vincent akoko
vakoko at ymail.com
Sat Jan 17 18:05:52 UTC 2009
I have a new email address!You can now email me at: vakoko at ymail.com
- I am Mr. Vincent Akoko of Akoko Goldfields Ghana. I have for sale Alluvial Gold Dust at almost half the market price.I am writing to Enquire if you can or want to purchase Alluvial Gold Dust at almost half the market and at present we are willing to negotiate with direct buyers of Gold dust products. Any interested buyer should endeavor to contact us by email immediately for negotiation and arrangement for the sale of available product. Our prices are as modest as can be found any where in the world and better because we are authorized local miners. We have capability of supplying about 200kg every month and will likely increase the quantity if there is need. Mr. Vincent Akoko. vincent.akoko at akokogoldfields.at.tt
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