[Gnome22-user] GNOME 2.2 Volume Control 2.2.2 Forgets Settings

Michael G. Morey mmorey@optivel.com
Wed, 21 Jul 2004 11:08:36 -0500


I find the GNOME 2.2 Volume Control 2.2.2 to be confusing.  I don't 
understand the need for two PCM sliders ("pcm" and "pcm2").  Also, the 
help page (Help->Help) appears to describe a slightly different applet.  
My volume control has no provision to allow for the saving of volume 
settings, for example, as the help page would have me believe.  Each 
time I start up GNOME, the "pcm" and "pcm2" sliders are at minimum 
settings.  There appears to be no way to get the volume control to 
remember the volumes I set, and so I'm forced to go back and set them 
each time I start GNOME.  It's quite annoying.  I've checked, and the 
alsamixer program does save settings between reboots, and so that is not 
the problem.

Any suggestions?



Michael Morey
Phone: 317.275.2306
E-mail: mmorey@optivel.com
Web: www.optivel.com