Processed: fixing wnpp bugs
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Sat May 24 09:36:42 UTC 2008
Processing commands for control at
> #ITP without owner
> owner 169248 Sergey B Kirpichev <skirpichev at>
Bug#169248: ITP: php-crack -- cracklib support for PHP
Owner recorded as Sergey B Kirpichev <skirpichev at>.
> #O with owner
> noowner 290350
Bug#290350: O: wmakerconf -- GTK+ based configuration tool for Window Maker
Removed annotation that Bug was owned by Herbert P Fortes Neto <h_p_f_n at>.
> #O marked as pending
> tags 407360 -pending
Bug#407360: O: libapache-mod-auth-mysql -- Apache module for MySQL authentication
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending
> #wrong severity
> severity 411685 wishlist
Bug#411685: ITP: pike7.8 -- Powerful interpreted programming language, development version
Severity set to `wishlist' from `normal'
> #RFP marked as pending, package in NEW
> retitle 425226 ITP: pastebinit -- command-line pastebin client
Bug#425226: RFP: pastebinit -- command-line pastebin client
Changed Bug title to `ITP: pastebinit -- command-line pastebin client' from `RFP: pastebinit -- command-line pastebin client'.
> owner 425226 Rolf Leggewie <foss at>
Bug#425226: ITP: pastebinit -- command-line pastebin client
Owner recorded as Rolf Leggewie <foss at>.
> #ITP without owner
> owner 451936 Gurkan Sengun <gurkan at>
Bug#451936: ITP: ttf-ubuntu-title -- The font used to create the Ubuntu logo
Owner recorded as Gurkan Sengun <gurkan at>.
> #RFP with owner
> noowner 453955
Bug#453955: RFP: virt-top -- show stats of virtualized domains
Removed annotation that Bug was owned by guido guenther <agx at>.
> #ITA without owner
> owner 465165 César Muñoz Albitres <cemual at>
Bug#465165: ITA: mma -- Musical Midi
Owner recorded as César Muñoz Albitres <cemual at>.
> #RFP with owner
> noowner 465691
Bug#465691: RFP: cinepaint -- tool for motion picture frame-by-frame painting, retouching and dust-busting
Removed annotation that Bug was owned by "a. kelly" <etorix at>.
> #RFP with owner
> noowner 467428
Bug#467428: RFP: libewf -- read and write EWF file format
Removed annotation that Bug was owned by Debian Forensics <forensics-devel at>.
> #wrong severity
> severity 472061 wishlist
Bug#472061: RFP: pear-doc -- PEAR documentation
Severity set to `wishlist' from `minor'
> #wrong severity
> severity 477723 normal
Bug#477723: RFH: resolvconf -- name server information handler
Severity set to `normal' from `wishlist'
> #s/ / /
> retitle 477758 ITA: selinux-basics -- SELinux basic support
Bug#477758: ITA: selinux-basics -- SELinux basic support
Changed Bug title to `ITA: selinux-basics -- SELinux basic support' from `ITA: selinux-basics -- SELinux basic support'.
> #wrong severity
> severity 478432 wishlist
Bug#478432: RFP: sdictionary -- dictionary that uses its own dictionary format
Severity set to `wishlist' from `normal'
> #wrong severity
> severity 479014 wishlist
Bug#479014: ITP: guymager -- A forensic imaging tool with a GUI.
Severity set to `wishlist' from `normal'
> #wrong severity
> severity 479016 wishlist
Bug#479016: ITP: libguytools -- A library used by the guymager forensic utility
Severity set to `wishlist' from `normal'
> #s/ / /
> retitle 479275 ITA: selinux-basics -- SELinux basic support
Bug#479275: ITA: selinux-basics -- SELinux basic support
Changed Bug title to `ITA: selinux-basics -- SELinux basic support' from `ITA: selinux-basics -- SELinux basic support'.
> #ITP without owner
> owner 479367 LI Daobing <lidaobing at>
Bug#479367: ITP: fqterm -- a cross-platform terminal emulator
Owner recorded as LI Daobing <lidaobing at>.
> #too long synopsis: 101 > 80
> retitle 479488 ITP: semediawiki -- extends MediaWiki with "semantic" functions for machine-reading of wiki-content
Bug#479488: ITP: semediawiki -- project for extending MediaWiki with "semantic" functions that enable machine-reading of wiki-content
Changed Bug title to `ITP: semediawiki -- extends MediaWiki with "semantic" functions for machine-reading of wiki-content' from `ITP: semediawiki -- project for extending MediaWiki with "semantic" functions that enable machine-reading of wiki-content'.
> #too long synopsis: 109 > 80
> retitle 479489 ITP: metavidwiki -- MediaWiki extension for community engagement with audio/visual media assets
Bug#479489: ITP: metavidwiki -- MediaWiki extension that enables community engagement with audio/visual media assets and associative temporal
Changed Bug title to `ITP: metavidwiki -- MediaWiki extension for community engagement with audio/visual media assets' from `ITP: metavidwiki -- MediaWiki extension that enables community engagement with audio/visual media assets and associative temporal'.
> #badly encoded owner
> owner 479706 Jörg Sommer <joerg at>
Bug#479706: ITP: etcgit -- manage /etc with git
Owner changed from "J�rg Sommer" <joerg at> to Jörg Sommer <joerg at>.
> #ITP without owner
> owner 479708 Mathieu Parent <math.parent at>
Bug#479708: ITP: xinha -- powerful WYSIWYG HTML editor
Owner recorded as Mathieu Parent <math.parent at>.
> #ITP without owner
> owner 479788 Dmitry E. Oboukhov <dimka at>
Bug#479788: ITP: adblock-plus -- Extension for the Iceweasel and Iceape web browsers
Owner recorded as Dmitry E. Oboukhov <dimka at>.
> #lowercase package name, switch to ascii
> retitle 479830 ITP: opensaf -- high availability base platform middleware based on Service "Availability" Forum Specifications
Bug#479830: ITP: OpenSAF -- high availability base platform middleware based on Service Availability⢠Forum Specifications
Changed Bug title to `ITP: opensaf -- high availability base platform middleware based on Service "Availability" Forum Specifications' from `ITP: OpenSAF -- high availability base platform middleware based on Service Availability⢠Forum Specifications'.
> #ITP without owner, mixed owner and submitter
> submitter 480092 Timothy G Abbott <tabbott at>
Bug#480092: ITP: linbox -- Library for exact linear algebra
Changed Bug submitter from Vincent Danjean <Vincent.Danjean at> to Timothy G Abbott <tabbott at>.
> owner 480092 Vincent Danjean <vincent.danjean at>
Bug#480092: ITP: linbox -- Library for exact linear algebra
Owner recorded as Vincent Danjean <vincent.danjean at>.
> #RFP and ITP for the same package
> retitle 480096 ITP: ntl -- C library for number theory
Bug#480096: RFP: ntl -- C library for number theory
Changed Bug title to `ITP: ntl -- C library for number theory' from `RFP: ntl -- C library for number theory'.
> forcemerge 480096 439887
Bug#480096: ITP: ntl -- C library for number theory
Bug#439887: ITP: ntl -- Numbery Theory Library
Forcibly Merged 439887 480096.
> owner 480096 Gurkan Sengun <gurkan at>
Bug#480096: ITP: ntl -- C library for number theory
Bug#439887: ITP: ntl -- Numbery Theory Library
Owner recorded as Gurkan Sengun <gurkan at>.
> #ITP without owner
> owner 480756 zulu9 <zulu9 at>
Bug#480756: ITP: gtkwhiteboard -- GTK+ Wiimote Whiteboard
Owner recorded as zulu9 <zulu9 at>.
> #wrong severity
> severity 481254 wishlist
Bug#481254: ITP: liblinux-distribution-packages-perl -- CPAN perl module to list all packages on various Linux distributions
Severity set to `wishlist' from `normal'
> #wrong severity
> severity 481258 wishlist
Bug#481258: ITP: liblinux-distribution-perl -- Perl extension to guess on which Linux distribution we are running
Severity set to `wishlist' from `normal'
> #wrong severity
> severity 481388 wishlist
Bug#481388: RFP: ninit -- small init with SVC and cron
Severity set to `wishlist' from `normal'
> #ITP without owner
> owner 481431 C.J. Adams-Collier <cjac at>
Bug#481431: ITP: ironruby -- ruby on the dlr
Owner recorded as C.J. Adams-Collier <cjac at>.
> #lowercase package name
> retitle 481869 RFP: geronimo -- Java EE application server runtime
Bug#481869: RFP: Geronimo -- Java EE application server runtime
Changed Bug title to `RFP: geronimo -- Java EE application server runtime' from `RFP: Geronimo -- Java EE application server runtime'.
> #lowercase package name
> retitle 481980 RFP: jubler -- Jubler Subtitle Editor
Bug#481980: RFP: Jubler -- Jubler Subtitle Editor
Changed Bug title to `RFP: jubler -- Jubler Subtitle Editor' from `RFP: Jubler -- Jubler Subtitle Editor'.
> #ITP without owner
> owner 481982 Nicolas Spalinger <nicolas_spalinger at>
Bug#481982: ITP: ttf-sil-andika-basic -- extended sans serif smart Unicode Latin/Greek font family
Owner recorded as Nicolas Spalinger <nicolas_spalinger at>.
> #ITP without owner
> owner 482073 Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at>
Bug#482073: ITP: libwill-paginate-ruby -- Ruby plugin adding pagination to ActiveRecord
Owner recorded as Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at>.
> #ITP without owner
> owner 482096 Eder L. Marques <eder at>
Bug#482096: ITP: funcoeszz -- A collection of 65 bash scripts with many applications.
Owner recorded as Eder L. Marques <eder at>.
> #duplicate ITPs
> forcemerge 482277 482390
Bug#482277: ITP: unbound -- validating, recursive, caching DNS resolver
Bug#482390: ITP: unbound -- Validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver.
Forcibly Merged 482277 482390.
> #ITA without owner
> owner 482480 Bart Martens <bartm at>
Bug#482480: ITA: aalib -- ascii art library
Owner recorded as Bart Martens <bartm at>.
> #too long synopsis: 116 > 80
> retitle 482622 ITP: octave-msh -- Package for creating and managing triangular and tetrahedral meshes
Bug#482622: ITP: octave-msh -- Package for creating and managing triangular and tetrahedral meshes for Finite Element or Finite Volume PDE solvers.
Changed Bug title to `ITP: octave-msh -- Package for creating and managing triangular and tetrahedral meshes' from `ITP: octave-msh -- Package for creating and managing triangular and tetrahedral meshes for Finite Element or Finite Volume PDE solvers.'.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
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