nmap fingerprint

Alexander Sack asac@jwsdot.com
Thu, 24 Mar 2005 18:10:07 +0100

Robert Millan wrote:

>The technical details are trade secret, so there isn't much we can do about it.
>They also told me they take into account the server banner for their stats, so
>I'm focusing on the apache2 bug that makes it print "Debian GNU/Linux" in the
>banner (testing a patch currently).
So, will they add kFreeBSD to the list of known operating systems? You
got some info from them about this?

>>You know about a domain that runs GNU/kFreeBSD and is always up?
>Robin runs one.  It's not always up, but netcraft keep records of their checks
>so it doesn't really matter.
ok, since you already talked to netcraft it really doesn't matter. I
just wanted to provide them with an always up domain, so they can adapt
their checks properly.


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 Alexander Sack          | : :' :      The  universal
 asac@jwsdot.com         | `. `'      Operating System
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