[gopher] .gopher domains available via OpenNIC

Brian Koontz brian at pongonova.net
Sun Nov 15 23:46:26 UTC 2009

Still have .gopher domains available through OpenNIC [1].  Auto
registration isn't set up yet, but you can e-mail me with your name,
e-mail, and A/CNAME/MX requirements, and I'll get you set up.  When I
get autoregistration up and running, you'll be able to administer your
own zone entries.

gopher and OpenNIC have a lot in common:  Both have been around for
over a decade, both offer the world real-world alternatives to some
rather overhyped technology, and both are free to the world.  Can't
get much better than that.

Help us get some gopher content established in OpenNIC-space (you
don't need  to set up a new site; you can just point to an existing
gopher site), and OpenNIC will do its best to send its users your way.
Everyone benefits.


[1] http://www.opennicproject.org

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