[Fusioninventory-bugs] SNMP model of c3020

David DURIEUX d.durieux at siprossii.com
Sat Nov 5 11:08:47 UTC 2011


I will create the model this week ;)

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Les Lafôrets
69430 Beaujeu

Le Wed, 2 Nov 2011 11:29:04 +0100
Javier Tomás Chamarro <jtomas at gmv.com> a écrit:

>First of all , thank you. I don´t know if it is the correct e-mail to
>send this .
>I have the problem that the models for cisco that i have in my fusion
>dont work correct , and i have been looking for a list with all
>snmp-models but i cant found anything.
>Can you help me with this model?, i have many switches with this
>version of  firmware.
>Thank you.
>Javier Tomás Chamarro
>División de Seguridad e Infraestructuras /
>Security and Infrastructures Division
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>Gracias por su colaboracion.

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