Very Urgent!

Sayidi Omar omarsayidi1 at
Fri Jan 23 13:49:26 UTC 2009

I have a new email address!You can now email me at: omarsayidi1 at

- Greetings from BURKINA FASO: Let me start by introducing myself,I am Mr.Sayidi Omar,BILL AND EXCHANGE MANAGER (Bank of Africa) Burkina faso.I am writting you this letter based on the latest development at our bank which I will like to bring to your personal edification.($12,250million transfer claims).This is a legitimate transaction and I agreed to offer you 30% of this money as my foreign partner after confirmation of the fund in your bank account, If you are interested,get back to me,you can reach me through this e-mail id (mrsayidio at Mr.Sayidi Omar.

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