New install process

Frederic Lehobey Frederic.Lehobey at
Sun Sep 4 22:58:25 UTC 2005


On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 06:28:53PM +0200, Robert Millan wrote:

> Over the last few days I have done major changes on the install process for
> Debian GNU/kFreeBSD.  Now the whole installation is MUCH simpler and easy to
> understand.

> Please if you have a spare machine around, I'd appreciate some testing.  More
> important than testing the install process itself, is checking that systems
> installed with this method are usable.

I did it.  It was mostly successful.  I followed your documentation.

First, as I have a french azerty keyboard, I chose in the first
installation menu the `French ISO (accent)' for `System Console
Keymap'.  It was most useful in the first part of the freebsd
installation (consider the consequences of confusing a and q...).  :-)
Unfortunately this setting is not kept later, and I have not yet been
able since to set again a french keyboard (console-data seems to have
missing dependencies -- any workaround?).

The only real issue I encountered was at the end of the Minimal
installation.  As suggested by your docs, I answered No to all the
questions at the end of the basic install (after I got the `successful
install message') up to the choice of a root password.  There,
whatever may be the characters I typed, the system stayed in some
somewhat broken state.  Not any command work in the 4th virtual
terminal (no ps, no reboot, no shutdown...).  I have not found any
better way than (ugly) hard reset.

After the first reboot (now console in qwerty mode) the disk is
mounted as read only which seemed a sensible consequence of the hard
reset.  No password for root at this step.  But then a reboot worked.

At the second reboot, the disk was rw and I could proceed further.

ifconfig told me I had an `xl0' interface so I edited (with nano!)
/etc/network/interfaces accordingly to have dhcp working.

Form there, I could install :
aptitude, gnupg, popularity-contest, vim, less, x-window-system-core
and menu.

I had to fix myself /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts for the name I had
chosen (needed for X).

By the way, after X failures (while setting X) I got messages saying
an other X was running (which was not supported by ps).  And the only
way I found to get rid of these messages was a few more (ugly)

Everything seems now to be kindly working (except french keyboard).

Thanks to all for your work and your documentation.

Happily joining the k*bsd community.

Best regards,
Frederic Lehobey
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