[Gnuk-users] Nitrokey support in Gnuk-1.1.x
Mateusz Zalega
mateusz at nitrokey.com
Fri Sep 4 20:27:38 UTC 2015
On 09/04/2015 10:35 AM, NIIBE Yutaka wrote:
> On 08/27/2015 08:58 AM, Mateusz Zalega wrote:
>> Thanks! It started working after I added RCC_APB2ENR_AFIOEN. I attached
>> both chopstx board and GNUK_USB_DEVICE_ID patches. The board name was
>> changed before it has been put into production.
> The patch applied. I fixed the BOARD_ID by generating:
> $ echo -n "NITROKEY-START" | sha256sum | sed -e 's/^.*\(........\) -$/\1/'
Thanks, I didn't have a clue about this method and just generated a
random uuid. Do you think it should be included in README under some
"Porting to new boards" chapter? I can prepare the patch, if you agree.
> Besides, I think that it is better for using starndard usage for NeuG
> for analog inputs.
> Is it OK for you to apply following change?
> The reason why FST-01 use AN0 and AN9 for analog inputs is some users
> of FST-01 connect PA2 to consumer infra red module and AN1 is not
> available. If AN0 and AN1 (of Part A) are available, it is
> recommended to use those pins for NeuG.
> (...)
Sure, I didn't know this and it certainly can't hurt. Thanks for
noticing! I attached a patch with your changes applied.
Best regards,
Mateusz Zalega
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