[Glibc-bsd-hackers] STATUS page

Robert Millan rmh@debian.org
Wed, 28 Jul 2004 21:19:46 +0200

[ I'm moving this to glibc-bsd-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org ]

On Wed, Jun 30, 2004 at 07:38:05AM -0500, Nathan Hawkins wrote:
> - FIXME: ifupdown does not handle the gateway entry correctly, so do not
>   add it in your interfaces file, just add an up hook, that will do as a
>   gateway entry:
>   auto rl0
>   iface rl0 inet static
> 	address
> 	netmask
> 	broadcast
> 	up route add -net
> I believe this is relatively easy to fix. (Or would be if ifupdown didn't 
> have obfuscated
> sources.) Just need to fix the gateway command in the template.

Actualy, we're going to replace /sbin/ifconfig with the one in inetutils, so
it's better to not bother with ifupdown for now.

> - FIXME: DNS resolving is broken, make sure /etc/hosts has everything you
>   need. MX resolving won't work so MTA doesn't as well [working on it].
> This is the major problem keeping me from being able to use this system. I 
> can work around
> nearly everything else.

This has an high priority in my TODO. Right after gcc which I almost finished
(I have patches for gcc-3.5 that port all the stuff except gnat)

> - FIXME: df is broken when not specifying any mount point)
>   (Workaround: Just copy the /bin/df from the FreeBSD chroot)
> I believe this is broken headers in /usr/include/sys.
> The GNU df works when built against native libc.

This is because FreeBSD doesn't define _PATH_MTAB. We do, however, define it
because we're going to provide it (libpmount already supports mtab handling).

> - FIXME: terminal broken, does not handle Ctrl-C nor Ctrl-Z.
>   [ It may be a bad tty initialized by init ]
> This is because the terminal isn't being designated a controlling terminal. 
> (An arcane area
> of Unix I knew nothing about and still know virtually nothing about...) I'm 
> not sure
> precisely where this is supposed to happen, but I remember that I patched 
> getty with a
> single ioctl, and the problem went away.

Which ioctl? Can you find out? We were discussing this in glibc-bsd-devel a
while ago, you can check the archives.

> - FIXME: ipv6 broken. from glibc. ??
> Probably headers again.

AFAIK this is related to the DNS problem. However, I never found any
indication that ipv6 is broken (I don't use ipv6 myself).

Robert Millan

(Debra and Ian) (Gnu's Not (UNiplexed Information and Computing System))/\
(kernel of *(Berkeley Software Distribution))