[Gnuk-users] Upgrading gnuk on a nitrokey start

Szczepan Zalega | Nitrokey szczepan at nitrokey.com
Thu Dec 29 11:27:53 UTC 2016

Hi Remy!

I have noticed that you have used .hex file for regnual update. The tool
does not understand this format and in consequence it sends ASCII
hexdump representation directly to device, which obviously will not
work. This was the cause of the update issues mentioned in previous
email. The stm32flash tool handles both .bin and .hex.

Just for testing purposes I have converted the firmware you have
received to binary [3] with srecord tools (not checked it though):

 srec_cat nitrokey-start-firmware-1.0.4-1a.hex -intel -offset
-0x08000000 -o nitrokey-start-firmware-1.0.4-1a.bin -binary


Have you tried upgrading using regnual with prebuilt binaries? [2]

As for compiling firmware for first release on Ubuntu 16.10, I have done
the same successfully on Virtualbox with image downloaded from OSBoxes
(to make it fully reproducible) - full log attached [1]. Please try the
compilation on a clean repository.

Additionally regnual tool might need recompilation (make clean; make) on
each ./configure run since it uses files generated with it.

SHA sum for downloaded Ubuntu image from OSBoxes:
$ sha512sum Ubuntu_16.10_Yakkety-VB-64bit.7z

[1] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23664245/

Best regards,

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