xlibs hack

Robert Millan rmh@debian.org
Mon, 16 Aug 2004 05:14:19 +0200


The following hack prevents common "missing -lfuck" breakage when linking
with xlibs that are only in /usr/X11R6/lib.

Since xlibs will eventualy move into a sane directory instead of that shitty
X11R6 thing, i made up a hack to workaround it.  I'll probably merge it to
our hacked xfree86 package.  Please use this instead of adding lots of hacks
here and there to packages that need extra -lfuck flags.

cd /usr/X11R6/lib
for i in lib* ; do
  if ! test -e /usr/lib/$i ; then
    sudo ln -s ../X11R6/lib/$i /usr/lib/$i

Robert Millan

(Debra and Ian) (Gnu's Not (UNiplexed Information and Computing System))/\
(kernel of *(Berkeley Software Distribution))