[Glibc-bsd-commits] r2663 - in trunk/freebsd-utils/debian: . po scripts/sbin
Aurelien Jarno
aurel32 at alioth.debian.org
Wed Jul 22 14:26:53 UTC 2009
Author: aurel32
Date: 2009-07-22 14:26:50 +0000 (Wed, 22 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 2663
* Remove debconf template to select modules to load. Most modules are
either built-in or autoloaded, and a lot of person are disappointed
by the fact their network card is not listed. Keep loading modules
listed in /etc/modules at boot time.
* Drop depends on kfreebsd-image in kldutils to make debootstrap
* Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.2 (no changes).
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/changelog
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/changelog 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/changelog 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+freebsd-utils (7.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Remove debconf template to select modules to load. Most modules are
+ either built-in or autoloaded, and a lot of person are disappointed
+ by the fact their network card is not listed. Keep loading modules
+ listed in /etc/modules at boot time.
+ * Drop depends on kfreebsd-image in kldutils to make debootstrap
+ working.
+ * Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.2 (no changes).
+ -- Aurelien Jarno <aurel32 at debian.org> Wed, 22 Jul 2009 15:50:55 +0200
freebsd-utils (7.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Petr Salinger ]
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/control
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/control 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/control 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
# libsbuf-dev: mdconfig
Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/glibc-bsd/trunk/freebsd-utils/
Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/glibc-bsd/trunk/freebsd-utils/
-Standards-Version: 3.8.1
+Standards-Version: 3.8.2
Package: freebsd-utils
Priority: required
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
Package: kldutils
Priority: important
Architecture: kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, debconf, kfreebsd-image
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Replaces: module-init-tools, freebsd-utils (<= 5.2.1-16),
freebsd-hackedutils (<= 6.1-1), kfreebsd-common (<< 6.1-6)
Provides: module-init-tools
Deleted: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/kldutils.config
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/kldutils.config 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/kldutils.config 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
-if test -e /lib/modules/`uname -r` ; then
- module_dir="/lib/modules/`uname -r`"
- module_dir="/boot/kernel"
-get_module_description ()
- if line=`grep "^$1[[:space:]]" /usr/share/kldutils/module_descriptions` ; then
- echo ${line} | sed -e "s/^[^[:space:]]*[[:space:]]*/ (/g" -e "s/$/)/g"
- fi
- return 0
-for i in `ls ${module_dir}/*.ko | sed -e "s,.*/,,g" -e "s/\.ko$//g"` ; do
- case $i in
- # acpi is handler by boot loader, linux/linprocfs are always loaded
- acpi|linux|linprocfs) ;;
- if_*)
- if [ "${network}" = "" ] ; then
- network="$i`get_module_description $i`"
- else
- network="${network}, $i`get_module_description $i`"
- fi
- ;;
- snd_*|sound|speaker)
- if [ "${sound}" = "" ] ; then
- sound="$i`get_module_description $i`"
- else
- sound="${sound}, $i`get_module_description $i`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- if [ "${other}" = "" ] ; then
- other="$i`get_module_description $i`"
- else
- other="${other}, $i`get_module_description $i`"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
-db_subst kldutils/network choices "$network"
-db_input high kldutils/network || true
-db_subst kldutils/sound choices "$sound"
-db_input high kldutils/sound || true
-db_subst kldutils/other choices "$other"
-db_input high kldutils/other || true
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/kldutils.dirs
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/kldutils.dirs 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/kldutils.dirs 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/kldutils.install
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/kldutils.install 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/kldutils.install 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -3,5 +3,3 @@
sbin/kldconfig/kldconfig /sbin
sbin/kldstat/kldstat /bin
debian/modules /etc
-debian/scripts/sbin/snd_probe /usr/sbin
-debian/module_descriptions /usr/share/kldutils
Deleted: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/kldutils.postinst
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/kldutils.postinst 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/kldutils.postinst 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# postinst script for kfreebsd-common
-# see: dh_installdeb(1)
-set -e
-. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
-# summary of how this script can be called:
-# * <postinst> `configure' <most-recently-configured-version>
-# * <old-postinst> `abort-upgrade' <new version>
-# * <conflictor's-postinst> `abort-remove' `in-favour' <package>
-# <new-version>
-# * <deconfigured's-postinst> `abort-deconfigure' `in-favour'
-# <failed-install-package> <version> `removing'
-# <conflicting-package> <version>
-# for details, see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ or
-# the debian-policy package
-get_modules ()
- {
- test -e /etc/modules.d/kldutils || return 0
- sed -e "s/#.*//g" -e "/^\( \|\t\)*$/d" /etc/modules.d/kldutils \
- | tr "\n" ":" | sed -e "s/ /:/g" -e "s/^://g" -e s/:$//g -e "s/::*/:/g"
- }
-case "$1" in
- configure)
- # Transition from the old packages
- if [ -e /etc/modules.d/kfreebsd-config ] ; then
- mv -f /etc/modules.d/kfreebsd-config /etc/modules.d/kldutils
- fi
- if [ -e /etc/modules.d/module-init-tools ] ; then
- mv -f /etc/modules.d/module-init-tools /etc/modules.d/kldutils
- fi
- # Save modules that old file requested. We might need to unload them
- old="`get_modules`"
- cat > /etc/modules.d/kldutils << EOF
-# Do not edit this file! It is automaticaly generated by kldutils
-# Use "dpkg-reconfigure kldutils" instead.
- for i in network sound other ; do
- db_get kldutils/$i
- for j in `echo "$RET" | sed -e "s/, /|/g" | tr "|" "\n" | sed -e "s/ .*//g"` ; do
- echo "$j" >> /etc/modules.d/kldutils
- done
- done
- new="`get_modules`"
- # Unload modules that:
- # a) were listed to be loaded in the old list
- # b) are not listed to be loaded in the new list
- # c) are actualy loaded
- # d) are not acpi
- IFS=":"
- for i in ${old} ; do case :${new}: in
- *:$i:*|*:acpi:*)
- ;;
- *)
- if kldstat -n $i >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
- echo "Unloading $i ..."
- if ! kldunload $i ; then
- # It could well be that the module is in use.
- echo "Warning: failed to unload stale module $i, you may want to try manualy."
- fi
- else
- echo "Not unloading $i (not loaded)"
- fi
- ;;
- esac ; done
- ;;
- abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)
- ;;
- *)
- echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
-# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
-# generated by other debhelper scripts.
-exit 0
Deleted: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/kldutils.templates
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/kldutils.templates 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/kldutils.templates 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Template: kldutils/network
-Type: multiselect
-Choices: ${choices}
-_Description: Network card drivers:
- Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select more than
- one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards installed in the machine.
- .
- You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include
- built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this question later.
-Template: kldutils/sound
-Type: multiselect
-Choices: ${choices}
-_Description: Sound card drivers:
- Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select more than
- one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards installed in the machine.
- .
- If in doubt, leave this field empty. The "snd_probe" command may be used
- later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to this question
- with "dpkg-reconfigure kldutils".
-Template: kldutils/other
-Type: multiselect
-Choices: ${choices}
-_Description: Other modules:
- Please select the modules needed to properly support this
- machine's hardware.
- .
- If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to
- this question with "dpkg-reconfigure kldutils".
Deleted: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/module_descriptions
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/module_descriptions 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/module_descriptions 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-if_an Aironet 4500/4800 802.11 wireless NICs
-if_ar Digi SYNC/570i
-if_aue ADMtek USB ethernet
-if_awi AMD PCnetMobile IEEE 802.11 wireless NICs
-if_axe ASIX Electronics AX88172 USB ethernet
-if_bfe Broadcom BCM440x 10/100 Ethernet
-if_bge Broadcom BCM570x PCI gigabit ethernet
-if_cm SMC (90c26/90c56/90c66)
-if_cue CATC USB ethernet
-if_dc DEC/Intel 21143 and various workalikes
-if_de DEC DC21x4x ethernet
-if_disc Discard device
-if_ed National Semiconductor DS8390/WD83C690 ethernet
-if_ef pseudo-device providing support for multiple ethernet frame types
-if_el 3Com Etherlink 3C501
-if_em Intel(R) PRO/1000 gigabit ethernet
-if_en Midway-based ATM interfaces
-if_ep 3Com Etherlink III (3c5x9)
-if_ex Intel EtherExpress Pro/10 ethernet
-if_faith IPv6-to-IPv4 TCP relay capturing interface
-if_fe Fujitsu MB86960A/MB86965A based Ethernet adapters
-if_fwe Ethernet over FireWire (non-standard!)
-if_fxp Intel EtherExpress PRO/100B (82557/82558)
-if_gif generic tunnel interface
-if_gre encapsulating network device
-if_gx Intel Pro/1000 gigabit ethernet
-if_ie Intel 82586
-if_kue Kawasaki LSI USB ethernet
-if_lge Level 1 LXT1001 NetCellerator PCI gigabit ethernet
-if_lnc AMD Lance/PCnet Ethernet
-if_my Myson PCI fast ethernet
-if_nge National Semiconductor PCI gigabit ethernet
-if_pcn AMD PCnet PCI
-if_ppp Kernel ppp
-if_ray Raytheon Raylink/Webgear Aviator PCCard
-if_re RealTek 8139C+/8169/8169S/8110S
-if_rl RealTek 8129/8139
-if_rue RealTek RTL8150 USB Ethernet
-if_sbni Granch SBNI12 leased line adapters
-if_sf Adaptec Duralink PCI (AIC-6915 "starfire")
-if_sis Silicon Integrated Systems SiS 900/7016
-if_sk SysKonnect SK-984x series PCI gigabit ethernet
-if_sl SLIP
-if_sn SMC 91Cxx
-if_sr synchronous RISCom/N2 / WANic 400/405
-if_ste Sundance Technologies ST201 fast ethernet
-if_stf 6to4 tunnel interface
-if_tap Ethernet tunnel software network interface
-if_ti Alteon Networks Tigon 1 and Tigon 2
-if_tl Texas Instruments TNETE100 ("ThunderLAN")
-if_tun Tunnel driver (user process ppp)
-if_tx SMC 83c17x fast ethernet
-if_txp 3Com 3XP Typhoon/Sidewinder (3CR990)
-if_vge VIA VT612x gigabit ethernet
-if_vlan IEEE 802.1Q VLAN network interface
-if_vr VIA Rhine I and Rhine II
-if_vx 3Com 3C590 family
-if_wb Winbond W89C840F
-if_wi WaveLAN/IEEE 802.11 wireless NICs
-if_xe Xircom CreditCard PCMCIA
-if_xl 3Com Etherlink XL (3c900/3c905/3c905B)
-lpt Printer
-plip TCP/IP over parallel
-snd_driver All sound drivers
-snd_emu10k1 Creative Sound Blaster Live
-snd_ich Intel ICH / Silicon Integrated Systems SiS
-snd_sbc Creative Sound Blaster ISA and compatible
-sound Digital sound subsystem
-speaker AT speaker module
-ulpt USB Printer
-umodem Modems
-urio Diamond Rio 500 audio player
-uscanner USB Scanners
-wlan 802.11 support
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/POTFILES.in
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/POTFILES.in 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/POTFILES.in 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
[type: gettext/rfc822deb] kbdcontrol.templates
-[type: gettext/rfc822deb] kldutils.templates
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/cs.po
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/cs.po 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/cs.po 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: freebsd-utils 7.1-5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: freebsd-utils at packages.debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-07 07:41+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-22 15:46+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-08 11:08+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Sin <martin.sin at zshk.cz>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <debian-l10n-czech at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -37,86 +37,62 @@
"Jste-li na pochybách, nic nevybírejte. Tuto nabídku můžete vyvolat kdykoliv "
"později pomocí příkazu „dpkg-reconfigure kbdcontrol“."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid "Network card drivers:"
-msgstr "Ovladače síťové karty:"
+#~ msgid "Network card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Ovladače síťové karty:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
-"more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
-"installed in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Vyberte prosím ovladače síťové karty nebo karet vašeho počítače. Můžete "
-"vybrat více ovladačů nebo žádný, vše závisí na počtu karet, které máte v "
-"počítači nainstalovány."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Vyberte prosím ovladače síťové karty nebo karet vašeho počítače. Můžete "
+#~ "vybrat více ovladačů nebo žádný, vše závisí na počtu karet, které máte v "
+#~ "počítači nainstalovány."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
-"built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
-"question later."
-msgstr ""
-"Pravděpodobně nebudete potřebovat žádný, protože standardní jádra v současné "
-"době obsahují vestavěnou podporu síťových karet. K této otázce se navíc "
-"můžete vrátit kdykoliv později."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
+#~ "built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Pravděpodobně nebudete potřebovat žádný, protože standardní jádra v "
+#~ "současné době obsahují vestavěnou podporu síťových karet. K této otázce "
+#~ "se navíc můžete vrátit kdykoliv později."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid "Sound card drivers:"
-msgstr "Ovladače zvukové karty:"
+#~ msgid "Sound card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Ovladače zvukové karty:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select more "
-"than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards installed "
-"in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Vyberte prosím ovladače zvukové karty nebo karet vašeho počítače. Můžete "
-"vybrat více ovladačů nebo žádný, vše závisí na počtu karet, které máte v "
-"počítači nainstalovány."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Vyberte prosím ovladače zvukové karty nebo karet vašeho počítače. Můžete "
+#~ "vybrat více ovladačů nebo žádný, vše závisí na počtu karet, které máte v "
+#~ "počítači nainstalovány."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be used "
-"later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Jste-li na pochybách, nechte toto políčko prázdné. Příkaz „snd_probe“ je "
-"možno spustit později a určit tak všechny zvukové karty. Tuto nabídku můžete "
-"spustit kdykoliv později pomocí příkazu „dpkg-reconfigure kldutils“."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be "
+#~ "used later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to "
+#~ "this question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Jste-li na pochybách, nechte toto políčko prázdné. Příkaz „snd_probe“ je "
+#~ "možno spustit později a určit tak všechny zvukové karty. Tuto nabídku "
+#~ "můžete spustit kdykoliv později pomocí příkazu „dpkg-reconfigure "
+#~ "kldutils“."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid "Other modules:"
-msgstr "Další moduly:"
+#~ msgid "Other modules:"
+#~ msgstr "Další moduly:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's hardware."
-msgstr ""
-"Vyberte prosím moduly potřebné pro správnou funkci hardwaru tohoto počítače."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's "
+#~ "hardware."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Vyberte prosím moduly potřebné pro správnou funkci hardwaru tohoto "
+#~ "počítače."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Jste-li na pochybách, nechte toto políčko prázdné. Tuto nabídku můžete "
-"spustit kdykoliv později pomocí příkazu „dpkg-reconfigure kldutils“."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Jste-li na pochybách, nechte toto políčko prázdné. Tuto nabídku můžete "
+#~ "spustit kdykoliv později pomocí příkazu „dpkg-reconfigure kldutils“."
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/de.po
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/de.po 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/de.po 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: freebsd-utils 7.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: freebsd-utils at packages.debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-07 17:55+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-22 15:46+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-18 21:12+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Thomas Mueller <thomas.mueller at tmit.eu>\n"
"Language-Team:de <debian-l10n-german at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -40,89 +40,63 @@
"können jederzeit mit dem Befehl »dpkg-reconfigure kbdcontrol« zu dieser Frage "
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid "Network card drivers:"
-msgstr "Treiber für Netzwerkkarten:"
+#~ msgid "Network card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Treiber für Netzwerkkarten:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
-"more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
-"installed in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte wählen Sie die/den Treiber der Netzwerkkarte(n) dieses Systems. Sie "
-"können mehrere Treiber oder gar keinen auswählen, abhängig davon, welche "
-"Karten in diesem System installiert sind."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bitte wählen Sie die/den Treiber der Netzwerkkarte(n) dieses Systems. Sie "
+#~ "können mehrere Treiber oder gar keinen auswählen, abhängig davon, welche "
+#~ "Karten in diesem System installiert sind."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
-"built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
-"question later."
-msgstr ""
-"Sehr wahrscheinlich benötigen Sie gar keinen, da die Standard-Kernel "
-"momentan Unterstützung für Netzwerkkarten beinhalten. Sie können jederzeit "
-"zu dieser Frage zurückkehren."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
+#~ "built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sehr wahrscheinlich benötigen Sie gar keinen, da die Standard-Kernel "
+#~ "momentan Unterstützung für Netzwerkkarten beinhalten. Sie können "
+#~ "jederzeit zu dieser Frage zurückkehren."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid "Sound card drivers:"
-msgstr "Treiber für Soundkarten:"
+#~ msgid "Sound card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Treiber für Soundkarten:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select more "
-"than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards installed "
-"in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte wählen Sie die/den Treiber der Soundkarte(n) dieses Systems. Sie "
-"können mehrere Treiber oder gar keinen auswählen, abhängig davon, welche "
-"Karten in diesem System installiert sind."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bitte wählen Sie die/den Treiber der Soundkarte(n) dieses Systems. Sie "
+#~ "können mehrere Treiber oder gar keinen auswählen, abhängig davon, welche "
+#~ "Karten in diesem System installiert sind."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be used "
-"later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Falls Sie sich nicht sicher sind, lassen Sie dieses Feld leer. Das Befehl "
-"»snd_probe« kann später zur Identifikation der Soundkarte(n) benutzt werden. "
-"Sie können jederzeit mit dem Befehl »dpkg-reconfigure kldutils« zu dieser "
-"Frage zurückkehren."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be "
+#~ "used later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to "
+#~ "this question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Falls Sie sich nicht sicher sind, lassen Sie dieses Feld leer. Das Befehl "
+#~ "»snd_probe« kann später zur Identifikation der Soundkarte(n) benutzt "
+#~ "werden. Sie können jederzeit mit dem Befehl »dpkg-reconfigure kldutils« zu "
+#~ "dieser Frage zurückkehren."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid "Other modules:"
-msgstr "Weitere Module:"
+#~ msgid "Other modules:"
+#~ msgstr "Weitere Module:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's hardware."
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte wählen Sie die Module, die benötigt werden, damit die Hardware dieses "
-"Systems ausreichend unterstützt wird."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's "
+#~ "hardware."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bitte wählen Sie die Module, die benötigt werden, damit die Hardware "
+#~ "dieses Systems ausreichend unterstützt wird."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Falls Sie sich nicht sicher sind, lassen Sie dieses Feld leer. Sie können "
-"jederzeit mit dem Befehl »dpkg-reconfigure kldutils« zu dieser Frage "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Falls Sie sich nicht sicher sind, lassen Sie dieses Feld leer. Sie können "
+#~ "jederzeit mit dem Befehl »dpkg-reconfigure kldutils« zu dieser Frage "
+#~ "zurückkehren."
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/es.po
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/es.po 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/es.po 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: freebsd-utils 7.1-5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: freebsd-utils at packages.debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-07 17:55+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-22 15:46+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-08 11:59+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Francisco Javier Cuadrado <fcocuadrado at gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian l10n Spanish <debian-l10n-spanish at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -58,87 +58,61 @@
"Si duda, no escoja ninguna distribución. Siempre puede volver a esta "
"pregunta ejecutando «dpkg-reconfigure kdbcontrol»."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid "Network card drivers:"
-msgstr "Controladores de la tarjeta de red:"
+#~ msgid "Network card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Controladores de la tarjeta de red:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
-"more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
-"installed in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Escoja los controladores para la/s tarjeta/s de red de esta máquina. Puede "
-"escoger más de un controlador, o ninguno, dependiendo del número de tarjetas "
-"instaladas en la máquina."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Escoja los controladores para la/s tarjeta/s de red de esta máquina. "
+#~ "Puede escoger más de un controlador, o ninguno, dependiendo del número de "
+#~ "tarjetas instaladas en la máquina."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
-"built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
-"question later."
-msgstr ""
-"Seguramente no necesite ninguno, ya que, actualmente, los núcleos "
-"predeterminados incluyen compatibilidad con las tarjetas de red. Siempre "
-"puede volver a esta pregunta más tarde."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
+#~ "built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Seguramente no necesite ninguno, ya que, actualmente, los núcleos "
+#~ "predeterminados incluyen compatibilidad con las tarjetas de red. Siempre "
+#~ "puede volver a esta pregunta más tarde."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid "Sound card drivers:"
-msgstr "Controladores de la tarjeta de sonido:"
+#~ msgid "Sound card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Controladores de la tarjeta de sonido:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select more "
-"than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards installed "
-"in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Escoja los controladores para la/s tarjeta/s de sonido de esta máquina. "
-"Puede escoger más de un controlador, o ninguno, dependiendo del número de "
-"tarjetas instaladas en la máquina."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Escoja los controladores para la/s tarjeta/s de sonido de esta máquina. "
+#~ "Puede escoger más de un controlador, o ninguno, dependiendo del número de "
+#~ "tarjetas instaladas en la máquina."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be used "
-"later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Si duda, deje este campo en blanco. Más tarde puede utilizar la orden "
-"«snd_probe» para identificar la/s tarjeta/s de sonido. Siempre puede volver a "
-"esta pregunta ejecutando «dpkg-reconfigure kldutils»."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be "
+#~ "used later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to "
+#~ "this question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si duda, deje este campo en blanco. Más tarde puede utilizar la orden "
+#~ "«snd_probe» para identificar la/s tarjeta/s de sonido. Siempre puede "
+#~ "volver a esta pregunta ejecutando «dpkg-reconfigure kldutils»."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid "Other modules:"
-msgstr "Otros módulos:"
+#~ msgid "Other modules:"
+#~ msgstr "Otros módulos:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's hardware."
-msgstr ""
-"Escoja los módulos necesarios para poder utilizar los dispositivos de esta "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's "
+#~ "hardware."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Escoja los módulos necesarios para poder utilizar los dispositivos de "
+#~ "esta máquina."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Si duda, deje este campo en blanco. Siempre puede volver a esta pregunta "
-"ejecutando «dpkg-reconfigure kldutils»."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si duda, deje este campo en blanco. Siempre puede volver a esta pregunta "
+#~ "ejecutando «dpkg-reconfigure kldutils»."
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/eu.po
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/eu.po 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/eu.po 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: freebsd-utils-eu\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: freebsd-utils at packages.debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-07 17:55+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-22 15:46+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-22 11:51+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Piarres Beobide <pi at beobide.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Euskara <debian-l10n-basque at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -39,86 +39,60 @@
"Zalantzarik baduzu ez hautatu maparik. Beti itzuli ahal izango zara galdera "
"honetara \"dpkg-reconfigure kbdcontrol\" erabiliaz."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid "Network card drivers:"
-msgstr "Sare txartela kontrolatzaileak:"
+#~ msgid "Network card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Sare txartela kontrolatzaileak:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
-"more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
-"installed in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Mesedez hautatu makina honetako sare txartelen kontrolatzaileak. "
-"Kontrolatzaile bat baino gehiago hautatu behar dezakezu edo batez makina "
-"honetan instalaturik dauden sare txartelen arabera."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mesedez hautatu makina honetako sare txartelen kontrolatzaileak. "
+#~ "Kontrolatzaile bat baino gehiago hautatu behar dezakezu edo batez makina "
+#~ "honetan instalaturik dauden sare txartelen arabera."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
-"built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
-"question later."
-msgstr ""
-"Ziurrenik ez duzu beharko, lehenetsitako kernel-ak dagoeneko barneratutako "
-"euskarri bait du sare txartelentzat. Beti itzuli ahal izango zara beranduago "
-"galdera honetara."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
+#~ "built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ziurrenik ez duzu beharko, lehenetsitako kernel-ak dagoeneko "
+#~ "barneratutako euskarri bait du sare txartelentzat. Beti itzuli ahal "
+#~ "izango zara beranduago galdera honetara."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid "Sound card drivers:"
-msgstr "Soinu txartel kontrolatzaileak:"
+#~ msgid "Sound card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Soinu txartel kontrolatzaileak:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select more "
-"than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards installed "
-"in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Mesedez hautatu makina honetako soinu txartelen kontrolatzaileak. "
-"Kontrolatzaile bat baino gehiago hautatu behar dezakezu edo batez makina "
-"honetan instalaturik dauden soinu txartelen arabera."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mesedez hautatu makina honetako soinu txartelen kontrolatzaileak. "
+#~ "Kontrolatzaile bat baino gehiago hautatu behar dezakezu edo batez makina "
+#~ "honetan instalaturik dauden soinu txartelen arabera."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be used "
-"later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Zalantzarik baduzu utzi ezazu zurian. \"snd_probe\" komandoa erabili "
-"dezakezu beranduago soinu txartela(k) antzemateko. Beti itzuli ahal izango "
-"zara galdera honetara \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\" erabiliaz."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be "
+#~ "used later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to "
+#~ "this question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zalantzarik baduzu utzi ezazu zurian. \"snd_probe\" komandoa erabili "
+#~ "dezakezu beranduago soinu txartela(k) antzemateko. Beti itzuli ahal "
+#~ "izango zara galdera honetara \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\" erabiliaz."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid "Other modules:"
-msgstr "Beste moduluak:"
+#~ msgid "Other modules:"
+#~ msgstr "Beste moduluak:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's hardware."
-msgstr ""
-"Mesedez hautatu makina honetako hardwarea onartzeko behar diren moduluak."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's "
+#~ "hardware."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mesedez hautatu makina honetako hardwarea onartzeko behar diren moduluak."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Zalantzarik baduzu utzi eremu hau zurian. Beti itzuli ahal izango zara "
-"galdera honetara \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\" erabiliaz."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zalantzarik baduzu utzi eremu hau zurian. Beti itzuli ahal izango zara "
+#~ "galdera honetara \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\" erabiliaz."
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/fi.po
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/fi.po 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/fi.po 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: freebsd-utils\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: freebsd-utils at packages.debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-07 17:55+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-22 15:46+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-23 19:54+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Esko Arajärvi <edu at iki.fi>\n"
"Language-Team: Finnish <debian-l10n-finnish at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -38,85 +38,60 @@
"Jos olet epävarma, älä valitse mitään karttaa. Voit palata tähän kysymykseen "
"komennolla ”dpkg-reconfigure kbdcontrol”."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid "Network card drivers:"
-msgstr "Verkkokortin ajurit:"
+#~ msgid "Network card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Verkkokortin ajurit:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
-"more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
-"installed in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Valitse tämän koneen verkkokorttien ajurit. Voit valita useampia ajureita "
-"tai olla valitsematta yhtään riippuen koneeseen asennettujen korttien "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Valitse tämän koneen verkkokorttien ajurit. Voit valita useampia ajureita "
+#~ "tai olla valitsematta yhtään riippuen koneeseen asennettujen korttien "
+#~ "määrästä."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
-"built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
-"question later."
-msgstr ""
-"Luultavasti et tarvitse yhtään ajuria, koska ytimissä on nykyään "
-"sisäänrakennettuna tuki verkkokorteille. Voit tarvittaessa palata takaisin "
-"tähän kysymykseen myöhemmin."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
+#~ "built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Luultavasti et tarvitse yhtään ajuria, koska ytimissä on nykyään "
+#~ "sisäänrakennettuna tuki verkkokorteille. Voit tarvittaessa palata "
+#~ "takaisin tähän kysymykseen myöhemmin."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid "Sound card drivers:"
-msgstr "Äänikortin ajurit:"
+#~ msgid "Sound card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Äänikortin ajurit:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select more "
-"than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards installed "
-"in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Valitse tämän koneen äänikorttien ajurit. Voit valita useampia ajureita tai "
-"olla valitsematta yhtään riippuen koneeseen asennettujen korttien määrästä."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Valitse tämän koneen äänikorttien ajurit. Voit valita useampia ajureita "
+#~ "tai olla valitsematta yhtään riippuen koneeseen asennettujen korttien "
+#~ "määrästä."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be used "
-"later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Jos olet epävarma, jätä kenttä tyhjäksi. Komento ”snd_probe” auttaa "
-"äänikorttien tunnistamisessa. Voit palata takaisin tähän kysymykseen "
-"komennolla ”dpkg-reconfigure kldutils”."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be "
+#~ "used later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to "
+#~ "this question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Jos olet epävarma, jätä kenttä tyhjäksi. Komento ”snd_probe” auttaa "
+#~ "äänikorttien tunnistamisessa. Voit palata takaisin tähän kysymykseen "
+#~ "komennolla ”dpkg-reconfigure kldutils”."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid "Other modules:"
-msgstr "Muut moduulit:"
+#~ msgid "Other modules:"
+#~ msgstr "Muut moduulit:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's hardware."
-msgstr ""
-"Valitse muut moduulit, joita tarvitaan tämän koneen laitteiden tukemiseen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's "
+#~ "hardware."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Valitse muut moduulit, joita tarvitaan tämän koneen laitteiden tukemiseen."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Jos olet epävarma, jätä kenttä tyhjäksi. Voit palata takaisin tähän "
-"kysymykseen komennolla ”dpkg-reconfigure kldutils”."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Jos olet epävarma, jätä kenttä tyhjäksi. Voit palata takaisin tähän "
+#~ "kysymykseen komennolla ”dpkg-reconfigure kldutils”."
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/fr.po
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/fr.po 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/fr.po 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: freebsd-utils\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: freebsd-utils at packages.debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-07 17:55+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-22 15:46+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-12 23:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Bruno Travouillon <debian at travouillon.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: French <debian-l10n-french at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -40,88 +40,62 @@
"En cas de doute, ne choisissez pas de disposition particulière. Vous pouvez "
"toujours revenir à cette question avec « dpkg-reconfigure kbdcontrol »."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid "Network card drivers:"
-msgstr "Pilotes de carte réseau :"
+#~ msgid "Network card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Pilotes de carte réseau :"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
-"more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
-"installed in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Veuillez choisir les pilotes pour la ou les cartes réseau de cette machine. "
-"Vous avez la possibilité de sélectionner plus d'un pilote, ou aucun, selon "
-"le nombre de cartes installées dans la machine."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Veuillez choisir les pilotes pour la ou les cartes réseau de cette "
+#~ "machine. Vous avez la possibilité de sélectionner plus d'un pilote, ou "
+#~ "aucun, selon le nombre de cartes installées dans la machine."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
-"built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
-"question later."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous n'en avez certainement pas besoin, puisque les noyaux fournis par "
-"défaut gèrent les cartes réseau. Vous pouvez toujours revenir à cette "
-"question plus tard."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
+#~ "built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Vous n'en avez certainement pas besoin, puisque les noyaux fournis par "
+#~ "défaut gèrent les cartes réseau. Vous pouvez toujours revenir à cette "
+#~ "question plus tard."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid "Sound card drivers:"
-msgstr "Pilotes de carte son :"
+#~ msgid "Sound card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Pilotes de carte son :"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select more "
-"than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards installed "
-"in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Veuillez choisir les pilotes pour la ou les cartes son de cette machine. "
-"Vous avez la possibilité de choisir plus d'un pilote, ou aucun, selon le "
-"nombre de cartes installées dans la machine."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Veuillez choisir les pilotes pour la ou les cartes son de cette machine. "
+#~ "Vous avez la possibilité de choisir plus d'un pilote, ou aucun, selon le "
+#~ "nombre de cartes installées dans la machine."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be used "
-"later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"En cas de doute, laissez ce champ vide. La commande « snd_probe » pourra être "
-"utilisée plus tard pour identifier la ou les cartes son. Vous pouvez "
-"toujours revenir à cette question avec la commande « dpkg-reconfigure "
-"kldutils »."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be "
+#~ "used later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to "
+#~ "this question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En cas de doute, laissez ce champ vide. La commande « snd_probe » pourra "
+#~ "être utilisée plus tard pour identifier la ou les cartes son. Vous pouvez "
+#~ "toujours revenir à cette question avec la commande « dpkg-reconfigure "
+#~ "kldutils »."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid "Other modules:"
-msgstr "Autres modules :"
+#~ msgid "Other modules:"
+#~ msgstr "Autres modules :"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's hardware."
-msgstr ""
-"Veuillez choisir les modules nécessaires pour supporter correctement le "
-"matériel de cette machine."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's "
+#~ "hardware."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Veuillez choisir les modules nécessaires pour supporter correctement le "
+#~ "matériel de cette machine."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"En cas de doute, laissez ce champ vide. Vous pouvez toujours revenir à cette "
-"question avec la commande « dpkg-reconfigure kldutils »."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En cas de doute, laissez ce champ vide. Vous pouvez toujours revenir à "
+#~ "cette question avec la commande « dpkg-reconfigure kldutils »."
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/gl.po
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/gl.po 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/gl.po 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gl\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: freebsd-utils at packages.debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-07 17:55+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-22 15:46+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-09 14:02+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: marce villarino <mvillarino at users.sourceforge.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Galician <proxecto at trasno.ent>\n"
@@ -38,87 +38,61 @@
"Se ten dúbidas, non escolla mapa ningún. Sempre poderá volver a esta "
"pregunta con «dpkg-reconfigure kdbcontrol»."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid "Network card drivers:"
-msgstr "Controladores da tarxeta de rede:"
+#~ msgid "Network card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Controladores da tarxeta de rede:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
-"more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
-"installed in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Escolla os controladores das tarxetas de rede desta máquina. Pode escoller "
-"ningún, un ou máis, dependendo da cantidade de tarxetas que teña instaladas "
-"na máquina."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Escolla os controladores das tarxetas de rede desta máquina. Pode "
+#~ "escoller ningún, un ou máis, dependendo da cantidade de tarxetas que teña "
+#~ "instaladas na máquina."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
-"built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
-"question later."
-msgstr ""
-"Posibelmente non precise ningunha, porque os núcleos por omisión levan "
-"incorporado o soporte para tarxetas de rede. Sempre poderá volver a esta "
-"pregunta máis tarde."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
+#~ "built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Posibelmente non precise ningunha, porque os núcleos por omisión levan "
+#~ "incorporado o soporte para tarxetas de rede. Sempre poderá volver a esta "
+#~ "pregunta máis tarde."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid "Sound card drivers:"
-msgstr "Controladores da tarxeta de son:"
+#~ msgid "Sound card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Controladores da tarxeta de son:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select more "
-"than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards installed "
-"in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Escolla os controladores das tarxetas de son desta máquina. Pode escoller "
-"ningún, un ou máis, dependendo da cantidade de tarxetas que teña instaladas "
-"na máquina."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Escolla os controladores das tarxetas de son desta máquina. Pode escoller "
+#~ "ningún, un ou máis, dependendo da cantidade de tarxetas que teña "
+#~ "instaladas na máquina."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be used "
-"later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ten dúbidas, deixe este campo en branco. Pode empregar a orde «snd_probe» "
-"para identificar as tarxetas de son. Sempre poderá volver máis tarde a esta "
-"pregunta con «dpkg-reconfigure kldutils»."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be "
+#~ "used later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to "
+#~ "this question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se ten dúbidas, deixe este campo en branco. Pode empregar a orde "
+#~ "«snd_probe» para identificar as tarxetas de son. Sempre poderá volver máis "
+#~ "tarde a esta pregunta con «dpkg-reconfigure kldutils»."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid "Other modules:"
-msgstr "Outros módulos:"
+#~ msgid "Other modules:"
+#~ msgstr "Outros módulos:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's hardware."
-msgstr ""
-"Escola os módulos precisos para soportar adecuadamente o hardware desta "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's "
+#~ "hardware."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Escola os módulos precisos para soportar adecuadamente o hardware desta "
+#~ "máquina."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ten dúbidas deixe o campo en branco. Pode volver máis tarde a esta "
-"pregunta con «dpkg-reconfigure kldutils»."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se ten dúbidas deixe o campo en branco. Pode volver máis tarde a esta "
+#~ "pregunta con «dpkg-reconfigure kldutils»."
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/pt.po
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/pt.po 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/pt.po 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: freebsd-utils 7.1-5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: freebsd-utils at packages.debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-07 17:55+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-22 15:46+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-12 22:26+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Américo Monteiro <a_monteiro at netcabo.pt>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese <traduz at debianpt.org>\n"
@@ -38,87 +38,61 @@
"Em caso de dúvida, não escolha qualquer mapa. Você pode sempre voltar a esta "
"questão com \"dpkg-reconfigure kbdcontrol\"."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid "Network card drivers:"
-msgstr "Drivers de placa de rede:"
+#~ msgid "Network card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Drivers de placa de rede:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
-"more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
-"installed in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor seleccione os drivers para o(s) placa(s) de rede desta máquina. "
-"Pode seleccionar mais do que um driver, ou até nenhum, dependendo do número "
-"de placas instaladas na máquina."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Por favor seleccione os drivers para o(s) placa(s) de rede desta máquina. "
+#~ "Pode seleccionar mais do que um driver, ou até nenhum, dependendo do "
+#~ "número de placas instaladas na máquina."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
-"built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
-"question later."
-msgstr ""
-"O mais provável é não precisar de nenhuma, visto que os kernels predefinidos "
-"actualmente incluem suporte integrado para placas de rede. Você pode sempre "
-"voltar a esta pergunta mais tarde."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
+#~ "built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "O mais provável é não precisar de nenhuma, visto que os kernels "
+#~ "predefinidos actualmente incluem suporte integrado para placas de rede. "
+#~ "Você pode sempre voltar a esta pergunta mais tarde."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid "Sound card drivers:"
-msgstr "Drivers de placa de som:"
+#~ msgid "Sound card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Drivers de placa de som:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select more "
-"than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards installed "
-"in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor seleccione os drivers para a(s) placa(s) de som desta máquina. "
-"Pode seleccionar mais do que um driver, ou até nenhum, dependendo do número "
-"de placas instaladas na máquina."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Por favor seleccione os drivers para a(s) placa(s) de som desta máquina. "
+#~ "Pode seleccionar mais do que um driver, ou até nenhum, dependendo do "
+#~ "número de placas instaladas na máquina."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be used "
-"later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Em caso de dúvida, deixe este campo vazio. O comando \"snd_probe\" pode ser "
-"usado mais tarde para identificar a(s) placa(s) de som. Você pode sempre "
-"voltar a esta questão com \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be "
+#~ "used later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to "
+#~ "this question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Em caso de dúvida, deixe este campo vazio. O comando \"snd_probe\" pode "
+#~ "ser usado mais tarde para identificar a(s) placa(s) de som. Você pode "
+#~ "sempre voltar a esta questão com \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid "Other modules:"
-msgstr "Outros módulos:"
+#~ msgid "Other modules:"
+#~ msgstr "Outros módulos:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's hardware."
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor seleccione os módulos necessários para suportar correctamente o "
-"hardware desta máquina."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's "
+#~ "hardware."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Por favor seleccione os módulos necessários para suportar correctamente o "
+#~ "hardware desta máquina."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Em caso de dúvida, deixe este campo vazio. Você pode sempre voltar a esta "
-"questão com \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Em caso de dúvida, deixe este campo vazio. Você pode sempre voltar a esta "
+#~ "questão com \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/ru.po
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/ru.po 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/ru.po 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: freebsd-utils 7.1-5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: freebsd-utils at packages.debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-07 17:55+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-22 15:46+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-22 20:13+0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Yuri Kozlov <yuray at komyakino.ru>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian <debian-l10n-russian at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -40,85 +40,59 @@
"Если не уверены, ничего не выбирайте. Вы всегда можете вернуться к этому "
"вопросу с помощью команды \"dpkg-reconfigure kbdcontrol\"."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid "Network card drivers:"
-msgstr "Драйверы сетевых карт:"
+#~ msgid "Network card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Драйверы сетевых карт:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
-"more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
-"installed in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Выберите драйверы для сетевых карт на этой машине. В зависимости от их "
-"количества, можно выбрать несколько драйверов или ни одного."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Выберите драйверы для сетевых карт на этой машине. В зависимости от их "
+#~ "количества, можно выбрать несколько драйверов или ни одного."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
-"built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
-"question later."
-msgstr ""
-"Обычно ничего не нужно указывать, так как ядра по умолчанию уже содержат "
-"поддержку многих сетевых карт. Если что, вы всегда можете вернуться к этому "
-"вопросу позже."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
+#~ "built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Обычно ничего не нужно указывать, так как ядра по умолчанию уже содержат "
+#~ "поддержку многих сетевых карт. Если что, вы всегда можете вернуться к "
+#~ "этому вопросу позже."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid "Sound card drivers:"
-msgstr "Драйверы для звуковых карт:"
+#~ msgid "Sound card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Драйверы для звуковых карт:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select more "
-"than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards installed "
-"in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Выберите драйверы для звуковых карт на этой машине. В зависимости от их "
-"количества, можно выбрать несколько драйверов или ни одного."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Выберите драйверы для звуковых карт на этой машине. В зависимости от их "
+#~ "количества, можно выбрать несколько драйверов или ни одного."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be used "
-"later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Если не уверены, ничего не выбирайте. Позднее можно определить имеющиеся "
-"звуковые карты с помощью команды \"snd_probe\". Вы всегда можете вернуться к "
-"этому вопросу с помощью команды \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be "
+#~ "used later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to "
+#~ "this question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Если не уверены, ничего не выбирайте. Позднее можно определить имеющиеся "
+#~ "звуковые карты с помощью команды \"snd_probe\". Вы всегда можете "
+#~ "вернуться к этому вопросу с помощью команды \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid "Other modules:"
-msgstr "Другие модули:"
+#~ msgid "Other modules:"
+#~ msgstr "Другие модули:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's hardware."
-msgstr ""
-"Укажите модули, которые требуются для поддержки оборудования данного "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's "
+#~ "hardware."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Укажите модули, которые требуются для поддержки оборудования данного "
+#~ "компьютера."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Если не уверены, ничего не выбирайте. Вы всегда можете вернуться к этому "
-"вопросу с помощью команды \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Если не уверены, ничего не выбирайте. Вы всегда можете вернуться к этому "
+#~ "вопросу с помощью команды \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/sv.po
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/sv.po 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/sv.po 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: freebsd-utils at packages.debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-07 17:55+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-22 15:46+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-12 20:16+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Bagge <brother at bsnet.se>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -38,86 +38,61 @@
"alltid återkommer till denna fråga genom att köra \"dpkg-reconfigure "
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid "Network card drivers:"
-msgstr "Drivrutiner för nätverkskort:"
+#~ msgid "Network card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Drivrutiner för nätverkskort:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
-"more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
-"installed in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Ange drivrutiner för maskinens nätverkskort. Du kan välja mer än en "
-"drivrutin, eller ingen alls, beroende på antalet nätverkskort som finns "
-"installerade i maskinen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ange drivrutiner för maskinens nätverkskort. Du kan välja mer än en "
+#~ "drivrutin, eller ingen alls, beroende på antalet nätverkskort som finns "
+#~ "installerade i maskinen."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
-"built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
-"question later."
-msgstr ""
-"I de allra flesta fall behöver du inte ange några alls eftersom kärnan har "
-"inbyggt stöd för nätverkskort. Du kan alltid återvända till den här frågan "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
+#~ "built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "I de allra flesta fall behöver du inte ange några alls eftersom kärnan "
+#~ "har inbyggt stöd för nätverkskort. Du kan alltid återvända till den här "
+#~ "frågan senare."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid "Sound card drivers:"
-msgstr "Drivrutin för ljudkort:"
+#~ msgid "Sound card drivers:"
+#~ msgstr "Drivrutin för ljudkort:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select more "
-"than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards installed "
-"in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Ange drivrutiner för maskinens ljudkort. Du kan välja mer än en drivrutin, "
-"eller ingen alls, beroende på antalet ljudkort som finns installerade i "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select "
+#~ "more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
+#~ "installed in the machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ange drivrutiner för maskinens ljudkort. Du kan välja mer än en "
+#~ "drivrutin, eller ingen alls, beroende på antalet ljudkort som finns "
+#~ "installerade i maskinen."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be used "
-"later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Om du är osäker kan du lämna fältet tomt. Kommandot \"snd_probe\" kan sedan "
-"användas för att hitta ditt/dina ljudkort. Du kan alltid återvända till den "
-"här frågan genom att köra \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be "
+#~ "used later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to "
+#~ "this question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Om du är osäker kan du lämna fältet tomt. Kommandot \"snd_probe\" kan "
+#~ "sedan användas för att hitta ditt/dina ljudkort. Du kan alltid återvända "
+#~ "till den här frågan genom att köra \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid "Other modules:"
-msgstr "Andra moduler:"
+#~ msgid "Other modules:"
+#~ msgstr "Andra moduler:"
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's hardware."
-msgstr ""
-"Ange de moduler som behövs för att kunna använda maskinens hårdvara korrekt."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's "
+#~ "hardware."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ange de moduler som behövs för att kunna använda maskinens hårdvara "
+#~ "korrekt."
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Om du är osäker kan detta fält lämnas tomt. Du kan alltid återvända till "
-"denna fråga med kommandot \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
+#~ "question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Om du är osäker kan detta fält lämnas tomt. Du kan alltid återvända till "
+#~ "denna fråga med kommandot \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
Modified: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/templates.pot
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/templates.pot 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/po/templates.pot 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: freebsd-utils at packages.debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-07 17:55+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-22 15:46+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -35,72 +35,3 @@
"If in doubt, don't choose any map. You can always come back to this question "
"with \"dpkg-reconfigure kbdcontrol\"."
msgstr ""
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid "Network card drivers:"
-msgstr ""
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's network card(s). You may select "
-"more than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards "
-"installed in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:1001
-msgid ""
-"You most likely don't need any, since default kernels currently include "
-"built-in support for network cards. You can always come back to this "
-"question later."
-msgstr ""
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid "Sound card drivers:"
-msgstr ""
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"Please select drivers for this machine's sound card(s). You may select more "
-"than one driver, or none at all, depending on the number of cards installed "
-"in the machine."
-msgstr ""
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:2001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. The \"snd_probe\" command may be used "
-"later to identify the sound card(s). You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid "Other modules:"
-msgstr ""
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"Please select the modules needed to properly support this machine's hardware."
-msgstr ""
-#. Type: multiselect
-#. Description
-#: ../kldutils.templates:3001
-msgid ""
-"If in doubt, leave this field empty. You can always come back to this "
-"question with \"dpkg-reconfigure kldutils\"."
-msgstr ""
Deleted: trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/scripts/sbin/snd_probe
--- trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/scripts/sbin/snd_probe 2009-07-22 14:19:54 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ trunk/freebsd-utils/debian/scripts/sbin/snd_probe 2009-07-22 14:26:50 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-kernel="/lib/modules/`uname -r`"
-echo -n "Probing sound devices..."
-cd $kernel && ls snd_*.ko | sed -e "s/\.ko$//g" | grep -v "snd_driver" | (while read i ; do
- if ! kldstat -n $i >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
- did_we_load_it="true"
- kldload $i
- else
- did_we_load_it="false"
- fi
- found_name="`grep \"^pcm[0-9]*: .* kld snd_[^ ]* \" /dev/sndstat | sed -e \"s/.* \(snd_[^ ]*\) .*/\1/g\"`"
- if [ "$found_name" = "$i" ] ; then
- found_bool="true"
- else
- found_bool="false"
- fi
- if `$did_we_load_it` ; then
- if ! kldunload $i ; then
- echo "warning: failed to unload $i"
- fi
- fi
- if `$found_bool` ; then
- found_list="$found_list $found_name"
- fi
-done ; echo " ${found_list}")
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