[Glibc-bsd-commits] r1909 - in trunk/web/scripts: . dlog

Cyril Brulebois kibi-guest at alioth.debian.org
Mon Mar 19 07:32:43 CET 2007

Author: kibi-guest
Date: 2007-03-19 06:32:43 +0000 (Mon, 19 Mar 2007)
New Revision: 1909

Initial import of dlog -- debian log tools

Added: trunk/web/scripts/dlog/README
--- trunk/web/scripts/dlog/README	2007-03-15 19:25:20 UTC (rev 1908)
+++ trunk/web/scripts/dlog/README	2007-03-19 06:32:43 UTC (rev 1909)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+dlog -- debian log tools
+This is a (being designed) series of tools to help people (especially porters)
+fetch the buildd logs and compare them to the dpkg-buildpackage logs in their
+working directory, to ease (w)diff'ing by replacing inappropriate information
+(e.g. top-level directory) by placeholders.
+At the moment, dlog-fetch is quite operational (although the code is dirty),
+and given some answers in a readline environment, logs are fetched under
+In a second phase (hopefully soon), dlog-analyze will be able to call
+dlog-fetch to fetch the appropriate logs given a dpkg-buildpackage log.
+This is highly experimental and immature, but of course, ideas and fixes are
+ -- Cyril Brulebois <cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr>, March 2007

Added: trunk/web/scripts/dlog/dlog-fetch.pl
--- trunk/web/scripts/dlog/dlog-fetch.pl	2007-03-15 19:25:20 UTC (rev 1908)
+++ trunk/web/scripts/dlog/dlog-fetch.pl	2007-03-19 06:32:43 UTC (rev 1909)
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# GPL 2+ by Cyril Brulebois <cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr>, 2007
+#   Yes, I know, this is written in Perl and this is *DIRTY*, but at the
+#   moment, it is only a PoC (candidate).
+# Dependencies on Debian packages: (non-exhaustive)
+#  - libterm-readline-perl-perl [or similar?]
+#  - libwww-perl
+#  - libhtml-tree-perl
+#  - libapt-pkg-perl
+#  - [to be continued]
+# (maybe) in future versions:
+#  - replace HTML entities
+#  - support several buildd servers query at the same time
+#  - support several versions query at the same time (e.g. using a
+#    coma-separated list)
+#  - support command-line parameters to ease calls from dlog-analyze
+use strict;
+use Term::ReadLine;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use WWW::Mechanize;
+use HTML::TreeBuilder;
+use AptPkg::Config  '$_config';
+use AptPkg::System  '$_system';
+use AptPkg::Version;
+# Initialization, cf. libapt-pkg-perl's apt-version example
+$_config->init;                # init. the global config object w/ default values
+$_system = $_config->system;   # determine the appropriate system type
+my $vs = $_system->versioning; # fetch a versioning system
+# Default configuration
+my $VERSION     = '0.1';
+my $USER_AGENT  = 'dlog-fetch/'.$VERSION;
+my $GLOBAL_CONF = '/etc/dlogrc';
+my $LOCAL_CONF  = "$ENV{HOME}/.dlogrc";
+# Default global configuration, should be in $GLOBAL_CONF
+my $LOCAL_LOGS = "$ENV{HOME}/.dlog";
+    'buildd.debian.org',
+    'experimental.ftbfs.de',
+    'buildd.debian.org'     => 'fetch.cgi',
+    'experimental.ftbfs.de' => 'fetch.php', # aba ping'd about that... Let's see.
+# Load configuration
+if (-r $GLOBAL_CONF) {
+    do $GLOBAL_CONF
+        or die "Your global configuration file ($GLOBAL_CONF) contains errors.";
+if (-r $LOCAL_CONF) {
+    do $LOCAL_CONF
+        or die "Your local configuration file ($LOCAL_CONF) contains errors.";
+# Basic checks on the local log repository: $LOCAL_LOGS
+# Prepare the terminal
+my $term = new Term::ReadLine 'dlog-fetch';
+my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT;
+# Prompt for the source package
+my $source_prompt = 'Source package: ';
+my $source;
+while ( not defined ($source = $term->readline($source_prompt)) ) {}
+# Readibility
+print "\n";
+# Construct the buildd log server prompt & list
+my $server_id     = 0;
+my $server_prompt = 'Build server: ';
+my $server_list   = 'Available buildd log servers:' . "\n"
+                  . sprintf( " %3d. %s\n", 0, 'All the below [not yet supported]');
+foreach my $server_item (@BUILDD_SERVERS) {
+    $server_list .= sprintf( " %3d. %s\n", ++$server_id, $server_item)
+# Prompt for the buildd log server
+print $server_list;
+my $server;
+while (
+    not defined ($server = $term->readline($server_prompt))
+ or ($server !~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/)
+ or ($server<1) # change back to ($server<0) once version merging implemented
+ or ($server>$server_id)
+) {}
+my $server_string = $BUILDD_SERVERS[$server-1];
+# Readibility
+print "\n";
+# Fetch the versions from the buildd log servers
+my @versions=();
+if ($server) {
+    # Single server
+    @versions = fetch_versions($source, $server_string);
+else {
+    # TODO: [task="multi buildd support"]
+    # foreach my $server_item (@BUILDD_SERVERS) {
+    #     my @local_versions = fetch_versions($source, $server_item);
+    #     push @versions, @local_versions;
+    # }
+# Print available versions
+# TODO: [task="multi buildd support"]
+# my @merged_versions = merge_versions(@versions); # needed in case of $server==0
+# Note: a 3-digit number should be sufficient for a while...
+my @merged_versions = @versions;
+my $version_id      = 0;
+my $version_prompt  = 'Package version: ';
+my $version_list    = 'Available version logs:' . "\n"
+                    . sprintf( " %3d. %s\n", 0, 'The latest');
+foreach my $version_item (@merged_versions) {
+    $version_list  .= sprintf( " %3d. %s\n", ++$version_id, $version_item);
+# Prompt for the version
+print $version_list;
+my $version;
+while (
+    not defined ($version = $term->readline($version_prompt))
+ or ($version !~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/)
+ or ($version<0)
+ or ($version>$version_id)
+) {}
+# Readibility
+print "\n";
+# 0 means the latest
+$version = $version_id
+    if not $version;
+my $version_string = $merged_versions[$version-1];
+# (Re...)parse the architecture list
+my @archs=();
+if ($version_string =~ /^(.*?)\s+\| (.*)$/) {
+    $version_string = $1;
+    @archs = split(',', $2);
+else {
+    die "Uh oh, not able to (re)parse $version_string";
+# Prepare the list of the architectures for this version
+my $arch_id      = 0;
+my $arch_prompt  = 'Architecture to fetch the log from: ';
+my $arch_list    = 'Available arch logs:' . "\n"
+                 . sprintf( " %3d. %s\n", 0, 'Any idea of pertinent default?');
+foreach my $arch_item (@archs) {
+    $arch_list  .= sprintf( " %3d. %s\n", ++$arch_id, $arch_item);
+# Prompt for the arch
+print $arch_list;
+my $arch;
+while (
+    not defined ($arch = $term->readline($arch_prompt))
+ or ($arch !~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/)
+ or ($arch<1) # No pertinent default
+ or ($arch>$arch_id)
+) {}
+my $arch_string = $archs[$arch-1];
+# Readibility
+print "\n";
+# Prepare the storage area
+# print "$source, $version_string, $arch_string\n";
+print "Preparing the storage for: \n    $source, $version_string, $arch_string\n";
+prepare_storage($source, $version_string, $arch_string);
+print "To be done: fetch the log.\n";
+fetch_logs($source, $version_string, $arch_string, $server_string);
+### Functions
+# Prepare the storage area for a particular source/version/arch
+sub prepare_storage {
+    my ($source, $version, $arch) = @_;
+    my $current = $LOCAL_LOGS;
+    # We expect the $LOCAL_LOG directory to be still there, otherwise we'll die
+    # while mkdir'ing
+    foreach my $newdir ($source, $version, $arch) {
+        $current .= '/' . $newdir;
+        if (not -e $current) {
+            mkdir $current
+                or die "Unable to create $current during the storage preparation";
+        }
+    }
+# Actually fetch the logs (might be more than one)
+sub fetch_logs {
+    my ($source, $version, $arch, $server) = @_;
+    # Get the list of all logs for this triplet (could be several)
+    # http://experimental.ftbfs.de/build.php?&pkg=apache&ver=1.3.34-4.1&arch=kfreebsd-i386&file=log
+    # Create the UserAgent and fetch the page
+    my $ua = WWW::Mechanize->new( agent => $USER_AGENT );
+    $ua->get( sprintf("http://%s/build.php?&pkg=%s&ver=%s&arch=%s&file=log", 
+                      $server, $source, $version, $arch)
+    );
+    # TODO: check return code
+    # Parse the HTML code to prepare the link extraction
+    my $tb = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();
+    $tb->parse( $ua->content() );
+    # Extracting the links, getting the timestamps
+    for (@{ $tb->extract_links() || [] }) { # From: http://www.perl.com/lpt/a/972
+        my($link, $element, $attr, $tag) = @$_;
+        # Discard 'index' and raw log links for the moment
+        if ($link =~ /&stamp=(.*?)&/) {
+            my ($stamp) = ($1);
+            # Get the log
+            fetch_single_log($source, $version, $arch, $stamp, $server);
+        }
+    }
+# Fetch a single log (given the timestamp)
+sub fetch_single_log {
+    my ($source, $version, $arch, $stamp, $server) = @_;
+    # Working dir
+    my $log_dir = join('/', $LOCAL_LOGS, $source, $version, $arch);
+    # Create the UserAgent and fetch the page
+    my $server_fetch = $BUILDD_SERVERS_FETCH{$server};
+    my $ua = WWW::Mechanize->new( agent => $USER_AGENT );
+    $ua->get( sprintf("http://%s/%s?&pkg=%s&ver=%s&arch=%s&stamp=%s&file=log&as=raw",
+                      $server, $server_fetch, $source, $version, $arch, $stamp)
+    );
+    # At the moment, only download the file and store its (raw/html) content
+    # Discard header/footer
+    if ($ua->content() =~ /(^Build started at \d{8}-\d{4}.*Finished at \d{8}-\d{4}$)/ms) {
+        my $content = $1;
+        my $suffix  = '';
+        if ($content !~ /^Built successfully$/ms) {
+            $suffix = '_ftbfs';
+        }
+        open my $log, '>', $log_dir.'/'.$stamp.$suffix
+            or die "Unable to create $stamp in $log_dir";
+        print $log $content
+            or die "Unable to write into $stamp in $log_dir";
+        close $log
+            or die "Unable to close $stamp in $log_dir"
+    }
+    else {
+        die "Unable to detect header/footer for $stamp, please report";
+    }
+# Perform a basic check before interrogating the buildd log servers
+sub check_storage {
+    if (not -e $LOCAL_LOGS) {
+        mkdir $LOCAL_LOGS
+            or die "Unable to create the local log repository [$LOCAL_LOGS]";
+    }
+    elsif (not -d $LOCAL_LOGS) {
+        die "The local log repository [$LOCAL_LOGS] should be a directory (if it exists)";
+    }
+    elsif (not -w $LOCAL_LOGS) {
+        die "You don't have the permission to write in the local log repository [$LOCAL_LOGS]";
+    }
+# Fetch the versions of a $source package from a $server
+sub fetch_versions {
+    my ($source, $server) = @_;
+    my @versions_and_archs = (); # Return lines
+    my %versions = ();           # Intermediate results
+    # Create the UserAgent and fetch the page
+    my $ua = WWW::Mechanize->new( agent => $USER_AGENT );
+    $ua->get( sprintf("http://%s/build.php?arch=&pkg=%s",
+                      $server, $source)
+    ); # TODO: check return code
+    # Parse the HTML code to prepare the link extraction
+    my $tb = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();
+    $tb->parse( $ua->content() );
+    # Extracting the links, getting version and arch
+    my $version_max_width = 0;
+    for (@{ $tb->extract_links() || [] }) { # From: http://www.perl.com/lpt/a/972
+        my($link, $element, $attr, $tag) = @$_;
+        # Discard 'index' and raw log links for the moment
+        if ($link =~ /build.*ver=(.*?)&arch=(.*?)&file=log/) {
+            my ($version, $arch) = ($1, $2);
+            # Adapt the version name from entity-like substrings
+            $version =~ s/%2B/+/g;
+            $version =~ s/%3A/:/g;
+            $version =~ s/%7E/~/g;
+            # Update the max version length
+            $version_max_width = length($version)
+                if (length($version)>$version_max_width);
+            # Add this arch to this version
+            push @{ $versions{$version} }, $arch;
+        }
+    }
+    # Put everything in order
+    foreach my $version (sort {$vs->compare ($a, $b)} keys %versions) {
+        push @versions_and_archs,
+              $version
+            . ' ' x ($version_max_width - length($version))
+            . ' | '
+            . join(',', sort @{ $versions{$version} })
+        ;
+    }
+    #print join("\n", @versions_and_archs);
+    #print "\n";
+    #print Dumper(\$ua);
+    #print $answer->links();
+    return @versions_and_archs;

Property changes on: trunk/web/scripts/dlog/dlog-fetch.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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