[Glibc-bsd-commits] r1818 - trunk/web

Petr Salinger ps-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed Dec 20 23:13:46 CET 2006

Author: ps-guest
Date: 2006-12-20 23:13:46 +0100 (Wed, 20 Dec 2006)
New Revision: 1818

* openal is fixed

Modified: trunk/web/NOTES
--- trunk/web/NOTES	2006-12-20 09:52:13 UTC (rev 1817)
+++ trunk/web/NOTES	2006-12-20 22:13:46 UTC (rev 1818)
@@ -235,14 +235,14 @@
 sdcc                            2.5.0-11                2.6.0-5.dsc
 sdd                             1.52-4                  1.52-6.dsc
 sfind                           1.0+1.1pre4-2           1.2-1.dsc
-simgear                         0.3.9-2                 0.3.10-2.dsc			wrongly linked openal (#403811)
+simgear                         0.3.9-2                 0.3.10-2.dsc			wrongly linked openal (#403811), fixed in openal 1:0.0.8-4
 simh                            3.5.2-1                 3.6.1-1.dsc			b-d libpcap-dev
 sipsak                          0.8.12-1                0.9.6-1.1.dsc
 stopmotion                      0.5.1-1                 0.5.3-1.dsc
 sysprof                         1.0.1-1                 1.0.7-1.dsc			Linux only
 tcpslice                        1.2a2-4                 1.2a3-2.dsc			b-d libpcap-dev, tcpslice.h should #include <pcap-bpf.h> instaed of <net/bpf.h>
 testdisk                        5.8-1                   6.5-1.dsc
-torcs                           1.2.4-1                 1.2.4-2.dsc			wrongly linked openal (#403811)
+torcs                           1.2.4-1                 1.2.4-2.dsc			wrongly linked openal (#403811), fixed in openal 1:0.0.8-4 
 traffic-vis                     0.34-17                 0.34-18.dsc			b-d libpcap-dev
 twinkle                         0.8.1-1                 1:0.9-5.dsc			b-d libcommoncpp2-dev
 unionfs                         1.0.13-1                1.4+debian-3.dsc

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