install guide spanish translation

Joshua Cummings jrac at
Mon Aug 1 04:58:28 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 11:45 -0500, Felipe Ceballos wrote:
> Hello
> Ive translated to spanish the gnu-kbsd installation guide, you can find it at:
> Felipe.

Fantastic. Thank you.

Speaking of translations, I also just received a copy of the pt_BR
version that was brought up on the list a while back.

I was just thinking about how to handle/organize these translations.
The pt_BR version is - as requested - just a tarball of the doc/
directory that's been translated. 
I'm planning to commit it to svn as trunk/web/doc/pt_BR or something
similar, but in the case of Felipe's Spanish translation, if that URL is
likely to stay intact for atleast a few months or so, then maybe just
linking to it would be easier.

So, Felipe; let me know what's easiest for you. If you're ok with being
linked to from the main guide page, I'll do that. It'll probably make
things a lot easier for you when it comes to updating stuff, like the
thing Robert mentioned.

Joshua Cummings

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