[Glibc-bsd-devel] comments on the FreeBSD packages

Robert Millan zeratul2@wanadoo.es
Sat, 12 Jul 2003 17:51:41 +0200

[ CCing to glibc-bsd-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org ]


Nathan, I'd like to make some comments/suggestions on the FreeBSD packages:

 - how about making all of it into a single multi-binary package? it has
   the advantage that it's less work for maintainance and we don't have
   to worry about keeping interfaces in sync (e.g: program requiring features
   in newer libc version, etc)
 - i think we should have a separate /usr hierrachy for the FreeBSD stuff. Its
   bin directory could contain things like:
     - cc: you cross-compiler script, so we don't have to patch upstream
       sources to replace cc with i386-freebsd-gcc
     - uname: script that echoes "FreeBSD" on -s, and fallbacks to real uname
       for any other options
     - yacc,lex,make: FreeBSD versions of the utils, so we don't have to patch
       upstream sources (eg, s/make/fmake/g), and we can avoid kludges like
       conflicting with byacc or pmake
   this way, you'd get a FreeBSD build environment by simply exporting a new
   value to the PATH variable.

Robert Millan