Bug#750138: ITP: scap-workbench -- Scanning and tailoring tool for SCAP content

Frank Lin PIAT fpiat at klabs.be
Sun Jun 1 22:57:34 UTC 2014

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Frank Lin PIAT <fpiat at klabs.be>

* Package name    : scap-workbench
  Version         : 0.8.8
  Upstream Author : Martin Preisler <mpreisle at redhat.com>
                  : Maros Barabas <mbarabas at redhat.com>
* URL             : https://fedorahosted.org/scap-workbench/
* License         : GPL3
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : Scanning and tailoring tool for SCAP content
     SCAP is a line of standards managed by NIST with the goal of
     providing a standard language for the expression of Computer Network
     Defense related information.
     The intended scope of this project is to implement working interface
     wrappers for parsing and querying SCAP content including:
     * Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)
     * Common Configuration Enumeration (CCE)
     * Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)
     * Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
     * Extensible Configuration Checklist Description Format (XCCDF)
     * Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL)
     This package contains a GUI tool (scap-workbench) that provides
     tailoring and scanning functionality for SCAP content.
     The tool is based on OpenSCAP library, and provides a simple GUI
     for oscap command-line.

At the time of writing, SCAP isn't much supported by Debian. I intend
to work on better support in Debian.

The package is already in pretty good shape. My work should soon be
available on my personal Alioth/Git repo [1] (until it's moved to a
team repo).

I am looking for some people interested in sponsoring and co-maintaining
this packages and working on SCAP (I'll post on Debian Forensics later).



[1] http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=users/franklin-guest/scap-workbench.git

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