RFS: ed2k-hash

Tiago Bortoletto Vaz tiago at debian-ba.org
Thu Sep 10 03:20:07 UTC 2009


I've just finished the ed2k-hash package, which closes #543382.

There are at least two other ways to generate ed2k links from a Debian
system[0]. However, I think it worths having a litle and single binary which
does well the job. Also, I consider it's related to forensics activities. I've
been using it for a couple of months for this purpose in my job.

So, please let me know if any of you from Debian Forensics packaging team are
interested in sponsoring ed2k-hash. We can push it to the team's repository if

dget http://edvac.debianbrasil.org/~tiagovaz/ed2k-hash_0.3.3-1.dsc

[0] amule-utils and jacksum

Best regards,

Tiago Bortoletto Vaz
0xA504FECA - http://pgp.mit.edu
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