[Glibc-bsd-commits] r1911 - trunk/web/scripts/dlog

Cyril Brulebois kibi-guest at alioth.debian.org
Mon Mar 19 23:41:22 CET 2007

Author: kibi-guest
Date: 2007-03-19 22:41:22 +0000 (Mon, 19 Mar 2007)
New Revision: 1911

Add a first version of dlog-analyze.

Modified: trunk/web/scripts/dlog/README
--- trunk/web/scripts/dlog/README	2007-03-19 06:44:09 UTC (rev 1910)
+++ trunk/web/scripts/dlog/README	2007-03-19 22:41:22 UTC (rev 1911)
@@ -10,9 +10,17 @@
 and given some answers in a readline environment, logs are fetched under
-In a second phase (hopefully soon), dlog-analyze will be able to call
-dlog-fetch to fetch the appropriate logs given a dpkg-buildpackage log.
+Now, dlog-analyze is able to call dlog-fetch to fetch the appropriate logs
+given a dpkg-buildpackage log.
+Various TODOs:
+ - do the real job: replace `pwd` and similar by placeholders
+ - prompt the user for the type of output (e.g. diff -u, wdiff, user-defined)
+ - accept options or at least parameters in dlog-fetch so that source package
+   and source version can be provided by dpkg-analyze;
+ - handle the case of user-interruption in the dpkg-analyze while loop;
+ - (cosmetics) pretty-print architecture+timestamp.
 This is highly experimental and immature, but of course, ideas and fixes are

Added: trunk/web/scripts/dlog/dlog-analyze.pl
--- trunk/web/scripts/dlog/dlog-analyze.pl	2007-03-19 06:44:09 UTC (rev 1910)
+++ trunk/web/scripts/dlog/dlog-analyze.pl	2007-03-19 22:41:22 UTC (rev 1911)
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# GPL 2+ by Cyril Brulebois <cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr>, 2007
+#   Yes, I know, this is written in Perl and this is *DIRTY*, but at the
+#   moment, it is only a PoC (candidate).
+use strict;
+use Term::ReadLine;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use WWW::Mechanize;
+use HTML::TreeBuilder;
+# Default configuration
+my $VERSION     = '0.1';
+my $GLOBAL_CONF = '/etc/dlogrc';
+my $LOCAL_CONF  = "$ENV{HOME}/.dlogrc";
+my $DLOG_FETCH  = './dlog-fetch.pl';
+# Default global configuration, should be in $GLOBAL_CONF
+my $LOCAL_LOGS = "$ENV{HOME}/.dlog";
+# Load configuration
+if (-r $GLOBAL_CONF) {
+    do $GLOBAL_CONF
+        or die "Your global configuration file ($GLOBAL_CONF) contains errors.";
+if (-r $LOCAL_CONF) {
+    do $LOCAL_CONF
+        or die "Your local configuration file ($LOCAL_CONF) contains errors.";
+# Basic checks on the local log repository: $LOCAL_LOGS -- Needed for reading? -> Disabled.
+# check_storage();
+# Read the whole dpkg-buildpackage log given as parameter
+my $dbp_log_filename = shift @ARGV
+    or die "Usage: $0 build-package.log";
+open my $dbp_log, '<', $dbp_log_filename
+    or die "Unable to open dpkg-buildpackage log $dbp_log_filename";
+my $dbp_log_content = join("\n", <$dbp_log>);
+close $dbp_log
+    or die "Unable to close $dbp_log";
+# Determine some basic information
+my ($source, $version);
+if ($dbp_log_content =~ /^dpkg-buildpackage: source package is (.*?)$/ms) {
+    $source = $1;
+else {
+    print 'Warning: source package not found' . "\n";
+    die 'This is not supported (yet)';
+if ($dbp_log_content =~ /^dpkg-buildpackage: source version is (.*?)$/ms) {
+    $version = $1;
+else {
+    print 'Warning source version not found' . "\n";
+    die 'This is not supported (yet)';
+# Prepare the terminal
+my $term = new Term::ReadLine 'dlog-analyze';
+my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT;
+# Check whether some files matching these package configurations exist
+my $ref_log_filename = '';
+while (not $ref_log_filename) {
+    # TODO: Swap these instructions and remove a goto...
+    # Possible logs are there
+    print 'Checking for [', "$LOCAL_LOGS/$source/$version", ']', "\n";
+    if (-d "$LOCAL_LOGS/$source/$version") {
+        print 'Prompting', "\n";
+        $ref_log_filename = prompt_for_arch($source,$version);
+        next if $ref_log_filename; # spare the dlog_fetch_status call
+    }
+    else {
+        print 'There is no build log in the local repository, fetching some', "\n\n";
+    }
+    # Call dlog-fetch
+    my $dlog_fetch_status = system($DLOG_FETCH, $source, $version);
+    if ($dlog_fetch_status) {
+        printf "WARNING: %s exited badly: %s\n\n",  $DLOG_FETCH, $?
+    }
+# Going to compare $dbp_log_filename with $ref_log_filename
+print "We are going to compare $dbp_log_filename to $ref_log_filename\n";
+# Readibility
+print "\n";
+### Functions
+# Prompt for an architecture:
+#  - returns '' if user selects to download another log
+#  - or the filename to use
+sub prompt_for_arch {
+    my ($source, $version) = @_;
+    my $log_location = "$LOCAL_LOGS/$source/$version";
+    # Fetch the available logs
+    my @archs     = sort (<$log_location/*/*>);
+    my @filenames = @archs;
+    map { s{(.*)/(.*)/(.*)}{$2 $3} } @archs;
+    map { s{_ftbfs$}{ (FTBFS)}   } @archs;
+    # Return if no log are available
+    return ''
+        if not @archs;
+    # Prepare the prompt
+    my $arch_id      = 0;
+    my $arch_prompt  = 'Log to use: ';
+    my $arch_list    = 'Available logs:' . "\n"
+                     . sprintf( " %3d. %s\n", 0, 'Download another');
+    foreach my $arch_item (@archs) {
+        $arch_list  .= sprintf( " %3d. %s\n", ++$arch_id, $arch_item);
+    }
+    # Prompt for the arch
+    print $arch_list;
+    my $arch;
+    while (
+        not defined ($arch = $term->readline($arch_prompt))
+     or ($arch !~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/)
+     or ($arch<0) 
+     or ($arch>$arch_id)
+    ) {}
+    # Readibility
+    print("\n");
+    return $arch
+         ? $filenames[$arch-1] # Full path
+         : '';

Property changes on: trunk/web/scripts/dlog/dlog-analyze.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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