Minutes of GNU/kFreeBSD IRC meeting 20050904
Aurelien Jarno
aurelien at aurel32.net
Sat Sep 17 02:05:01 UTC 2005
GNU/kFreeBSD IRC meeting, September 04, 2005
The seventh Debian GNU/kFreeBSD meeting was held from 19:00 UTC to 20:05
UTC on Sunday September 04th.
The next meeting will take place on Sunday September 18th at 19:00 UTC.
People mentioned:
aurel32: Aurelien Jarno
bal00: Hector Garcia
braindmg: Guillem Jover
nyu: Robert Millan
otavio: Otavio Salvador
stu: Robert Edmonds
tarzeau: Gürkan Sengün
1) braindmg explained he has done some work on mini-dak on gnuab.org.
He finished his work about the pool split, which means that there
aren't anymore mixed -all packages between the Hurd and GNU/kFreeBSD.
However, pure -all packages are still not accepted yet.
He also finished the auto-obsoleting functionality, so that only the
latest package is kept in the archive. The script considers both
unreleased and unstable as the same repository, so that it will be
possible to produce stats about the kind of packages in unreleased.
braindmg also added the overrides files to the archive.
2) stu explained that the freebsd utilities depends on the major version
of the kernel, and thus we will need to have one version for 5.x
kernels and one version for 6.x kernels. aurel32 added the we
currently only support 5.x kernels, but that is something that have
to be planned.
3) stu suggested that we provide a meta-package that depends on the
various FreeBSD util packages, as well as GNU replacements for
userland BSD programs. That's something that has to be discussed.
4) aurel32 explained he has some problems concerning the threads to
upgrade the kfreebsd's glibc from 2.3 to 2.3.5.
There is some work to do on linuxthreads, as a lot of things have
changed in that part. He also explained that linuxthreads is
considered as deprecated, so he started to find alternatives to this
threading system:
- NPTL, which is currently linux specific, needs a lot of changes in
the kernel, mostly arround the clone() function, and the new futex
- using libpthread from FreeBSD seems to be complicated, as that
means the glibc won't be threaded.
So he decided to continue to work on linuxthreads, but a solution have
to be found and planned before linuxthreads is simply dropped.
5) aurel32 announced that almost all KDE packages, but kdemultmedia and
kdeaddons are not available on kfreebsd-i386.
New action points
Opened action points
* aurel32: rebuild all packages that are still using
* braindmg: work on util-linux
* aurel32: add java support to gcc
* aurel32: finish porting glibc-2.3.5
* aurel32 & braindmg: fix our packages that are modifying
build-depends at build time
* braindmg: upload ufsutils to unstable
* somebody: port libkvm in a clean manner
Closed action points
* all: write an announcement mail for io.debian.net
* nyu: port busybox
* braindmg: send a status of the port to debian-devel
.''`. Aurelien Jarno | GPG: 1024D/F1BCDB73
: :' : Debian GNU/Linux developer | Electrical Engineer
`. `' aurel32 at debian.org | aurelien at aurel32.net
`- people.debian.org/~aurel32 | www.aurel32.net
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