New install process

Frederic Lehobey Frederic.Lehobey at
Mon Sep 5 09:52:41 UTC 2005


On Mon, Sep 05, 2005 at 11:21:59AM +0200, Robert Millan wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 05, 2005 at 10:56:44AM +0200, Frederic Lehobey wrote:
> > 
> > Just to be precise, the end of native-install is the `Congratulations!
> > You now have FreeBSD installed on your system' message, isn't it?
> > 
> > Then after, I simply answered `No' to all the following question (the
> > first one being about Ethernet configuration) up to the root password
> > question where I have not found any way not to answer it (nor to
> > escape from it).
> > 
> > The instructions say `When the process is complete, the FreeBSD
> > installer will ask if you want to do any further setup. Answer no to
> > all of these questions and exit the installation system.' so I
> > expected to have the opportunity to exit the installation system, but
> > no such offer was made to me up to the root password question.  Maybe
> > pressing Esc or something like that at that time would have
> > interrupted the installation, but then I think if it is what you meant
> > you should be more specific about it in the instructions.
> Which install method did you select at the beginning?  (Custom, Express, ...)

At `Menu sysinstall Main Menu':

(as said in the instuctions)

then, after partitioning, at `Choose Distributions' menu:
 A Minimal


> > I noticed the clock is one hour ahead (my time zone being currently
> > -- summer time -- GMT+2) compared to Linux.  Is kfreebsd assuming
> > clock at local time instead of GMT?
> I think it assumes clock is set to GMT just like most Un*x kernels do.
> debian-installer now sets clock to local time by default though.  Are you sure
> your clock is not set to local time?

Yes, it is not.  But it was actually one hour ahead (on Linux / sid on
the same hardware -- how did I manage to break that and not notice
it?).  :-)  My mistake.  Sorry for the noise.

Thanks a lot,
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