[Glibc-bsd-commits] r3124 - in trunk/kfreebsd-8/debian: . patches

Aurelien Jarno aurel32 at alioth.debian.org
Fri Jul 30 18:55:21 UTC 2010

Author: aurel32
Date: 2010-07-30 18:55:19 +0000 (Fri, 30 Jul 2010)
New Revision: 3124

  * Backport apm emulation on amd64 from -CURRENT as it is required by a few
      - patches/105_apm_amd64.diff

Modified: trunk/kfreebsd-8/debian/changelog
--- trunk/kfreebsd-8/debian/changelog	2010-07-30 16:11:22 UTC (rev 3123)
+++ trunk/kfreebsd-8/debian/changelog	2010-07-30 18:55:19 UTC (rev 3124)
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+kfreebsd-8 (8.1-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Backport apm emulation on amd64 from -CURRENT as it is required by a few
+    packages:
+      - patches/105_apm_amd64.diff
+ -- Aurelien Jarno <aurel32 at debian.org>  Fri, 30 Jul 2010 20:20:58 +0200
 kfreebsd-8 (8.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Petr Salinger ]

Added: trunk/kfreebsd-8/debian/patches/105_apm_amd64.diff
--- trunk/kfreebsd-8/debian/patches/105_apm_amd64.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/kfreebsd-8/debian/patches/105_apm_amd64.diff	2010-07-30 18:55:19 UTC (rev 3124)
@@ -0,0 +1,823 @@
+--- a/sys/dev/acpica/acpi.c
++++ b/sys/dev/acpica/acpi.c
+@@ -2308,9 +2308,8 @@
+ int
+ acpi_ReqSleepState(struct acpi_softc *sc, int state)
+ {
+-#if defined(__i386__)
++#if defined(__amd64__) || defined(__i386__)
+     struct apm_clone_data *clone;
+     if (state < ACPI_STATE_S1 || state > ACPI_S_STATES_MAX)
+ 	return (EINVAL);
+@@ -2325,7 +2324,6 @@
+ 	    return (ENXIO);
+     }
+-#if defined(__amd64__) || defined(__i386__)
+     /* If a suspend request is already in progress, just return. */
+     ACPI_LOCK(acpi);
+     if (sc->acpi_next_sstate != 0) {
+@@ -2335,7 +2333,6 @@
+     /* Record the pending state and notify all apm devices. */
+     sc->acpi_next_sstate = state;
+-#if defined(__i386__)
+     STAILQ_FOREACH(clone, &sc->apm_cdevs, entries) {
+ 	clone->notify_status = APM_EV_NONE;
+ 	if ((clone->flags & ACPI_EVF_DEVD) == 0) {
+@@ -2343,7 +2340,6 @@
+ 	    KNOTE_UNLOCKED(&clone->sel_read.si_note, 0);
+ 	}
+     }
+     /* If devd(8) is not running, immediately enter the sleep state. */
+     if (!devctl_process_running()) {
+@@ -2414,7 +2410,6 @@
+      * are writable since read-only devices couldn't ack the request.
+      */
+     sleeping = TRUE;
+-#if defined(__i386__)
+     clone->notify_status = APM_EV_ACKED;
+     STAILQ_FOREACH(clone, &sc->apm_cdevs, entries) {
+ 	if ((clone->flags & ACPI_EVF_WRITE) != 0 &&
+@@ -2423,7 +2418,6 @@
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+     /* If all devices have voted "yes", we will suspend now. */
+     if (sleeping)
+--- a/sys/i386/include/apm_bios.h
++++ b/sys/i386/include/apm_bios.h
+@@ -230,12 +230,12 @@
+ } *apm_pwstatus_t;
+ struct apm_bios_arg {
+-        u_long eax;
+-        u_long ebx;
+-        u_long ecx;
+-        u_long edx;
+-        u_long esi;
+-        u_long edi;
++        uint32_t eax;
++        uint32_t ebx;
++        uint32_t ecx;
++        uint32_t edx;
++        uint32_t esi;
++        uint32_t edi;
+ };
+ struct apm_event_info {
+--- a/sys/amd64/acpica/acpi_machdep.c
++++ b/sys/amd64/acpica/acpi_machdep.c
+@@ -43,6 +43,24 @@
+ #include <machine/nexusvar.h>
++ * APM driver emulation 
++ */
++#include <sys/condvar.h>
++#include <sys/conf.h>
++#include <sys/fcntl.h>
++#include <sys/malloc.h>
++#include <sys/poll.h>
++#include <sys/uio.h>
++#include <dev/acpica/acpiio.h>
++#include <machine/apm_bios.h>
++#include <i386/include/pc/bios.h>
++#include <i386/bios/apm.h>
+ SYSCTL_DECL(_debug_acpi);
+ int acpi_resume_beep;
+@@ -54,8 +72,433 @@
+ TUNABLE_INT("hw.acpi.reset_video", &acpi_reset_video);
+ static int intr_model = ACPI_INTR_PIC;
+-static struct apm_clone_data acpi_clone;
++static int apm_active;
++static struct clonedevs *apm_clones;
++MALLOC_DEFINE(M_APMDEV, "apmdev", "APM device emulation");
++static d_open_t		apmopen;
++static d_close_t	apmclose;
++static d_write_t	apmwrite;
++static d_ioctl_t	apmioctl;
++static d_poll_t		apmpoll;
++static d_kqfilter_t	apmkqfilter;
++static void		apmreadfiltdetach(struct knote *kn);
++static int		apmreadfilt(struct knote *kn, long hint);
++static struct filterops	apm_readfiltops = {
++	.f_isfd = 1,
++	.f_detach = apmreadfiltdetach,
++	.f_event = apmreadfilt,
++static struct cdevsw apm_cdevsw = {
++	.d_version =	D_VERSION,
++	.d_open =	apmopen,
++	.d_close =	apmclose,
++	.d_write =	apmwrite,
++	.d_ioctl =	apmioctl,
++	.d_poll =	apmpoll,
++	.d_name =	"apm",
++	.d_kqfilter =	apmkqfilter
++static int
++acpi_capm_convert_battstate(struct  acpi_battinfo *battp)
++	int	state;
++	state = APM_UNKNOWN;
++	if (battp->state & ACPI_BATT_STAT_DISCHARG) {
++		if (battp->cap >= 50)
++			state = 0;	/* high */
++		else
++			state = 1;	/* low */
++	}
++	if (battp->state & ACPI_BATT_STAT_CRITICAL)
++		state = 2;		/* critical */
++	if (battp->state & ACPI_BATT_STAT_CHARGING)
++		state = 3;		/* charging */
++	/* If still unknown, determine it based on the battery capacity. */
++	if (state == APM_UNKNOWN) {
++		if (battp->cap >= 50)
++			state = 0;	/* high */
++		else
++			state = 1;	/* low */
++	}
++	return (state);
++static int
++acpi_capm_convert_battflags(struct  acpi_battinfo *battp)
++	int	flags;
++	flags = 0;
++	if (battp->cap >= 50)
++		flags |= APM_BATT_HIGH;
++	else {
++		if (battp->state & ACPI_BATT_STAT_CRITICAL)
++			flags |= APM_BATT_CRITICAL;
++		else
++			flags |= APM_BATT_LOW;
++	}
++	if (battp->state & ACPI_BATT_STAT_CHARGING)
++		flags |= APM_BATT_CHARGING;
++	if (battp->state == ACPI_BATT_STAT_NOT_PRESENT)
++	return (flags);
++static int
++acpi_capm_get_info(apm_info_t aip)
++	int	acline;
++	struct	acpi_battinfo batt;
++	aip->ai_infoversion = 1;
++	aip->ai_major       = 1;
++	aip->ai_minor       = 2;
++	aip->ai_status      = apm_active;
++	aip->ai_capabilities= 0xff00;	/* unknown */
++	if (acpi_acad_get_acline(&acline))
++		aip->ai_acline = APM_UNKNOWN;	/* unknown */
++	else
++		aip->ai_acline = acline;	/* on/off */
++	if (acpi_battery_get_battinfo(NULL, &batt) != 0) {
++		aip->ai_batt_stat = APM_UNKNOWN;
++		aip->ai_batt_life = APM_UNKNOWN;
++		aip->ai_batt_time = -1;		 /* unknown */
++		aip->ai_batteries = ~0U;	 /* unknown */
++	} else {
++		aip->ai_batt_stat = acpi_capm_convert_battstate(&batt);
++		aip->ai_batt_life = batt.cap;
++		aip->ai_batt_time = (batt.min == -1) ? -1 : batt.min * 60;
++		aip->ai_batteries = acpi_battery_get_units();
++	}
++	return (0);
++static int
++acpi_capm_get_pwstatus(apm_pwstatus_t app)
++	device_t dev;
++	int	acline, unit, error;
++	struct	acpi_battinfo batt;
++	if (app->ap_device != PMDV_ALLDEV &&
++	    (app->ap_device < PMDV_BATT0 || app->ap_device > PMDV_BATT_ALL))
++		return (1);
++	if (app->ap_device == PMDV_ALLDEV)
++		error = acpi_battery_get_battinfo(NULL, &batt);
++	else {
++		unit = app->ap_device - PMDV_BATT0;
++		dev = devclass_get_device(devclass_find("battery"), unit);
++		if (dev != NULL)
++			error = acpi_battery_get_battinfo(dev, &batt);
++		else
++			error = ENXIO;
++	}
++	if (error)
++		return (1);
++	app->ap_batt_stat = acpi_capm_convert_battstate(&batt);
++	app->ap_batt_flag = acpi_capm_convert_battflags(&batt);
++	app->ap_batt_life = batt.cap;
++	app->ap_batt_time = (batt.min == -1) ? -1 : batt.min * 60;
++	if (acpi_acad_get_acline(&acline))
++		app->ap_acline = APM_UNKNOWN;
++	else
++		app->ap_acline = acline;	/* on/off */
++	return (0);
++/* Create single-use devices for /dev/apm and /dev/apmctl. */
++static void
++apm_clone(void *arg, struct ucred *cred, char *name, int namelen,
++    struct cdev **dev)
++	int ctl_dev, unit;
++	if (*dev != NULL)
++		return;
++	if (strcmp(name, "apmctl") == 0)
++		ctl_dev = TRUE;
++	else if (strcmp(name, "apm") == 0)
++		ctl_dev = FALSE;
++	else
++		return;
++	/* Always create a new device and unit number. */
++	unit = -1;
++	if (clone_create(&apm_clones, &apm_cdevsw, &unit, dev, 0)) {
++		if (ctl_dev) {
++			*dev = make_dev(&apm_cdevsw, unit,
++			    UID_ROOT, GID_OPERATOR, 0660, "apmctl%d", unit);
++		} else {
++			*dev = make_dev(&apm_cdevsw, unit,
++			    UID_ROOT, GID_OPERATOR, 0664, "apm%d", unit);
++		}
++		if (*dev != NULL) {
++			dev_ref(*dev);
++			(*dev)->si_flags |= SI_CHEAPCLONE;
++		}
++	}
++/* Create a struct for tracking per-device suspend notification. */
++static struct apm_clone_data *
++apm_create_clone(struct cdev *dev, struct acpi_softc *acpi_sc)
++	struct apm_clone_data *clone;
++	clone = malloc(sizeof(*clone), M_APMDEV, M_WAITOK);
++	clone->cdev = dev;
++	clone->acpi_sc = acpi_sc;
++	clone->notify_status = APM_EV_NONE;
++	bzero(&clone->sel_read, sizeof(clone->sel_read));
++	knlist_init_mtx(&clone->sel_read.si_note, &acpi_mutex);
++	/*
++	 * The acpi device is always managed by devd(8) and is considered
++	 * writable (i.e., ack is required to allow suspend to proceed.)
++	 */
++	if (strcmp("acpi", devtoname(dev)) == 0)
++		clone->flags = ACPI_EVF_DEVD | ACPI_EVF_WRITE;
++	else
++		clone->flags = ACPI_EVF_NONE;
++	ACPI_LOCK(acpi);
++	STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&acpi_sc->apm_cdevs, clone, entries);
++	ACPI_UNLOCK(acpi);
++	return (clone);
++static int
++apmopen(struct cdev *dev, int flag, int fmt, struct thread *td)
++	struct	acpi_softc *acpi_sc;
++	struct 	apm_clone_data *clone;
++	acpi_sc = devclass_get_softc(devclass_find("acpi"), 0);
++	clone = apm_create_clone(dev, acpi_sc);
++	dev->si_drv1 = clone;
++	/* If the device is opened for write, record that. */
++	if ((flag & FWRITE) != 0)
++		clone->flags |= ACPI_EVF_WRITE;
++	return (0);
++static int
++apmclose(struct cdev *dev, int flag, int fmt, struct thread *td)
++	struct	apm_clone_data *clone;
++	struct	acpi_softc *acpi_sc;
++	clone = dev->si_drv1;
++	acpi_sc = clone->acpi_sc;
++	/* We are about to lose a reference so check if suspend should occur */
++	if (acpi_sc->acpi_next_sstate != 0 &&
++	    clone->notify_status != APM_EV_ACKED)
++		acpi_AckSleepState(clone, 0);
++	/* Remove this clone's data from the list and free it. */
++	ACPI_LOCK(acpi);
++	STAILQ_REMOVE(&acpi_sc->apm_cdevs, clone, apm_clone_data, entries);
++	knlist_destroy(&clone->sel_read.si_note);
++	ACPI_UNLOCK(acpi);
++	free(clone, M_APMDEV);
++	destroy_dev_sched(dev);
++	return (0);
++static int
++apmioctl(struct cdev *dev, u_long cmd, caddr_t addr, int flag, struct thread *td)
++	int	error;
++	struct	apm_clone_data *clone;
++	struct	acpi_softc *acpi_sc;
++	struct	apm_info info;
++	struct 	apm_event_info *ev_info;
++	apm_info_old_t aiop;
++	error = 0;
++	clone = dev->si_drv1;
++	acpi_sc = clone->acpi_sc;
++	switch (cmd) {
++		if ((flag & FWRITE) == 0)
++			return (EPERM);
++		if (acpi_sc->acpi_next_sstate == 0) {
++			if (acpi_sc->acpi_suspend_sx != ACPI_STATE_S5) {
++				error = acpi_ReqSleepState(acpi_sc,
++				    acpi_sc->acpi_suspend_sx);
++			} else {
++				printf(
++			"power off via apm suspend not supported\n");
++				error = ENXIO;
++			}
++		} else
++			error = acpi_AckSleepState(clone, 0);
++		break;
++		if ((flag & FWRITE) == 0)
++			return (EPERM);
++		if (acpi_sc->acpi_next_sstate == 0) {
++			if (acpi_sc->acpi_standby_sx != ACPI_STATE_S5) {
++				error = acpi_ReqSleepState(acpi_sc,
++				    acpi_sc->acpi_standby_sx);
++			} else {
++				printf(
++			"power off via apm standby not supported\n");
++				error = ENXIO;
++			}
++		} else
++			error = acpi_AckSleepState(clone, 0);
++		break;
++		printf("apm nextevent start\n");
++		ACPI_LOCK(acpi);
++		if (acpi_sc->acpi_next_sstate != 0 && clone->notify_status ==
++		    APM_EV_NONE) {
++			ev_info = (struct apm_event_info *)addr;
++			if (acpi_sc->acpi_next_sstate <= ACPI_STATE_S3)
++				ev_info->type = PMEV_STANDBYREQ;
++			else
++				ev_info->type = PMEV_SUSPENDREQ;
++			ev_info->index = 0;
++			clone->notify_status = APM_EV_NOTIFIED;
++			printf("apm event returning %d\n", ev_info->type);
++		} else
++			error = EAGAIN;
++		ACPI_UNLOCK(acpi);
++		break;
++		if (acpi_capm_get_info(&info))
++			error = ENXIO;
++		aiop = (apm_info_old_t)addr;
++		aiop->ai_major = info.ai_major;
++		aiop->ai_minor = info.ai_minor;
++		aiop->ai_acline = info.ai_acline;
++		aiop->ai_batt_stat = info.ai_batt_stat;
++		aiop->ai_batt_life = info.ai_batt_life;
++		aiop->ai_status = info.ai_status;
++		break;
++		if (acpi_capm_get_info((apm_info_t)addr))
++			error = ENXIO;
++		break;
++		if (acpi_capm_get_pwstatus((apm_pwstatus_t)addr))
++			error = ENXIO;
++		break;
++		if ((flag & FWRITE) == 0)
++			return (EPERM);
++		apm_active = 1;
++		break;
++		if ((flag & FWRITE) == 0)
++			return (EPERM);
++		apm_active = 0;
++		break;
++		break;
++		break;
++		if ((flag & FWRITE) == 0)
++			return (EPERM);
++		break;
++	case APMIO_BIOS:
++		if ((flag & FWRITE) == 0)
++			return (EPERM);
++		bzero(addr, sizeof(struct apm_bios_arg));
++		break;
++	default:
++		error = EINVAL;
++		break;
++	}
++	return (error);
++static int
++apmwrite(struct cdev *dev, struct uio *uio, int ioflag)
++	return (uio->uio_resid);
++static int
++apmpoll(struct cdev *dev, int events, struct thread *td)
++	struct	apm_clone_data *clone;
++	int revents;
++	revents = 0;
++	ACPI_LOCK(acpi);
++	clone = dev->si_drv1;
++	if (clone->acpi_sc->acpi_next_sstate)
++		revents |= events & (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM);
++	else
++		selrecord(td, &clone->sel_read);
++	ACPI_UNLOCK(acpi);
++	return (revents);
++static int
++apmkqfilter(struct cdev *dev, struct knote *kn)
++	struct	apm_clone_data *clone;
++	ACPI_LOCK(acpi);
++	clone = dev->si_drv1;
++	kn->kn_hook = clone;
++	kn->kn_fop = &apm_readfiltops;
++	knlist_add(&clone->sel_read.si_note, kn, 0);
++	ACPI_UNLOCK(acpi);
++	return (0);
++static void
++apmreadfiltdetach(struct knote *kn)
++	struct	apm_clone_data *clone;
++	ACPI_LOCK(acpi);
++	clone = kn->kn_hook;
++	knlist_remove(&clone->sel_read.si_note, kn, 0);
++	ACPI_UNLOCK(acpi);
++static int
++apmreadfilt(struct knote *kn, long hint)
++	struct	apm_clone_data *clone;
++	int	sleeping;
++	ACPI_LOCK(acpi);
++	clone = kn->kn_hook;
++	sleeping = clone->acpi_sc->acpi_next_sstate ? 1 : 0;
++	ACPI_UNLOCK(acpi);
++	return (sleeping);
+ int
+ acpi_machdep_init(device_t dev)
+ {
+@@ -63,14 +506,11 @@
+ 	sc = devclass_get_softc(devclass_find("acpi"), 0);
+-	/* Create a fake clone for /dev/acpi. */
++	/* Create a clone for /dev/acpi also. */
+ 	STAILQ_INIT(&sc->apm_cdevs);
+-	acpi_clone.cdev = sc->acpi_dev_t;
+-	acpi_clone.acpi_sc = sc;
+-	ACPI_LOCK(acpi);
+-	STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&sc->apm_cdevs, &acpi_clone, entries);
+-	ACPI_UNLOCK(acpi);
+-	sc->acpi_clone = &acpi_clone;
++	sc->acpi_clone = apm_create_clone(sc->acpi_dev_t, sc);
++	clone_setup(&apm_clones);
++	EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER(dev_clone, apm_clone, 0, 1000);
+ 	acpi_install_wakeup_handler(sc);
+ 	if (intr_model != ACPI_INTR_PIC)
+--- a/sys/amd64/include/apm_bios.h
++++ b/sys/amd64/include/apm_bios.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
++ * APM (Advanced Power Management) BIOS Device Driver
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) 1994-1995 by HOSOKAWA, Tatsumi <hosokawa at mt.cs.keio.ac.jp>
++ *
++ * This software may be used, modified, copied, and distributed, in
++ * both source and binary form provided that the above copyright and
++ * these terms are retained. Under no circumstances is the author
++ * responsible for the proper functioning of this software, nor does
++ * the author assume any responsibility for damages incurred with its
++ * use.
++ *
++ * Aug, 1994	Implemented on FreeBSD (Toshiba AVS001WD)
++ *
++ * $FreeBSD$
++ */
++#ifndef	_MACHINE_APM_BIOS_H_
++#define	_MACHINE_APM_BIOS_H_
++#ifndef _KERNEL
++#include <sys/types.h>
++#include <sys/ioccom.h>
++/* BIOS id */
++#define APM_BIOS		0x53
++#define APM_INT			0x15
++/* APM flags */
++#define APM_16BIT_SUPPORT	0x01
++#define APM_32BIT_SUPPORT	0x02
++#define APM_CPUIDLE_SLOW	0x04
++#define APM_DISABLED		0x08
++#define APM_DISENGAGED		0x10
++/* APM initializer physical address */
++#define APM_OURADDR		0x00080000
++/* APM functions */
++#define APM_INSTCHECK		0x00
++#define APM_REALCONNECT		0x01
++#define APM_PROT16CONNECT	0x02
++#define APM_PROT32CONNECT	0x03
++#define APM_DISCONNECT		0x04
++#define APM_CPUIDLE		0x05
++#define APM_CPUBUSY		0x06
++#define APM_SETPWSTATE		0x07
++#define	APM_GETPWSTATUS		0x0a
++#define APM_GETPMEVENT		0x0b
++#define APM_GETPWSTATE		0x0c
++#define APM_DRVVERSION		0x0e
++#define APM_RESUMETIMER		0x11
++#define APM_RESUMEONRING	0x12
++#define APM_TIMERREQUESTS	0x13
++#define APM_OEMFUNC		0x80
++/* error code */
++#define APME_OK			0x00
++#define APME_PMDISABLED		0x01
++#define APME_NOTCONNECTED	0x03
++#define APME_OUTOFRANGE		0x0a
++#define APME_NOTENGAGED		0x0b
++#define APME_NOPMEVENT		0x80
++#define APME_NOAPMPRESENT	0x86
++/* device code */
++#define PMDV_APMBIOS		0x0000
++#define PMDV_ALLDEV		0x0001
++#define PMDV_DISP0		0x0100
++#define PMDV_DISP1		0x0101
++#define PMDV_DISPALL		0x01ff
++#define PMDV_2NDSTORAGE0	0x0200
++#define PMDV_2NDSTORAGE1	0x0201
++#define PMDV_2NDSTORAGE2	0x0202
++#define PMDV_2NDSTORAGE3	0x0203
++#define PMDV_PARALLEL0		0x0300
++#define PMDV_PARALLEL1		0x0301
++#define PMDV_SERIAL0		0x0400
++#define PMDV_SERIAL1		0x0401
++#define PMDV_SERIAL2		0x0402
++#define PMDV_SERIAL3		0x0403
++#define PMDV_SERIAL4		0x0404
++#define PMDV_SERIAL5		0x0405
++#define PMDV_SERIAL6		0x0406
++#define PMDV_SERIAL7		0x0407
++#define PMDV_NET0		0x0500
++#define PMDV_NET1		0x0501
++#define PMDV_NET2		0x0502
++#define PMDV_NET3		0x0503
++#define PMDV_PCMCIA0		0x0600
++#define PMDV_PCMCIA1		0x0601
++#define PMDV_PCMCIA2		0x0602
++#define PMDV_PCMCIA3		0x0603
++/* 0x0700 - 0x7fff	Reserved			*/
++#define PMDV_BATT_BASE		0x8000
++#define PMDV_BATT0		0x8001
++#define PMDV_BATT1		0x8002
++#define PMDV_BATT_ALL		0x80ff
++/* 0x8100 - 0xdfff	Reserved			*/
++/* 0xe000 - 0xefff	OEM-defined power device IDs	*/
++/* 0xf000 - 0xffff	Reserved			*/
++/* Power state */
++#define PMST_APMENABLED		0x0000
++#define PMST_STANDBY		0x0001
++#define PMST_SUSPEND		0x0002
++#define PMST_OFF		0x0003
++#define PMST_LASTREQNOTIFY	0x0004
++#define PMST_LASTREQREJECT	0x0005
++/* 0x0006 - 0x001f	Reserved system states		*/
++/* 0x0020 - 0x003f	OEM-defined system states	*/
++/* 0x0040 - 0x007f	OEM-defined device states	*/
++/* 0x0080 - 0xffff	Reserved device states		*/
++#if !defined(ASSEMBLER) && !defined(INITIALIZER)
++/* C definitions */
++struct apmhook {
++	struct apmhook	*ah_next;
++	int		(*ah_fun)(void *ah_arg);
++	void		*ah_arg;
++	const char	*ah_name;
++	int		ah_order;
++#define APM_HOOK_NONE		(-1)
++#define APM_HOOK_SUSPEND        0
++#define APM_HOOK_RESUME         1
++#define NAPM_HOOK               2
++#ifdef _KERNEL
++void apm_suspend(int state);
++struct apmhook *apm_hook_establish (int apmh, struct apmhook *);
++void apm_hook_disestablish (int apmh, struct apmhook *);
++void apm_cpu_idle(void);
++void apm_cpu_busy(void);
++#endif /* !ASSEMBLER && !INITIALIZER */
++#define APM_MIN_ORDER		0x00
++#define APM_MID_ORDER		0x80
++#define APM_MAX_ORDER		0xff
++/* power management event code */
++#define PMEV_NOEVENT		0x0000
++#define PMEV_STANDBYREQ		0x0001
++#define PMEV_SUSPENDREQ		0x0002
++#define PMEV_NORMRESUME		0x0003
++#define PMEV_CRITRESUME		0x0004
++#define PMEV_BATTERYLOW		0x0005
++#define PMEV_UPDATETIME		0x0007
++#define PMEV_CRITSUSPEND	0x0008
++#define PMEV_USERSTANDBYREQ	0x0009
++#define PMEV_USERSUSPENDREQ	0x000a
++#define PMEV_STANDBYRESUME	0x000b
++/* 0x000d - 0x00ff	Reserved system events	*/
++/* 0x0100 - 0x01ff	Reserved device events	*/
++/* 0x0200 - 0x02ff	OEM-defined APM events	*/
++/* 0x0300 - 0xffff	Reserved		*/
++#define PMEV_DEFAULT		0xffffffff	/* used for customization */
++#if !defined(ASSEMBLER) && !defined(INITIALIZER)
++ * Old apm_info structure, returned by the APMIO_GETINFO_OLD ioctl.  This
++ * is for backward compatibility with old executables.
++ */
++typedef struct apm_info_old {
++	u_int	ai_major;	/* APM major version */
++	u_int	ai_minor;	/* APM minor version */
++	u_int	ai_acline;	/* AC line status */
++	u_int	ai_batt_stat;	/* Battery status */
++	u_int	ai_batt_life;	/* Remaining battery life */
++	u_int	ai_status;	/* Status of APM support (enabled/disabled) */
++} *apm_info_old_t;
++ * Structure returned by the APMIO_GETINFO ioctl.
++ *
++ * In the comments below, the parenthesized numbers indicate the minimum
++ * value of ai_infoversion for which each field is valid.
++ */
++typedef struct apm_info {
++	u_int	ai_infoversion;	/* Indicates which fields are valid */
++	u_int	ai_major;	/* APM major version (0) */
++	u_int	ai_minor;	/* APM minor version (0) */
++	u_int	ai_acline;	/* AC line status (0) */
++	u_int	ai_batt_stat;	/* Battery status (0) */
++	u_int	ai_batt_life;	/* Remaining battery life in percent (0) */
++	int	ai_batt_time;	/* Remaining battery time in seconds (0) */
++	u_int	ai_status;	/* True if enabled (0) */
++	u_int	ai_batteries;	/* Number of batteries (1) */
++	u_int	ai_capabilities;/* APM Capabilities (1) */
++	u_int	ai_spare[6];	/* For future expansion */
++} *apm_info_t;
++/* Battery flag */
++#define APM_BATT_HIGH		0x01
++#define APM_BATT_LOW		0x02
++#define APM_BATT_CRITICAL	0x04
++#define APM_BATT_CHARGING	0x08
++#define APM_BATT_NOT_PRESENT	0x10
++#define APM_BATT_NO_SYSTEM	0x80
++typedef struct apm_pwstatus {
++	u_int	ap_device;	/* Device code of battery */
++	u_int	ap_acline;	/* AC line status (0) */
++	u_int	ap_batt_stat;	/* Battery status (0) */
++	u_int	ap_batt_flag;	/* Battery flag (0) */
++	u_int	ap_batt_life;	/* Remaining battery life in percent (0) */
++	int	ap_batt_time;	/* Remaining battery time in seconds (0) */
++} *apm_pwstatus_t;
++struct apm_bios_arg {
++        uint32_t eax;
++        uint32_t ebx;
++        uint32_t ecx;
++        uint32_t edx;
++        uint32_t esi;
++        uint32_t edi;
++struct apm_event_info {
++	u_int type;
++	u_int index;
++	u_int spare[8];
++#define APMIO_SUSPEND		_IO('P', 1)
++#define APMIO_GETINFO_OLD	_IOR('P', 2, struct apm_info_old)
++#define APMIO_ENABLE		_IO('P', 5)
++#define APMIO_DISABLE		_IO('P', 6)
++#define APMIO_HALTCPU		_IO('P', 7)
++#define APMIO_NOTHALTCPU	_IO('P', 8)
++#define APMIO_DISPLAY		_IOW('P', 9, int)
++#define APMIO_BIOS		_IOWR('P', 10, struct apm_bios_arg)
++#define APMIO_GETINFO		_IOR('P', 11, struct apm_info)
++#define APMIO_STANDBY		_IO('P', 12)
++#define APMIO_GETPWSTATUS	_IOWR('P', 13, struct apm_pwstatus)
++/* for /dev/apmctl */
++#define APMIO_NEXTEVENT		_IOR('A', 100, struct apm_event_info)
++#define APMIO_REJECTLASTREQ	_IO('P', 101)
++#endif /* !ASSEMBLER && !INITIALIZER */
++#endif /* !_MACHINE_APM_BIOS_H_ */

Modified: trunk/kfreebsd-8/debian/patches/series
--- trunk/kfreebsd-8/debian/patches/series	2010-07-30 16:11:22 UTC (rev 3123)
+++ trunk/kfreebsd-8/debian/patches/series	2010-07-30 18:55:19 UTC (rev 3124)
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@

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