[Fusioninventory-i18n] Fusioninventory

Loïc Richelet loic.richelet at polyconseil.fr
Fri Apr 25 15:29:54 UTC 2014


We deployed fusioninventory on all our servers and we used the collect.php
to avoid acces on GLPI server.
How could I configure ESX task to get automatically ESX inventory push on
the collect.php url, please ?

Nb :
          I could not use GLPI console to manage configuration task.
          I have an error 500 when I use injector in comand line, on
collect.php (https)
          GLPI server and Vcenter could not communicate together

Could you help me please ?

Cordialement / Regards
*Polyconseil* | 26, rue de Berri | 75008 Paris
mob : +33 (0)6 6996 0179
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