[Gnuk-users] Maple Mini board support

Aidan Thornton makosoft at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 12:49:48 UTC 2015


Since I have a Maple Mini clone lying around with an STM32F103 I
thought I'd try and get gnuk running on that board. The attached board
configuration file seems to be correct - I've flashed it and confirmed
that key generation and signing work. Note that I haven't even tried
to support the Maple Mini bootloader so the firmware needs to be
loaded via SWD or the serial bootloader in ROM. (Also, this will
overwrite the Maple Mini bootloader - you'll have to load it back on
using SWD or serial if you want to use the board with their IDE

Hopefully this will allow more people to try out gnuk. Quick
cheat-sheet guide to using the serial bootloader for people who've
never done it before: connect boot1 to ground, but to 3V, rx1, tx1 and
GND to your FTDI adapter or equivalent, power up board, flash with
stm32flash like so:

stm32flash -w build/gnuk.bin -v /dev/ttyUSB0

Disconnect but and power-cycle the board to exit the bootloader. After
you're sure it's working, you can enter the bootloader again and then
turn on flash read protection with:

stm32flash -j /dev/ttyUSB0

(Enabling read protection may require a recent version of stm32flash.
Use -k to disable read protection and mass-erase the chip if you want
to reflash it with something else afterwards.)
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