unhide packaging

Julien Valroff julien at debian.org
Tue May 31 16:54:45 UTC 2011

Hi there,

I am wondering if it is ok for me to update unhide to the latest upstream
version and add me as an uploader for the package.

The new version was released in January, and the package hasn't been updated
for more than 1 year.

I'd also like to add a call to a trigger allowing rkhunter to update its
database when unhide is installed as a "dependency" of rkhunter (or at the
same time).
This would allow me to fix #607224 in rkhunter, and begin working on finding
a solution for the 2.5 years old #512087…

I can push my changes straight away, and wait for Christophe to have a look
at the changes (he knows the package better than I do).

Thanks in advance

  .''`.   Julien Valroff ~ <julien at kirya.net> ~ <julien at debian.org>    
 : :'  :  Debian Developer & Free software contributor
 `. `'`   http://www.kirya.net/
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