kov changed libgksu/trunk/ChangeLog, libgksu/trunk/configure.ac, libgksu/trunk/libgksu/gksu-run-helper.c, libgksu/trunk/libgksu/libgksu.c, libgksu/trunk/libgksu/libgksu.h

Gustavo Noronha kov at alioth.debian.org
Sun Feb 22 19:48:26 UTC 2009

Mensagem de log: 
patch by Joshua Kwan <jkwan at vmware.com> to make provide a way of retuning the same error code as the child


Modified: libgksu/trunk/ChangeLog
--- libgksu/trunk/ChangeLog	2009-02-03 12:30:27 UTC (rev 832)
+++ libgksu/trunk/ChangeLog	2009-02-22 19:48:26 UTC (rev 833)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2009-02-22  Gustavo Noronha Silva  <kov at debian.org>
+	* configure.ac, libgksu/libgksu.{c,h}, libgksu/gksu-run-helper.c:
+	- accepted patch by Joshua Kwan <jkwan at vmware.com> to
+	  return the same status code as the child
 2009-02-03  Gustavo Noronha Silva  <kov at debian.org>
 	* configure.ac:

Modified: libgksu/trunk/configure.ac
--- libgksu/trunk/configure.ac	2009-02-03 12:30:27 UTC (rev 832)
+++ libgksu/trunk/configure.ac	2009-02-22 19:48:26 UTC (rev 833)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
-AC_INIT(libgksu, 2.0.7, kov at debian.org)
+AC_INIT(libgksu, 2.0.8, kov at debian.org)

Modified: libgksu/trunk/libgksu/gksu-run-helper.c
--- libgksu/trunk/libgksu/gksu-run-helper.c	2009-02-03 12:30:27 UTC (rev 832)
+++ libgksu/trunk/libgksu/gksu-run-helper.c	2009-02-22 19:48:26 UTC (rev 833)
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <glib.h>
@@ -173,6 +174,11 @@
     clean_dir (xauth_dir);
     g_string_free(s, TRUE);
-    return return_code;
+    if (WIFEXITED(return_code))
+    {
+      return WEXITSTATUS(return_code);
+    } else if (WIFSIGNALED(return_code)) {
+      return -1;
+    }

Modified: libgksu/trunk/libgksu/libgksu.c
--- libgksu/trunk/libgksu/libgksu.c	2009-02-03 12:30:27 UTC (rev 832)
+++ libgksu/trunk/libgksu/libgksu.c	2009-02-22 19:48:26 UTC (rev 833)
@@ -1850,10 +1850,47 @@
+ * gksu_su_full:
+ * @context: a #GksuContext
+ * @ask_pass: a #GksuAskPassFunc to be called when the lib determines
+ * requesting a password is necessary; it may be NULL, in which case
+ * the standard password request dialog will be used
+ * @ask_pass_data: a #gpointer with user data to be passed to the
+ * #GksuAskPasswordFunc
+ * @pass_not_needed: a #GksuPassNotNeededFunc that will be called
+ * when the command is being run without the need for requesting
+ * a password; it will only be called if the display-no-pass-info
+ * gconf key is enabled; NULL will have the standard dialog be shown
+ * @pass_not_needed_data: a #gpointer with the user data to be passed to the
+ * #GksuPasswordNotNeededFunc
+ * @error: a #GError object to be filled with the error code or NULL
+ *
+ * This is a compatibility shim over gksu_su_fuller, which, for
+ * compatibility reasons, lacks the 'exit_status' argument. You should
+ * check the documentation for gksu_su_fuller for information about
+ * the arguments.
+ *
+ * Returns: TRUE if all went fine, FALSE if failed
+ */
+gksu_su_full (GksuContext *context,
+	      GksuAskPassFunc ask_pass,
+	      gpointer ask_pass_data,
+	      GksuPassNotNeededFunc pass_not_needed,
+	      gpointer pass_not_needed_data,
+	      GError **error)
+  return gksu_su_fuller(context,
+  			ask_pass, ask_pass_data,
+			pass_not_needed, pass_not_needed_data,
+			NULL, error);
- * gksu_su_full:
+ * gksu_su_fuller:
  * @context: a #GksuContext
  * @ask_pass: a #GksuAskPassFunc to be called when the lib determines
  * requesting a password is necessary; it may be NULL, in which case
@@ -1866,6 +1903,8 @@
  * gconf key is enabled; NULL will have the standard dialog be shown
  * @pass_not_needed_data: a #gpointer with the user data to be passed to the
  * #GksuPasswordNotNeededFunc
+ * @exit_status: an optional pointer to a #gint8 which will be filled with
+ * the exit status of the child process
  * @error: a #GError object to be filled with the error code or NULL
  * This could be considered one of the main functions in GKSu.
@@ -1880,12 +1919,13 @@
  * Returns: TRUE if all went fine, FALSE if failed
-gksu_su_full (GksuContext *context,
-	      GksuAskPassFunc ask_pass,
-	      gpointer ask_pass_data,
-	      GksuPassNotNeededFunc pass_not_needed,
-	      gpointer pass_not_needed_data,
-	      GError **error)
+gksu_su_fuller (GksuContext *context,
+	        GksuAskPassFunc ask_pass,
+	        gpointer ask_pass_data,
+	        GksuPassNotNeededFunc pass_not_needed,
+	        gpointer pass_not_needed_data,
+	        gint8 *exit_status,
+	        GError **error)
   GQuark gksu_quark;
   int i = 0;
@@ -2257,6 +2297,15 @@
       if (pid_exited != pid)
 	waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
+      if (exit_status)
+      {
+      	if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
+      	  *exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(status);
+	} else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
+	  *exit_status = -1;
+	}
+      }
       if (WEXITSTATUS(status))
@@ -2347,6 +2396,46 @@
  * #GksuPasswordNotNeededFunc
  * @error: a #GError object to be filled with the error code or NULL
+ * This is a compatibility shim over gksu_sudo_fuller, which, for
+ * compatibility reasons, lacks the 'exit_status' argument. You should
+ * check the documentation for gksu_sudo_fuller for information about
+ * the arguments.
+ *
+ * Returns: TRUE if all went fine, FALSE if failed
+ */
+gksu_sudo_full (GksuContext *context,
+		GksuAskPassFunc ask_pass,
+		gpointer ask_pass_data,
+		GksuPassNotNeededFunc pass_not_needed,
+		gpointer pass_not_needed_data,
+		GError **error)
+  return gksu_sudo_fuller(context,
+  			  ask_pass, ask_pass_data,
+			  pass_not_needed, pass_not_needed_data,
+			  NULL, error);
+ * gksu_sudo_fuller:
+ * @context: a #GksuContext
+ * @ask_pass: a #GksuAskPassFunc to be called when the lib determines
+ * requesting a password is necessary; it may be NULL, in which case
+ * the standard password request dialog will be used
+ * @ask_pass_data: a #gpointer with user data to be passed to the
+ * #GksuAskPasswordFunc
+ * @pass_not_needed: a #GksuPassNotNeededFunc that will be called
+ * when the command is being run without the need for requesting
+ * a password; it will only be called if the display-no-pass-info
+ * gconf key is enabled; NULL will have the standard dialog be shown
+ * @pass_not_needed_data: a #gpointer with the user data to be passed to the
+ * #GksuPasswordNotNeededFunc
+ * @error: a #GError object to be filled with the error code or NULL
+ * @exit_status: an optional pointer to a #gint8 which will be filled with
+ * the exit status of the child process
+ *
  * This could be considered one of the main functions in GKSu.
  * it is responsible for doing the 'user changing' magic calling
  * the #GksuAskPassFunc function to request a password if needed.
@@ -2359,12 +2448,13 @@
  * Returns: TRUE if all went fine, FALSE if failed
-gksu_sudo_full (GksuContext *context,
-		GksuAskPassFunc ask_pass,
-		gpointer ask_pass_data,
-		GksuPassNotNeededFunc pass_not_needed,
-		gpointer pass_not_needed_data,
-		GError **error)
+gksu_sudo_fuller (GksuContext *context,
+		  GksuAskPassFunc ask_pass,
+		  gpointer ask_pass_data,
+		  GksuPassNotNeededFunc pass_not_needed,
+		  gpointer pass_not_needed_data,
+		  gint8 *exit_status,
+		  GError **error)
   char **cmd;
   char buffer[256] = {0};
@@ -2759,6 +2849,15 @@
 	waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
       sudo_reset_xauth (context, xauth, xauth_env);
+      if (exit_status)
+      {
+      	if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
+      	  *exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(status);
+	} else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
+	  *exit_status = -1;
+	}
+      }
       if (WEXITSTATUS(status))
@@ -2835,13 +2934,12 @@
  * #GksuPasswordNotNeededFunc
  * @error: a #GError object to be filled with the error code or NULL
- * This function is a wrapper for gksu_sudo_full/gksu_su_full. It will
- * call one of them, depending on the GConf key that defines whether
- * the default behavior for gksu is su or sudo mode. This is the
- * recommended way of using the library functionality.
+ * This is a compatibility shim over gksu_run_fuller, which, for
+ * compatibility reasons, lacks the 'exit_status' argument.
  * Returns: TRUE if all went fine, FALSE if failed
 gksu_run_full (GksuContext *context,
 	       GksuAskPassFunc ask_pass,
@@ -2850,6 +2948,46 @@
 	       gpointer pass_not_needed_data,
 	       GError **error)
+  return gksu_run_fuller(context,
+  			 ask_pass, ask_pass_data,
+			 pass_not_needed, pass_not_needed_data,
+			 NULL, error);
+ * gksu_run_fuller:
+ * @context: a #GksuContext
+ * @ask_pass: a #GksuAskPassFunc to be called when the lib determines
+ * requesting a password is necessary; it may be NULL, in which case
+ * the standard password request dialog will be used
+ * @ask_pass_data: a #gpointer with user data to be passed to the
+ * #GksuAskPasswordFunc
+ * @pass_not_needed: a #GksuPassNotNeededFunc that will be called
+ * when the command is being run without the need for requesting
+ * a password; it will only be called if the display-no-pass-info
+ * gconf key is enabled; NULL will have the standard dialog be shown
+ * @pass_not_needed_data: a #gpointer with the user data to be passed to the
+ * #GksuPasswordNotNeededFunc
+ * @exit_status: an optional pointer to a #gint8 which will be filled with
+ * the exit status of the child process
+ * @error: a #GError object to be filled with the error code or NULL
+ *
+ * This function is a wrapper for gksu_sudo_full/gksu_su_full. It will
+ * call one of them, depending on the GConf key that defines whether
+ * the default behavior for gksu is su or sudo mode. This is the
+ * recommended way of using the library functionality.
+ *
+ * Returns: TRUE if all went fine, FALSE if failed
+ */
+gksu_run_fuller (GksuContext *context,
+	         GksuAskPassFunc ask_pass,
+	         gpointer ask_pass_data,
+	         GksuPassNotNeededFunc pass_not_needed,
+	         gpointer pass_not_needed_data,
+		 gint8 *exit_status,
+	         GError **error)
   GConfClient *gconf_client;
   gboolean sudo_mode;
@@ -2859,13 +2997,13 @@
   g_object_unref (gconf_client);
   if (sudo_mode)
-    return gksu_sudo_full (context, ask_pass, ask_pass_data,
-			   pass_not_needed, pass_not_needed_data,
-			   error);
+    return gksu_sudo_fuller (context, ask_pass, ask_pass_data,
+			     pass_not_needed, pass_not_needed_data,
+			     exit_status, error);
-  return gksu_su_full (context, ask_pass, ask_pass_data,
-		       pass_not_needed, pass_not_needed_data,
-		       error);
+  return gksu_su_fuller (context, ask_pass, ask_pass_data,
+		         pass_not_needed, pass_not_needed_data,
+		         exit_status, error);

Modified: libgksu/trunk/libgksu/libgksu.h
--- libgksu/trunk/libgksu/libgksu.h	2009-02-03 12:30:27 UTC (rev 832)
+++ libgksu/trunk/libgksu/libgksu.h	2009-02-22 19:48:26 UTC (rev 833)
@@ -182,6 +182,15 @@
 gksu_context_free (GksuContext *context);
+gksu_su_fuller (GksuContext *context,
+	        GksuAskPassFunc ask_pass,
+	        gpointer ask_pass_data,
+	        GksuPassNotNeededFunc pass_not_needed,
+	        gpointer pass_not_needed_data,
+	        gint8 *exit_status,
+	        GError **error);
 gksu_su_full (GksuContext *context,
 	      GksuAskPassFunc ask_pass,
 	      gpointer ask_pass_data,
@@ -194,6 +203,15 @@
 	 GError **error);
+gksu_sudo_fuller (GksuContext *context,
+		  GksuAskPassFunc ask_pass,
+		  gpointer ask_pass_data,
+		  GksuPassNotNeededFunc pass_not_needed,
+		  gpointer pass_not_needed_data,
+		  gint8 *exit_status,
+		  GError **error);
 gksu_sudo_full (GksuContext *context,
 		GksuAskPassFunc ask_pass,
 		gpointer ask_pass_data,
@@ -205,6 +223,14 @@
 gksu_sudo (gchar *command_line,
 	   GError **error);
+gksu_run_fuller (GksuContext *context,
+	         GksuAskPassFunc ask_pass,
+	         gpointer ask_pass_data,
+	         GksuPassNotNeededFunc pass_not_needed,
+	         gpointer pass_not_needed_data,
+	         gint8 *exit_status,
+	         GError **error);
 gksu_run_full (GksuContext *context,

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