[gopher] Torrent update

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Thu Apr 29 20:01:14 UTC 2010

On 2010-04-29 22:44, Cameron Kaiser wrote:

> I'm sort of conflicted about the success. Yes, it gives Gopherspace a much
> needed publicity boost, but I worry it discourages people from looking at
> existing sites since "I have the mirror already and I'm sure everything else
> is dead."

Don't worry - the archive is pretty much unusable in it's current 
form... It needs a lot of scripting & fixing to be "browseable".

I'm not trying to put John down here - he just downloaded The Whole 
Gopher and that's what the the archive contains. It's an excellent 
resource for a scripter like me, but it just doesn't work with any 
existing client.

- Kim

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