needed changes to get unpatched initscritps to work

Robert Millan rmh at
Tue Sep 6 11:14:33 UTC 2005


Here's a description of the changes needed for initscripts to work without
patching (see
for details):

  dmesg: accept -s
  swap{on,off}: don't print anything to stdout
  mount: accept -n, -o remount
  umount: accept -r and -d, accept multiple mount points in one command

If someone is interested in hacking the stuff from freebsd-utils, I think these
should take priority so that we can start using sysvinit in unstable.

Note: Except for the umount ones, it's not important that the flags actualy
work.  Currently we're just removing them so it wouldn't make any difference.

Robert Millan

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