[Glibc-bsd-commits] r3175 - trunk/web

Petr Salinger ps-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sat Aug 28 07:26:35 UTC 2010

Author: ps-guest
Date: 2010-08-28 07:26:28 +0000 (Sat, 28 Aug 2010)
New Revision: 3175

update NOTES

Modified: trunk/web/NOTES.archive
--- trunk/web/NOTES.archive	2010-08-25 22:31:08 UTC (rev 3174)
+++ trunk/web/NOTES.archive	2010-08-28 07:26:28 UTC (rev 3175)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 missing in kfreebsd-i386, but available in kfreebsd-amd64
-(as of 2010.08.10, a different version is not listed)
+(as of 2010.08.28, a different version is not listed)
 * really only for kfreebsd-amd64
 * missing upload or requeue needed
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 drizzle				#577959, failed 7/293 tests, 97.61% were successful.
 gnu-efi				? needs 64bit gcc
 gst-buzztard			???
-libbluedevil			? ANAIS now for both ka/ki
 libio-aio-perl			#539920
 refit				? needs 64bit gcc
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@
 missing in kfreebsd-amd64, but available in kfreebsd-i386
-(as of 2010.08.10, a different version is not listed)
+(as of 2010.08.28, a different version is not listed)
 * really only for kfreebsd-i386 (like set6x86)
 * missing upload or requeue needed
@@ -50,51 +49,49 @@
 sdl-stretch			i386 only
 set6x86				i386 only
 xawtv				? bttv kernel interface needed
-xfce4-battery-plugin		? apm kernel interface needed
 xserver-xorg-video-tga		#494846
 outdated in kfreebsd-*, aka might block testing migration
-(as of 2010.08.12)
+(as of 2010.08.28)
 ace			BTS, no patch
 atlas			BTS, no patch 
 beast			broken
 clamav			ki - ulimit fix needed
-commons-daemon		ka - java - fash
-crashmail		BTS with patch
-cyrus-sasl2-heimdal	General FTBFS
+cmor			general FTBFS
 ddd			lpr is virtual-only on kfreebsd-*, and used as b-d
-fbi			??? Linux frame buffer image viewer 
+debian-xcontrol		general FTBFS
+dhcpcd			? problem with our headers
+dvd+rw-tools		on ka only Built
+dvdisaster		on ka/ki only Built
+fakechroot		2 of 12 tests failed
 freecraft		BTS with patch, b-d libsvga1-dev
 fuse			BTS with patch
+ganyremote		Changed Architecture from any to all, aka OK
 genparse		BTS with patch, b-d openjdk-6-jdk
 glpk-java		Almost-general FTBFS: #576896
 guile-pg		General FTBFS: #590952
 gxemul			#570899: gxemul: FTBFS on kfreebsd-i386: 1 TESTS FAILED!
-hydrogen		b-d libportmidi-dev
 hyperestraier		#591399: can't modify frozen string (RuntimeError)
-k3d			BTS with patch, b-d libinotifytools-dev, kfreebsd-* removed from sid
+kanyremote		Changed Architecture from any to all, aka OK
 keynav			waits for xdotool
-libbluedevil		now ANAIS
 libcoro-perl		Almost-general FTBFS: #578458
-libgpod			BTS with patch
 libhildon		Almost-general FTBFS: 591639
 libopensync-plugin-gnokii broken, b-d libopensync0-dev (>= 0.22)
-libpam-mount		BTS, b-d libcryptsetup-dev (>= 1.1.2)
-lilypond		??? only on buildd ???
-monster-masher		BTS with patch, ki only - extra b-d gcc-multilib
 msr-tools		ANAIS, have to be removed
 multisync0.90		broken
+muroard			on ka/ki only Built
+nateon			on ka only Built
 nodm			ANAIS, have to be removed
-openscap		BTS with patch
 sawfish			???  Error: No such structure, gui.gtk-2.gtk
 scribus-ng		general FTBFS
-shogun			only ki fails, seems due to doxygen
 softgun			BTS with patch
+tuxguitar		? java problem on ki ?
+varnish			on ka 1x FAIL timeout waiting for CLI connection
 vdkxdb2			#327894: vdkxdb2(GNU/k*BSD): FTBFS: out of date libtool scripts
 xdotool			#590827  [S|+] [xdotool] xdotool: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD (due to unsatisfied Build-Depends on lsof)
 xfce4-taskmanager	#586465 with patch
@@ -106,7 +103,7 @@
 source packages currently in unstable, missing in kfreebsd-amd64 archive,
 ordered by popcon - max for all the binary packages generated by source package
-as of 2010.08.11:
+as of 2010.08.28:
@@ -143,6 +140,8 @@
 72    traceroute                     87773 10291 63813 13643   327                                 
 74    udev                           87657 58780 24158  4706 75644                                 
 80    klibc                          87075 30122 55342  6648    37                                 
 107   console-tools                  81597 44210 31917  2604  2883                                 
 111   acpid                          80930 46319 30820  3777    14                                 
 114   lsof                           80455 14368 59340  6723    24                                 
@@ -172,6 +171,7 @@
 457   strace                         38259  5406 31459  1375    19                                 
 477   xserver-xorg-video-v4l         36724   998 27868  3115  4743                                 
 501   apmd                           35194  1152  8014  1242 24786                                 
 503   libraw1394                     35122  8796  2550  3866 34908                                 
 544   hdparm                         32630 10456 19396  2763    15                                 
@@ -284,6 +284,7 @@
 1857  autofs                          2963  1343  1553    66   154                                 
 1858  network-manager-pptp            2962   245  1933   832     2                                 
 1884  gkrellm                         2881  1156  1597   128     0                                 
+1897  fbi                             2830   381  2288   161     0                                 
 1928  ltrace                          2716   342  2252   122     0                                 
 1945  alsaplayer                      2656  1154  1460   778   153                                 
 1951  libqt-perl                      2634   274  2171   189     0                                 
@@ -299,7 +300,6 @@
 2067  pybluez                         2317   398  1690   212    17                                 
 2068  atop                            2316  1810   473    33     0                                 
 2070  cdebootstrap                    2313   267  1412   633     1                                 
-2073  xfce4-battery-plugin            2306   251  1662   270   123                                 
 2076  xfce4-cpugraph-plugin           2299   303  1609   262   125                                 
 2093  numactl                         2256    24   149     9  2074                                 
 2102  ntop                            2235  1080  1069    82     4                                 
@@ -383,12 +383,12 @@
 3006  vobcopy                         1038   146   845    47     0                                 
 3016  qtparted                        1030   118   852    60     0                                 
+3020  hydrogen                        1028   165   795    67     1                                 
 3027  vzquota                         1023   613   331    79     0                                 
 3040  udftools                        1009   210   750    49     0                                 
 3047  vzctl                           1004   610   313    81     0                                 
 3057  libprojectm                      999     0     0     0   999                                 
 3060  libv8                            996     5    20    29   970                                 
-3071  usplash                          992   576   242    91   102                                 
 3088  mt-st                            979   265   665    44     5                                 
 3096  scilab                           972   252   643    77   392                                 
 3105  sash                             967   245   686    35     1                                 

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