glibc 2.3.5 and gcc-4.0 4.0.3-6
Aurelien Jarno
aurelien at
Thu Jan 12 17:23:15 UTC 2006
On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 06:08:48PM +0100, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
> Aurelien Jarno a écrit :
> >Petr Salinger a écrit :
> >
> >>>Actually the problem is that all statically linked binaries segfault at
> >>>runtime. During the build process, it is the case of elf/sln, but other
> >>>binaries like ldconfig are also affected.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>I would bet on this:
> >>
> >>
> >>> * Configure --with-tune=i686 on ix86 architectures (on Ubuntu with
> >>> -mtune=pentium4). Remove the cpu-default-* patches..
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>The defaults are a little bit strange:
> >>
> >>gcc-3.3 (3.3.6-12+kbsd) -march=i486 -mtune=i686
> >>gcc-3.4 (3.4.5-1) -march=i386 -mtune=i486
> >>gcc-4.0 (4.0.2-4+kbsd) -march=i386 -mtune=i486
> >>gcc-4.0 (4.0.2-6) -march=i386 -mtune=i686
> >>
> >>IMHO, the right one is
> >> -march=i486 -mtune=i686
> >>
> >Well that's strange yes.
> >
> >Meanwhile, I made some progress on this bug (even if I have no time...).
> >It seems that the problem comes from brk.o, as using the one generated
> >with 4.0.2-6 in the tree built with 4.0.2-5 reproduces the problem. The
> >reverse is also true, ie copying brk.o built with 4.0.2-5 to the tree
> >built with 4.0.2-6 fixes the problem.
> >
> You're right, the problem comes from the optimisation. Building brk.c
> with -mtune=i486 fixes the problem, both for -march=i386 and
> -march=i486. Now the question is about the C code being correct or not...
For those interested, please find attached the source code (brk.c), the
code built with -mtune=i486 (brk.s), and with -mtune=i686 (brk.s.bad).
I don't have enough x86 assembly knowledge to find the problem...
.''`. Aurelien Jarno | GPG: 1024D/F1BCDB73
: :' : Debian developer | Electrical Engineer
`. `' aurel32 at | aurelien at
`- |
-------------- next part --------------
.file "brk.c"
.section .debug_abbrev,"", at progbits
.section .debug_info,"", at progbits
.section .debug_line,"", at progbits
.globl __curbrk
.align 4
.type __curbrk, @object
.size __curbrk, 4
.long _end
.globl __brk
.type __brk, @function
.file 1 "../sysdeps/unix/bsd/bsd4.4/kfreebsd/brk.c"
.loc 1 38 0
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
pushl %ebx
subl $4, %esp
movl 8(%ebp), %ebx
.loc 1 39 0
cmpl $_end, %ebx
jae .L2
movl $0, %eax
jmp .L4
.loc 1 42 0
subl $8, %esp
pushl %ebx
pushl $17
call syscall
addl $16, %esp
cmpl $-1, %eax
jne .L5
.loc 1 44 0
movl __libc_errno at INDNTPOFF, %eax
movl $12, %gs:(%eax)
movl $-1, %eax
jmp .L4
.loc 1 48 0
movl %ebx, __curbrk
movl $0, %eax
.loc 1 50 0
movl -4(%ebp), %ebx
.size __brk, .-__brk
.section .gnu.warning.brk
.section .gnu.warning.brk
#,"a", at progbits
.align 32
.type __evoke_link_warning_brk, @object
.size __evoke_link_warning_brk, 53
.string "warning: brk is not implemented and will always fail"
.weak brk
.set brk,__brk
.section .debug_frame,"", at progbits
.long .LECIE0-.LSCIE0
.long 0xffffffff
.byte 0x1
.string ""
.uleb128 0x1
.sleb128 -4
.byte 0x8
.byte 0xc
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0x4
.byte 0x88
.uleb128 0x1
.align 4
.long .LEFDE0-.LASFDE0
.long .Lframe0
.long .LFB46
.long .LFE46-.LFB46
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI0-.LFB46
.byte 0xe
.uleb128 0x8
.byte 0x85
.uleb128 0x2
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI1-.LCFI0
.byte 0xd
.uleb128 0x5
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI3-.LCFI1
.byte 0x83
.uleb128 0x3
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI4-.LCFI3
.byte 0x2e
.uleb128 0x10
.align 4
.file 2 "../linuxthreads_db/thread_dbP.h"
.file 3 "../linuxthreads_db/thread_db.h"
.file 4 "/home/aurel32/tmp/glibc/glibc-2.3.5/debian/include/sys/procfs.h"
.file 5 "../include/errno.h"
.section .debug_loc,"", at progbits
.long .LVL0-.Ltext0
.long .LVL1-.Ltext0
.value 0x2
.byte 0x91
.sleb128 8
.long .LVL1-.Ltext0
.long .LVL2-.Ltext0
.value 0x1
.byte 0x53
.long .LVL2-.Ltext0
.long .LFE46-.Ltext0
.value 0x2
.byte 0x91
.sleb128 8
.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.section .debug_info
.long 0x204
.value 0x2
.long .Ldebug_abbrev0
.byte 0x4
.uleb128 0x1
.long .Ldebug_line0
.long .Letext0
.long .Ltext0
.long .LASF32
.byte 0x1
.long .LASF33
.long .LASF34
.uleb128 0x2
.string "int"
.byte 0x4
.byte 0x5
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF0
.byte 0x4
.byte 0x7
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF1
.byte 0x4
.byte 0x5
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF2
.byte 0x8
.byte 0x5
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF0
.byte 0x4
.byte 0x7
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF3
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x7
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF4
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x6
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF5
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x8
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF6
.byte 0x4
.byte 0x7
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF7
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x6
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF8
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x5
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF9
.byte 0x8
.byte 0x7
.uleb128 0x4
.byte 0x4
.uleb128 0x5
.long .LASF10
.byte 0x4
.byte 0x53
.long 0x79
.uleb128 0x5
.long .LASF11
.byte 0x3
.byte 0x5a
.long 0x91
.uleb128 0x6
.long 0x129
.long .LASF24
.byte 0x28
.byte 0x3
.byte 0x5a
.uleb128 0x7
.string "ph"
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x2e
.long 0x135
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x23
.uleb128 0x0
.uleb128 0x8
.long .LASF12
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x33
.long 0x141
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x23
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0x8
.long .LASF13
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x36
.long 0x14d
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x23
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x8
.long .LASF14
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x39
.long 0x25
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x23
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x8
.long .LASF15
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x3c
.long 0x25
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x23
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0x8
.long .LASF16
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x3f
.long 0x25
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x23
.uleb128 0x14
.uleb128 0x8
.long .LASF17
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x42
.long 0x25
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x23
.uleb128 0x18
.uleb128 0x8
.long .LASF18
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x45
.long 0x7b
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x23
.uleb128 0x1c
.uleb128 0x8
.long .LASF19
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x48
.long 0x7b
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x23
.uleb128 0x20
.uleb128 0x8
.long .LASF20
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x4b
.long 0x7b
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x23
.uleb128 0x24
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x9
.byte 0x4
.long 0x86
.uleb128 0xa
.long .LASF21
.byte 0x1
.uleb128 0x9
.byte 0x4
.long 0x12f
.uleb128 0xa
.long .LASF22
.byte 0x1
.uleb128 0x9
.byte 0x4
.long 0x13b
.uleb128 0xa
.long .LASF23
.byte 0x1
.uleb128 0x9
.byte 0x4
.long 0x147
.uleb128 0x6
.long 0x17b
.long .LASF25
.byte 0x8
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x51
.uleb128 0x7
.string "ta"
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x52
.long 0x129
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x23
.uleb128 0x0
.uleb128 0x8
.long .LASF26
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x53
.long 0x17b
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x23
.uleb128 0x4
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x9
.byte 0x4
.long 0x153
.uleb128 0xb
.long 0x1ac
.byte 0x1
.long .LASF35
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x26
.byte 0x1
.long 0x25
.long .LFB46
.long .LFE46
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x55
.uleb128 0xc
.long .LASF36
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x25
.long 0x79
.long .LLST0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0xd
.long 0x1bc
.long 0x4f
.uleb128 0xe
.long 0x41
.byte 0x34
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0xf
.long .LASF27
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x33
.long 0x1cd
.byte 0x5
.byte 0x3
.long __evoke_link_warning_brk
.uleb128 0x10
.long 0x1ac
.uleb128 0x11
.long .LASF28
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x57
.long 0x17b
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x1
.uleb128 0x11
.long .LASF29
.byte 0x5
.byte 0x1f
.long 0x25
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x1
.uleb128 0x12
.long .LASF30
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x1c
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x1
.uleb128 0x13
.long .LASF31
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x1f
.long 0x79
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x5
.byte 0x3
.long __curbrk
.byte 0x0
.section .debug_abbrev
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x11
.byte 0x1
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0x6
.uleb128 0x12
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x11
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x25
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x1b
.uleb128 0xe
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0x24
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3e
.uleb128 0xb
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0x24
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3e
.uleb128 0xb
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0xf
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0xb
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x5
.uleb128 0x16
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x6
.uleb128 0x13
.byte 0x1
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x7
.uleb128 0xd
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x38
.uleb128 0xa
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0xd
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x38
.uleb128 0xa
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0xf
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0xa
.uleb128 0x13
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3c
.uleb128 0xc
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x2e
.byte 0x1
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x3f
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x27
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x11
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x12
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x40
.uleb128 0xa
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x5
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0x6
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0xd
.uleb128 0x1
.byte 0x1
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x21
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x2f
.uleb128 0xb
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0xf
.uleb128 0x34
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0xa
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0x26
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x11
.uleb128 0x34
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x3f
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x3c
.uleb128 0xc
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x12
.uleb128 0x34
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3f
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x3c
.uleb128 0xc
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x34
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x3f
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0xa
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.section .debug_pubnames,"", at progbits
.long 0x25
.value 0x2
.long .Ldebug_info0
.long 0x208
.long 0x181
.string "__brk"
.long 0x1f5
.string "__curbrk"
.long 0x0
.section .debug_aranges,"", at progbits
.long 0x1c
.value 0x2
.long .Ldebug_info0
.byte 0x4
.byte 0x0
.value 0x0
.value 0x0
.long .Ltext0
.long .Letext0-.Ltext0
.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.section .debug_str,"MS", at progbits,1
.string "handles"
.string "__libc_errno"
.string "pthread_handles_num"
.string "long int"
.string "short unsigned int"
.string "sizeof_descr"
.string "signed char"
.string "char"
.string "pthread_last_event"
.string "long long int"
.string "ps_prochandle"
.string "pthread_keys_max"
.string "td_thragent"
.string "agent_list"
.string "keys"
.string "../sysdeps/unix/bsd/bsd4.4/kfreebsd/brk.c"
.string "__td_agent_list"
.string "addr"
.string "unsigned int"
.string "GNU C 4.0.3 20060104 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.2-6)"
.string "unsigned char"
.string "next"
.string "__evoke_link_warning_brk"
.string "pthread_threads_eventsp"
.string "pthread_handle_struct"
.string "long long unsigned int"
.string "long unsigned int"
.string "pthread_key_2ndlevel_size"
.string "psaddr_t"
.string "td_thragent_t"
.string "_end"
.string "short int"
.string "pthread_key_struct"
.string "__curbrk"
.string "pthread_threads_max"
.string "__brk"
.string "/home/aurel32/tmp/glibc/glibc-2.3.5/build-tree/glibc-2.3.5/elf"
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.0.3 20060104 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.2-6)"
.section .note.GNU-stack,"", at progbits
-------------- next part --------------
.file "brk.c"
.section .debug_abbrev,"", at progbits
.section .debug_info,"", at progbits
.section .debug_line,"", at progbits
.globl __curbrk
.align 4
.type __curbrk, @object
.size __curbrk, 4
.long _end
.globl __brk
.type __brk, @function
.file 1 "../sysdeps/unix/bsd/bsd4.4/kfreebsd/brk.c"
.loc 1 38 0
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
pushl %ebx
subl $20, %esp
movl 8(%ebp), %ebx
.loc 1 39 0
movl $0, %eax
cmpl $_end, %ebx
jb .L4
.loc 1 42 0
movl %ebx, 4(%esp)
movl $17, (%esp)
call syscall
cmpl $-1, %eax
jne .L5
.loc 1 44 0
movl __libc_errno at INDNTPOFF, %eax
movl $12, %gs:(%eax)
movl $-1, %eax
jmp .L4
.loc 1 48 0
movl %ebx, __curbrk
movl $0, %eax
.loc 1 50 0
addl $20, %esp
popl %ebx
popl %ebp
.size __brk, .-__brk
.section .gnu.warning.brk
.section .gnu.warning.brk
#,"a", at progbits
.align 32
.type __evoke_link_warning_brk, @object
.size __evoke_link_warning_brk, 53
.string "warning: brk is not implemented and will always fail"
.weak brk
.set brk,__brk
.section .debug_frame,"", at progbits
.long .LECIE0-.LSCIE0
.long 0xffffffff
.byte 0x1
.string ""
.uleb128 0x1
.sleb128 -4
.byte 0x8
.byte 0xc
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0x4
.byte 0x88
.uleb128 0x1
.align 4
.long .LEFDE0-.LASFDE0
.long .Lframe0
.long .LFB46
.long .LFE46-.LFB46
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI0-.LFB46
.byte 0xe
.uleb128 0x8
.byte 0x85
.uleb128 0x2
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI1-.LCFI0
.byte 0xd
.uleb128 0x5
.byte 0x4
.long .LCFI3-.LCFI1
.byte 0x83
.uleb128 0x3
.align 4
.file 2 "../linuxthreads_db/thread_dbP.h"
.file 3 "../linuxthreads_db/thread_db.h"
.file 4 "/home/aurel32/tmp/glibc/glibc-2.3.5/debian/include/sys/procfs.h"
.file 5 "../include/errno.h"
.section .debug_loc,"", at progbits
.long .LVL0-.Ltext0
.long .LVL1-.Ltext0
.value 0x2
.byte 0x91
.sleb128 8
.long .LVL1-.Ltext0
.long .LVL2-.Ltext0
.value 0x1
.byte 0x53
.long .LVL2-.Ltext0
.long .LFE46-.Ltext0
.value 0x2
.byte 0x91
.sleb128 8
.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.section .debug_info
.long 0x204
.value 0x2
.long .Ldebug_abbrev0
.byte 0x4
.uleb128 0x1
.long .Ldebug_line0
.long .Letext0
.long .Ltext0
.long .LASF32
.byte 0x1
.long .LASF33
.long .LASF34
.uleb128 0x2
.string "int"
.byte 0x4
.byte 0x5
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF0
.byte 0x4
.byte 0x7
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF1
.byte 0x4
.byte 0x5
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF2
.byte 0x8
.byte 0x5
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF0
.byte 0x4
.byte 0x7
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF3
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x7
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF4
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x6
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF5
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x8
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF6
.byte 0x4
.byte 0x7
.uleb128 0x3
.long .LASF7
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.byte 0x39
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.byte 0x2
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.long .LASF16
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x3f
.long 0x25
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x23
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.uleb128 0x8
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.byte 0x2
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.byte 0x2
.byte 0x23
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.uleb128 0x8
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.byte 0x48
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.byte 0x2
.byte 0x23
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.byte 0x4b
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.byte 0x2
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.byte 0x4
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.uleb128 0x9
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.byte 0x1
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.byte 0x4
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.byte 0x52
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.byte 0x2
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.byte 0x1
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.long .LFE46
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.byte 0x55
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.long .LASF36
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x25
.long 0x79
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.long 0x41
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.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0xf
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.byte 0x33
.long 0x1cd
.byte 0x5
.byte 0x3
.long __evoke_link_warning_brk
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.long 0x1ac
.uleb128 0x11
.long .LASF28
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x57
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.uleb128 0x11
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.byte 0x1
.byte 0x1
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.long .LASF30
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.byte 0x1c
.byte 0x1
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.byte 0x1f
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.byte 0x1
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.long __curbrk
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.section .debug_abbrev
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.uleb128 0x3
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.byte 0x0
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.uleb128 0xb
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.uleb128 0xf
.byte 0x0
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.uleb128 0xb
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.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x27
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x11
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x12
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x40
.uleb128 0xa
.byte 0x0
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.uleb128 0x13
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.byte 0x0
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.byte 0x0
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.byte 0x0
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.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
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.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
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.byte 0x0
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.uleb128 0x13
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
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.uleb128 0x34
.byte 0x0
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.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x3f
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x3c
.uleb128 0xc
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
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.uleb128 0x34
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3f
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x3c
.uleb128 0xc
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x34
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x3f
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0xa
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.section .debug_pubnames,"", at progbits
.long 0x25
.value 0x2
.long .Ldebug_info0
.long 0x208
.long 0x181
.string "__brk"
.long 0x1f5
.string "__curbrk"
.long 0x0
.section .debug_aranges,"", at progbits
.long 0x1c
.value 0x2
.long .Ldebug_info0
.byte 0x4
.byte 0x0
.value 0x0
.value 0x0
.long .Ltext0
.long .Letext0-.Ltext0
.long 0x0
.long 0x0
.section .debug_str,"MS", at progbits,1
.string "handles"
.string "__libc_errno"
.string "pthread_handles_num"
.string "long int"
.string "short unsigned int"
.string "sizeof_descr"
.string "signed char"
.string "char"
.string "pthread_last_event"
.string "long long int"
.string "ps_prochandle"
.string "pthread_keys_max"
.string "td_thragent"
.string "agent_list"
.string "keys"
.string "../sysdeps/unix/bsd/bsd4.4/kfreebsd/brk.c"
.string "__td_agent_list"
.string "addr"
.string "unsigned int"
.string "GNU C 4.0.3 20060104 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.2-6)"
.string "unsigned char"
.string "next"
.string "__evoke_link_warning_brk"
.string "pthread_threads_eventsp"
.string "pthread_handle_struct"
.string "long long unsigned int"
.string "long unsigned int"
.string "pthread_key_2ndlevel_size"
.string "psaddr_t"
.string "td_thragent_t"
.string "_end"
.string "short int"
.string "pthread_key_struct"
.string "__curbrk"
.string "pthread_threads_max"
.string "__brk"
.string "/home/aurel32/tmp/glibc/glibc-2.3.5/build-tree/glibc-2.3.5/elf"
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.0.3 20060104 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.2-6)"
.section .note.GNU-stack,"", at progbits
-------------- next part --------------
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