[gopher] Gophermap question

Peter Tynan happy at sdf.lonestar.org
Wed Nov 25 09:03:55 UTC 2009

2009/11/25 Mateusz Viste <mateusz at viste-family.net>:
> On Wednesday 25 November 2009 09:22 (CET), Peter Tynan wrote:
>> Does anybody know of a way of including an SSH link in a gophermap (or
>> even if it's possible)?
> Nope, not possible.
> ...unless you use just a classic "URL" link using something
> like "hURL:ssh://login@server". Obviously, you will have to configure
> your gopher client to use your ssh client for ssh:// urls...
> But if you ask for a "standard" way to do that, then no, not possible.
> Best regards,
> Mateusz
That seem to work with OverbiteFF but not the UMN gopher client (it
tries to open it as a web page).

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