Bug#853935: [pkg-gnupg-maint] Bug#853935: rephrase: No more works with gpg2 and causes one pinentry popup per guess

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Thu Feb 2 16:59:33 UTC 2017

On Thu,  2 Feb 2017 11:37, abe at debian.org said:

> Trying to use it on Sid or Stretch causes one pinentry window popup per
> guessed try (i.e. potentially thousands). And since pinentry usually

I don't know rephase but according to the description it should not use
gpg to test the passphrase.  The way such a tool should work is to extra
the protected key and then use Libgcrypt directly to test all variants.

Shall the GnuPG team look on how we can improve and fix that tool?



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