[gopher] WikkaGopher back up

Cameron Kaiser spectre at floodgap.com
Mon Nov 16 04:10:57 UTC 2009

> > > It would be nice to see some gopher sites start carrying a new
> > > selector for gopher proxies, alongside the usual gopher client and server
> > > selectors.
> > 
> > I don't follow. How would they get to the proxy if they can't get to the
> > server to find the selector for the proxy?
> Sorry, I don't think I made myself clear.  What I *meant* was a
> selector pointing to a collection of gopher proxies (the code, not the
> service).  Repos exist for gopher servers and clients...I was simply
> suggesting the same for proxies.  Offering clients is only part of the
> solution...

Oh, I see. Are there any publicly available sources though? Yours, and ... ?

I don't intentionally release my home-made one because it has some "sekrit"
security precautions in it.

------------------------------------ personal: http://www.cameronkaiser.com/ --
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * www.floodgap.com * ckaiser at floodgap.com
-- When you win, nothing hurts. -- Joe Namath ---------------------------------

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