[Gnuk-users] Upgrading gnuk on a nitrokey start

Jan Suhr jan at nitrokey.com
Fri Sep 16 08:38:29 UTC 2016

Hi Niibe!
Nitrokey Start hardware is based on FST-01. In particular the MCU is
identical. The main differences are:
- No external flash
- Different pinning. See:

Do you think the different pinning may be a cause for the update issue?


Am 09.09.2016 um 06:29 schrieb NIIBE Yutaka:
> Hello,
> This week, I'm in Germany to attend OpenPGP.conf.  My talk will
> be in this morning.  It is titled "Gnuk 1.2".  Wow. :-)
> On 09/09/2016 04:46 AM, Remy van Elst wrote:
>> NeuG works as well via rng-tools, cool!
>> I'm amazed by all the hard work and effort you put in here (Niibe) :) Really amazing!
> Thank you very much for your experiments.
> Yes, key generation of RSA-4096 is not possible on the device, because
> of memory size.  It is explained in README.
> What I don't understand is:
>     Hardware of Nitrokey Start and
>       hardware specific board file in Gnuk for Nitrokey Start
>     Nitrokey Start firmware from factory
>       source code
>       configuration of Gnuk
> I don't know how Nitrokey Start is different to FST-01.  When I
> received a board file from Nitrokey, it had different USB setting.
> So, I lost the reason why your hardware works with the Gnuk binary
> for FST-01.
> I guess that there are some confusions.  The board file I received
> (and now in Gnuk source code) was perhaps only valid for their
> experiment and the hardware would be changed then.
> I don't know at all.  I think that there are users of Nitrokey Start,
> in this opportunity of the conference.  I'll ask them to examine the
> hardware.

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