[gopher] Gopher-powered Hangman game!

Mateusz Viste mateusz at viste-family.net
Sun Nov 22 23:03:21 UTC 2009

Hi people!

I have added a localisation module to my Gopher-powered Hangman game.
However, I would need some help to translate messages from the game into
other languages...

Currently, I need the following versions of program's strings:
 - Dutch,
 - German,
 - Hungarian.

The strings to translate are the following:

LangString(2) = "Hidden word:"
LangString(3) = "Choose a letter:"
LangString(4) = "Letter"
LangString(5) = ""   ' (if the letter should be BEFORE the word "letter")
LangString(6) = "YOU LOST! The gopher hanged you..."
LangString(7) = "The word you was searching for was"
LangString(8) = "."  ' (string after the word in phrase "The word you was....")
LangString(9) = "* Play again *"
LangString(10) = "Select a different language"
LangString(11) = "Congratulations, you figured out the correct word! :-)"

Would anyone care to translate these into one of the languages I need?

Best regards,
Mateusz Viste

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