[Glibc-bsd-commits] r2708 - trunk/web

Petr Salinger ps-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed Aug 19 06:10:15 UTC 2009

Author: ps-guest
Date: 2009-08-19 06:10:14 +0000 (Wed, 19 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 2708

update NOTES.archive

Modified: trunk/web/NOTES.archive
--- trunk/web/NOTES.archive	2009-08-12 17:40:28 UTC (rev 2707)
+++ trunk/web/NOTES.archive	2009-08-19 06:10:14 UTC (rev 2708)
@@ -5,61 +5,38 @@
 missing in kfreebsd-i386, but available in kfreebsd-amd64
-(as of 2009.08.06, a different version is not listed)
+(as of 2009.08.19, a different version is not listed)
 * really only for kfreebsd-amd64
 * missing upload or requeue needed
 * kfreebsd-i386 specific bug
-audiere				libogg dropped .la, some libs need a rebuild
 chimera2			#537821
+ibus-chewing			b-d ibus #540325
+ibus-hangul			b-d ibus #540325
+ibus-m17n			b-d ibus #540325
 libio-aio-perl			#539920
 meep				#537813
 orpie				? ocaml
-troffcvt			just give back
+troffcvt			? give back
 missing in kfreebsd-amd64, but available in kfreebsd-i386
-(as of 2009.08.06, a different version is not listed)
+(as of 2009.08.19, a different version is not listed)
 * really only for kfreebsd-i386 (like set6x86)
 * ada or ghc6 related package
@@ -72,35 +49,57 @@
 adacgi				ada
 adacontrol			ada
 adasockets			ada
+agda				ghc6
+agda-bin			ghc6
 ahven				ada
 alex				ghc6
 apq				ada
+apq-postgresql			ada
+arch2darcs			ghc6
 asis				ada
 athcool				i386 only
 avrprog				ioperm
+bitscope			#361456
 bnfc				ghc6
+c2hs				ghc6
 cpphs				ghc6
+darcs				ghc6
+darcs-monitor			ghc6
+datapacker			ghc6
 drift				ghc6
 eep24c				ioperm
+ftphs				ghc6
 gcc-m68hc1x			#537267
 ghc6				ghc6
 ghdl				ada
 gnade				ada
 gnat-4.3			ada
-haskell-dataenc			ghc6
-haskell-ghc-paths		ghc6
-haskell-pcre-light		ghc6
-haskell-terminfo		ghc6
-haskell-zlib			ghc6
+gnat-4.4			ada
+haddock  			ghc6
+happy				ghc6
+hardware-monitor		ioperm
+haskell-*			ghc6
+haskelldb			ghc6
 haxml				ghc6
+hdbc				ghc6
+hdbc-odbc			ghc6
+hdbc-postgresql			ghc6
+hdbc-sqlite3			ghc6
+highlighting-kate		ghc6
+hlint				ghc6
 hscolour			ghc6
+hslogger			ghc6
 inteltool			#528856
+kaya				ghc6
+kitty   			b-d sidplay-libs #537270
+ksensors			ioperm
 lde				#537256
 libaunit			ada
 libaws				ada
 libcomplearn-mod-ppmd		b-d ppmd
 libcomplearn-mod-ppmdx		b-d ppmd
 libflorist			ada
+libgtkada2			ada
 libopenspc			i386 only
 libtemplates-parser		ada
 libxmlada			ada
@@ -108,24 +107,46 @@
 lineak-defaultplugin		b-d lineakd
 lineak-xosdplugin		b-d lineakd
 lineakd				ioperm
+lisaac				32-bit only
 lkl				i386 only
 lm-sensors-3			ioperm
+missingh			ghc6
+moc				b-d sidplay-libs #537270
+mozart				32-bit only
+mpd				b-d sidplay-libs #537270
+mplayer				??? pci interface problem
 mscompress			#537377 config.sub
 music123			ada
+mythtvfs-fuse			? just wait
 odyssey				ioperm
 opentoken			ada
+openturns			?
+pandoc 				ghc6
+pcscada  			ada
 pforth				32-bit only
+pinball				#451113
 ppmd				32-bit only
 psyco				i386 only
 read-edid			ioperm
 scsh-0.6			32-bit only
+sdl-stretch			i386 only
 set6x86				i386 only
 sidplay				b-d sidplay-libs
 sidplay-libs			#537270 libtool
+srcinst				ghc6
 tcc				i386 only
 texfam				#365145 config.sub
 topal				ada
 ustr				#536890
+washngo				ghc6
+xawtv				? bttv kernel interface needed
+xchat-gnome			?
+xfce4-battery-plugin		? apm kernel interface needed
+xfce4-sensors-plugin		ioperm
+xmobar				ghc6
+xmonad				ghc6
+xmonad-contrib			ghc6
+xserver-xorg-video-tga		#494846
 z88dk				#537084

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