[gopher] Gophernicus Server 0.6 released

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Mon Apr 12 07:22:26 UTC 2010

On 12.4.2010 10:11, Mateusz Viste wrote:

>> I have a bunch of comic book covers scanned (so I won't buy double
>> copies - I've got a lousy memory). I wanted to serve those out with
>> Gopher, but the names are full of UTF-8 chars like ÄÖÅÖÄÅÖ. I don't
>> think I found any Gopher server which would have worked with those...
> Grumpy works fine with UTF-8 filenames, if the local filesystem is on UTF-8, too.

Yeah, I know that, now, but I didn't back when I started coding 
Gophernicus... :-)

- Kim

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