d0993 Drop debian/patches/fix_sysconf_build_failure.diff - applied upstream
new 0493280 Release new version 0.7.3-1
The 6 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
aaff.cpp | 2 +-
aaff.h | 2 +-
aewf.cpp | 10 +-
aewf.h | 2 +-
changelog | 21 ++-
common.h | 2 +-
compileinfo.h | 2 +-
config.cpp | 33 +++-
config.h | 10 +-
debian/changelog | 14 ++
debian/control | 4 +-
debian/patches/fix_sysconf_build_failure.diff | 15 --
debian/patches/ftbfs-gcc-4.7.diff | 44 -----
debian/patches/series | 2 -
debian/rules | 2 -
device.cpp | 51 +++++-
device.h | 17 +-
devicelistmodel.h | 2 +-
dlgabort.cpp | 2 +-
dlgabort.h | 2 +-
dlgacquire.cpp | 18 +-
dlgacquire.h | 2 +-
dlgacquire_private.h | 2 +-
dlgautoexit.cpp | 2 +-
dlgautoexit.h | 2 +-
dlgdirsel.cpp | 2 +-
dlgdirsel.h | 2 +-
dlgdirsel_private.h | 2 +-
dlgmessage.cpp | 2 +-
dlgmessage.h | 2 +-
dlgwait.cpp | 2 +-
dlgwait.h | 2 +-
error.cpp | 2 +-
error.h | 24 +--
fifo.cpp | 2 +-
fifo.h | 6 +-
file.cpp | 13 +-
file.h | 2 +-
guymager.cfg | 38 ++++-
guymager.pro | 2 +-
guymager_cn.ts | 165 ++++++++++---------
guymager_de.ts | 161 ++++++++++--------
guymager_en.ts | 163 ++++++++++---------
guymager_fr.ts | 155 ++++++++++--------
guymager_it.ts | 155 ++++++++++--------
guymager_nl.ts | 115 +++++++------
hash.cpp | 2 +-
hash.h | 2 +-
info.cpp | 2 +-
info.h | 2 +-
infofield.cpp | 2 +-
infofield.h | 2 +-
itemdelegate.cpp | 2 +-
itemdelegate.h | 2 +-
main.cpp | 7 +-
main.h | 2 +-
mainwindow.cpp | 10 +-
mainwindow.h | 5 +-
md5.cpp | 2 +-
md5.h | 2 +-
media.cpp | 2 +-
media.h | 2 +-
modules.h | 2 +-
qtutil.cpp | 2 +-
qtutil.h | 2 +-
runstats.cpp | 2 +-
runstats.h | 2 +-
sha1.cpp | 2 +-
sha1.h | 2 +-
sha256.cpp | 2 +-
sha256.h | 2 +-
table.cpp | 10 +-
table.h | 2 +-
thread.cpp | 2 +-
thread.h | 2 +-
threadcompress.cpp | 24 ++-
threadcompress.h | 2 +-
threadhash.cpp | 2 +-
threadhash.h | 2 +-
threadread.cpp | 2 +-
threadread.h | 2 +-
threadscan.cpp | 68 ++++++--
threadscan.h | 2 +-
threadwrite.cpp | 226 +++++++++++++++++++-------
threadwrite.h | 2 +-
util.cpp | 2 +-
util.h | 2 +-
87 files changed, 1027 insertions(+), 673 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/fix_sysconf_build_failure.diff
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/ftbfs-gcc-4.7.diff
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/forensics/guymager.git
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