[gopher] Gophernicus 0.8 released

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Fri Apr 30 08:37:08 UTC 2010

I think I promised not to brag about releases...
.... oh what the heck, here's the new release.

Version 0.8 of the server fixes a number of small bugs and adds a really 
nifty feature - parsed executable gophermaps. What it means that 
gophermaps can include other gophermaps, can include executables and 
everything is filtered to be valid gopher menus. So you can do stuff 
that's very much like server side includes in HTTP.

Basically, you can have a gophermap like this:

!Welcome to My kewl site!
=figlet -f chunky "My kewl site!"
=date "+%a %d %b" | figlet -f chunky


And it'll look like this in Lynx (Firefox would break copy&paste):

                       Welcome to My kewl site!
  _______          __                    __          __ __          __
|   |   |.--.--. |  |--.-----.--.--.--.|  | .-----.|__|  |_.-----.|  |
|       ||  |  | |    <|  -__|  |  |  ||  | |__ --||  |   _|  -__||__|
|__|_|__||___  | |__|__|_____|________||__| |_____||__|____|_____||__|
  11:31:18 up 2 days,  1:59,  1 user,  load average: 0.19, 0.15, 0.11
  _______        __   ______ ______   _______
|    ___|.----.|__| |__    |      | |   _   |.-----.----.
|    ___||   _||  | |__    |  --  | |       ||  _  |   _|
|___|    |__|  |__| |______|______| |___|___||   __|__|

Hee hee hee... That's almost as annoying as blinkig banners.

- Kim

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