[Gnuk-users] Factory-reset on Gnuk with blocked PIN

NIIBE Yutaka gniibe at fsij.org
Mon Nov 6 00:55:16 UTC 2017

Alexander Paetzelt | Nitrokey <alex at nitrokey.com> wrote:
> I am not sure if I understood you right. From GnuPG 2.2.2 on, even Gnuk
> 1.2.2, 1.2.3. and 1.2.4 will be able to factory-reset with gpg command
> or never at all? And Gnuk 1.2.5 and newer can be reset with use of older
> GnuPG versions as well or only with GnuPG 2.2.2?

Gnuk 1.2.5 and newer has been fixed, but I don't know if it's perfect
with all versions of GnuPG.  My test coverage is quite limited.
Probably, I didn't test blocked PIN situation.

You can test, and the feature requires more testing.  Both for GnuPG and

Please note that the Gnuk test scripts don't include any test for the
feature.  It is also true that GnuPG doesn't include any test for card.
(One of my intention to support emulation of Gnuk is that it can be used
for test suite of GnuPG.)

And most importantly, the "factory-reset" sub command of GnuPG has been
rarely used.

Since it's experimental, my sincere request is: please test by
yourselves for your implementation(s) of Gnuk to figure out how it works
or not.  If you can share, that's good.

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