[Git-dpm-user] Repackaging roundup

Kai Storbeck kai at xs4all.nl
Mon Jun 17 21:23:49 UTC 2013

Hi Bernhard,

Thanks for your reply.

On 6/12/13 7:22 PM, Bernhard R. Link wrote:
> * Kai Storbeck <kai at xs4all.nl> [130612 18:34]:
>> Is the master branch in a pre-applied stage? Or in an applied stage?
> The master branch is supposed to be in a applied branch. The idea is
> that git checkout and a dpkg-source -x should produce comparable
> results and something one can just call dpkg-buildpackage in.
>> Am I hitting a bug, are the warnings harmless?
> Those warnings are harmless. I think they are a minor bug in dpkg
> triggered by your first patch only removing files. (dpkg tries to
> detect whether all patches are properly applied by trying to
> apply them and the first patch triggers an warning instead of an
> error so that is output).


> Note that removing those files via a patch is quite a unusual and
> wasteful way (they are fully included in the diff a second time).
> It might be better to remove them at the proper place.

I was pointed out by others that this is a weird route to take. I'd like
to clean that up for my next upload for roundup.

> What is a bug is that git-dpm fails to parse Author: <email>
> in those patches (without any name given). It might make sense
> to run git-dpm linearize and ammending those commits to get the
> right author and not the Author: artefact there. (fixed in git-dpm's
> git repository in case you want to reimport it instead).


I have reimported it with the git version.

As an exercise I ran git-dpm linearize to remove the first patch that
removes COPYING.txt from the root.

So far so good, "Re'base' -i seems to have been successfull". After
running git-dpm update-patches, the file COPYING.txt is still missing.
This file should reappear in the "applied-patches" state, iiuc?

(Minor detail: Successful is spelled with a single l, attached a patch)

Could you nudge me a bit more ? Perhaps I'm missing some essential
git{,-dpm} knowledge?


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From 84d7de6fa7a40ee2e0dcc260605237d5cecee35a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kai Storbeck <kai at xs4all.nl>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 23:19:05 +0200
Subject: fix a minor spelling mistake

 git-dpm.sh    |    4 ++--
 tests/test.sh |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/git-dpm.sh b/git-dpm.sh
index acea97e..0b7d718 100755
--- a/git-dpm.sh
+++ b/git-dpm.sh
@@ -1879,7 +1879,7 @@ EOF
 		echo "Nothing changed. (Did you change your mind?)"
-		echo "Re'base' -i seems to have been successfull. Don't forget to call update-patches!"
+		echo "Re'base' -i seems to have been successful. Don't forget to call update-patches!"
 		# TODO: perhaps call it here?
 		# (but don't forget to update PATCHEDREV first...)
@@ -1972,7 +1972,7 @@ function rebase_patches() {
 			echo "Don't forget to call update-patches, though."
-		echo "Rebase seems to have been successfull. Don't forget to call update-patches!"
+		echo "Rebase seems to have been successful. Don't forget to call update-patches!"
 		PATCHEDREV="$(gitcmd rev-parse --verify -q HEAD)" || return 1
 	return 0
diff --git a/tests/test.sh b/tests/test.sh
index 62f141f..33bcc6a 100755
--- a/tests/test.sh
+++ b/tests/test.sh
@@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ fi #specialbranchnames
 if $sometestsfound ; then
 	echo "################################# END ###############################"
-	echo "$testtodo tests successfull..."
+	echo "$testtodo tests successful..."
 	echo "Unknown test $testtodo"
 	exit 1

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