[Glibc-bsd-commits] r1774 - trunk/web

Petr Salinger ps-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed Dec 6 13:54:30 CET 2006

Author: ps-guest
Date: 2006-12-06 13:54:29 +0100 (Wed, 06 Dec 2006)
New Revision: 1774

* update NOTES

Modified: trunk/web/NOTES
--- trunk/web/NOTES	2006-12-05 21:59:51 UTC (rev 1773)
+++ trunk/web/NOTES	2006-12-06 12:54:29 UTC (rev 1774)
@@ -279,56 +279,52 @@
 quantlib-swig                   0.3.12-2               0.3.14-1.dsc 
 rdiff-backup                    0.13.4-5               1.1.5-3.dsc 		b-d python-pylibacl, just rebuild
 remstats                        1.0.13a-6              1.0.13a-6.3.dsc 
-revelation                      0.4.5-2                0.4.7-4.dsc 
+revelation                      0.4.5-2                0.4.7-4.dsc		just rebuild
 rrootage                        0.23a-4                0.23a-5.dsc 
 rss-glx                         0.8.0-6                0.8.1-3.dsc 
 sailcut                         1.2.3-1                1.2.4-1.dsc 
-scheme48                        1.3-3                  1.3-6.dsc 
 schism                          0.2a-3                 2+20061016-1.dsc 
 schroot                         0.1.6-1                1.0.3-1.dsc 
 scmxx                           0.9.0-1                0.9.0-2.dsc 
 sdcc                            2.5.0-11               2.6.0-5.dsc 
 sdd                             1.52-4                 1.52-6.dsc 
 sfind                           1.0+1.1pre4-2          1.2-1.dsc 
-sidplay-libs                    2.1.1-4                2.1.1-5.dsc 
 simgear                         0.3.9-2                0.3.10-2.dsc 
 simh                            3.5.2-1                3.6.1-1.dsc 
 sipsak                          0.8.12-1               0.9.6-1.1.dsc 
-skencil                         0.6.17-4               0.6.17-7.dsc 
+skencil                         0.6.17-4               0.6.17-7.dsc 		just rebuild
 snownews                          1.5.7-2.dsc 
 soya                            0.11.2-2               0.12-2.dsc 
 spew                            1.0.5-1                1.0.5-2.dsc 
 stopmotion                      0.5.1-1                0.5.3-1.dsc 
 sup                             1.8-12                 20060803-2.dsc 
-swt-gtk                         3.2-2                  3.2.1-3.dsc 
+swt-gtk                         3.2-2                  3.2.1-3.dsc 		just rebuild
 sysprof                         1.0.1-1                1.0.7-1.dsc 
-tclthread                       20030827-1             20030827-2.dsc 
+tclthread                       20030827-1             20030827-2.dsc		wrong tcl.m4
 tclvfs                          1.3-1                  1.3-2.dsc 
 tcpslice                        1.2a2-4                1.2a3-2.dsc 
-tdfsb                           0.0.9-1                0.0.9-2.dsc 
+tdfsb                           0.0.9-1                0.0.9-2.dsc		just rebuild
 testdisk                        5.8-1                  6.5-1.dsc 
 texmaker                        1.4-1                  1.4-2.dsc 
 tigr-glimmer                    2.12-1                 2.13-1.dsc 
 torcs                           1.2.4-1                1.2.4-2.dsc 
 traceroute                      1.4a12-18              1.4a12-21.dsc 
 traffic-vis                     0.34-17                0.34-18.dsc 
-tulip                           2.0.6-3                2.0.6-4.dsc 
-twinkle                         0.8.1-1                1:0.9-5.dsc 
-visualboyadvance                1.7.2-5                1.7.2-6.dsc 
+tulip                           2.0.6-3                2.0.6-4.dsc 		just rebuild
+twinkle                         0.8.1-1                1:0.9-5.dsc		
+visualboyadvance                1.7.2-5                1.7.2-6.dsc		just rebuild
 wackamole                       2.0.0-2                2.1.1-3.dsc 
 wipl                            20020601-9             20020601-11.1.dsc 
 wml                             2.0.8-11               2.0.11-1.dsc 
 xbox-raincoat                   0.5+20040911-5         0.10-3.dsc 
 xfce4-mixer                     4.2.3-1       
 xfce4-wavelan-plugin            0.4.1-3                0.5.3-1.dsc 
-xfe                             0.88-2                 0.88-3.1.dsc 
-xmail                           1.21-3                 1.22-3.dsc 
+xfe                             0.88-2                 0.88-3.1.dsc		uses feature of fox1.4_1.4.34 (#401527), with that builds fine
 xpilot-ng                       4.7.2-1.1              1:4.7.2-4.dsc 
 xterm                           208-1                  222-3.dsc 
 yacpi                           1.0-1                    in fact Linux only (needs /proc/acpi/)
-yafc                            1.1-4                  1.1.1.dfsg.1-2.dsc 
+yafc                            1.1-4                  1.1.1.dfsg.1-2.dsc	termio problem

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