[Glibc-bsd-commits] r2307 - trunk/web

ps-guest at alioth.debian.org ps-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed Aug 20 15:39:55 UTC 2008

Author: ps-guest
Date: 2008-08-20 15:39:54 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 2307

* update to current state ...

Modified: trunk/web/BASE
--- trunk/web/BASE	2008-08-19 17:01:20 UTC (rev 2306)
+++ trunk/web/BASE	2008-08-20 15:39:54 UTC (rev 2307)
@@ -6,11 +6,6 @@
 util-linux		tough one.
-freebsd-utils		almost complete (only net-tools missing)
+freebsd-utils		almost complete
 kfreebsd-loader		won't build easily on glibc environment
-ufsutils		still in experimental
-kfreebsd-amd64 only

Modified: trunk/web/D-I
--- trunk/web/D-I	2008-08-19 17:01:20 UTC (rev 2306)
+++ trunk/web/D-I	2008-08-20 15:39:54 UTC (rev 2307)
@@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
 Moved to http://wiki.debian.org/Debian_GNU/kFreeBSD/Debian-Installer
+See also http://lists.debian.org/debian-bsd/2008/08/msg00029.html

Deleted: trunk/web/INSTALL
--- trunk/web/INSTALL	2008-08-19 17:01:20 UTC (rev 2306)
+++ trunk/web/INSTALL	2008-08-20 15:39:54 UTC (rev 2307)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Debian GNU/kFreeBSD installation instructions
-- You need grub 0.94+cvs20040511-1 or later. Install if you don't have.
-- Partition your drive from a working system (bsd disklabel with rootfs and
-  swap slices in it)
-- Boot into the LiveCD system. (http://people.debian.org/~rmh/livecd/)
-- mkfs.ufs -O 2 -U /dev/adXsYa (X is for disk and Y is for partition.
-  Warning: this will destroy any existant data in that slice)
-- mount /dev/adXsYa /mnt.
-- tar -C /mnt --same-owner -xzpf /root/i386-kfreebsd-gnu.tar.gz
-- chroot /mnt
-- /native-install
-- exit
-- TERM=cons25 nano /mnt/etc/fstab
-- umount /mnt/dev ; umount /mnt
-- reboot

Modified: trunk/web/TODO
--- trunk/web/TODO	2008-08-19 17:01:20 UTC (rev 2306)
+++ trunk/web/TODO	2008-08-20 15:39:54 UTC (rev 2307)
@@ -30,16 +30,10 @@
  - Glibc
 	- Merge patchset in upstream.
- - GCC
-	- merge updated boehm-gc into upstream (Hans Boehm) and consequently to gcc, so we can enable java etc.
-	- merge kfreebsd-amd64 support into upstream
  - FreeBSD
 	- Merge patches from our freebsd-derived packages into upstream.
+	- freebsd-utils is still incomplete.
-	- freebsd-utils is still incomplete.  The most needed component is
-        net-tools (this is part of the freebsd-utils package, but disabled).
  - GRUB
 	- Fix kfreebsd loader so we can boot directly the kernel and not need
 	  the FreeBSD loader.  The debian package has a patch by Guillem
@@ -49,8 +43,6 @@
  - d-i.  Otavio Salvador is preparing for work on it.
- - xterm fails to run because it's using unsupported ioctls.
  - Package Glibc for the FreeBSD ports collection (this will help integrating
    patches in upstream).
@@ -83,16 +75,6 @@
    find it useful enough, but it would go into separate gnu/ directories, and be
    disabled by default.
- - It seems that, for some reason, ELF binaries in Debian GNU/Linux have their
-   e_ident[EI_OSABI] value set to ELFOSABI_NONE instead of ELFOSABI_LINUX.  You
-   can check with readelf (in binutils) or freebsd-brandelf (in
-   freebsd5-buildutils).  As a consequence, kFreeBSD refuses to run them when
-   using Linux ABI emulation.
-   UPDATE: it seems this is actualy done on purpose by upstream.  the kernel
-   identifies a Linux binary when it requests to be loaded by ld-linux.so.
-   Strange, but it doesn't really work AFAIK.
  - Port bsd-airtools and package it for Debian.  bsd-airtools is provides a
    complete toolset for wireless 802.11b auditing.   It contains a bsd-based
    WEP cracking application, a curses based AP detection application, etc.
@@ -103,9 +85,8 @@
    known to work.
  - Help with bugs in Debian BTS:
-     http://bugs.debian.org/freebsd5-buildutils
-     http://bugs.debian.org/freebsd6-buildutils
-     http://bugs.debian.org/kfreebsd-5
+     http://bugs.debian.org/freebsd-buildutils
+     http://bugs.debian.org/kfreebsd-7

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