[gopher] oswaf

Jacob Head gopher at jacob-head.com
Mon Nov 9 23:46:13 UTC 2009

On Mon, 9 Nov 2009 14:29:02 -0800 (PST)
Cameron Kaiser <spectre at floodgap.com> wrote:

> A nice idea, except your info lines are incompletely specified:
> You should probably throw some error.hosts and ports on there. I
> probably should make Overbite be more strict about this, since
> Overbite accepts it but nothing else does (I consider that a bug of
> sorts).

Ah, fair point. As it was something I was throwing together on
a work computer, Overbite is the only browser I had to test it on.
(Although as Kacper points out, lynx accepts it too).

Anyway, in case anyone is interested, the script which generated it was

banner -b . `date "+%M%w%m%k"` | sed -e "s/^/i/"

which can then be checked, (fairly safely as long as you enter the
number within 30 seconds!), with something along the lines of:

if [ $1 = `date "+%M%w%m%k"` ]; then

As a disclaimer, I should say that I can't think of a much uglier way of
doing it, although it has the advantage that I think it could be
implemented in about 5 lines of code!

Writing a proper capatcha which uses randomly generated words is left
as an exercise to the reader. :-)

Best wishes,


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